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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Process Editor Flow Properties General Tab

Use the Process editor Flow Properties view General tab to define attributes for process flows.

Field Use
Condition This property applies only to transitions that are part of a workstream process. You can apply rules to the transition that must evaluate to True for the transition to occur. Select the Condition row to access all rules defined in the order.

Note: Selecting a condition in a transition not part of a workstream process will produce a build warning.

Note: If all of a task's transitions include conditional rules that evaluate to false during run-time, the OSM server considers the task to be the terminal task, as there are no additional valid transitions to consider.

Mandatory Check Select True to ensure that the system verifies that mandatory fields are present when a task completes.
Reporting Status Enter the reporting status that you want to display in the Task Web client. This status is tracked in the client's History. The Reporting Status Value field is an open text field. In the Value field enter a status name to indicate how the transition should be reported.
Status Select the task exit status that represents this flow. The available options include the statuses you previously defined for the task in the Task editor States/Statuses tab.

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