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Oracle® Argus Mart Installation and Administration Guide
Release 7.0.3
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7 Upgrading the Argus Mart

This chapter explains how to upgrade Argus Mart 1.0 to Argus Mart 7.0.3, including ODI Metadata and the Schema Creation Tool. Besides, it also explains how to upgrade SM tables.

The following figure depicts the process to upgrade from Argus Mart 1.0 to Argus Mart 7.0.3:

Figure 7-1 Steps to Upgrade Argus Mart 1.0

Surrounding text describes Figure 7-1 .

This chapter comprises the following sub-sections:

7.1 Before Upgrading Argus Mart

Before you start the upgrade process, perform the Schema Validation for Argus Mart database.

To validate the existing schema, see Section 3.5, "Validating the Schema".

7.2 Upgrading Argus Mart Application

To upgrade the existing Argus Mart application, perform all the steps mentioned in the Section 2.2, "Installing Argus Mart Components" in the following order:

  1. Step 1 to Step 4. (Skip Step 5)

  2. In Step 6, on Specify Home Details screen (Figure 2-5):

    1. In the Name field, select the name of the existing Argus Mart version.

    2. In the Path field, select the path of the existing Argus Mart version.

    3. Click Next.

    This displays the Summary screen (Figure 2-8).

  3. Click Install to start the upgrade process.

  4. After upgrade process is complete, the release version 1.0 is updated to 7.0.3 as shown below:

    Figure 7-2 Argus Mart Application Upgrade Tool

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-2 .

7.3 Upgrading Argus Mart Database


Before upgrading the Argus Mart Database, you must re-create the Argus Mart user (AM_MART_USER) for the Argus Safety database. This user must be the same as the one created in Section 3.4.1, "Creating User for the Argus Safety Database".

To upgrade the database from Argus Mart 1.0 to Argus Mart 7.0.3:

  1. Start the Argus Mart Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click DB Upgrade. The Oracle Database Connect dialog box opens.

    Figure 7-3 Oracle Database Connect Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-3 .
  3. Connect to the Oracle Database:

    1. In the Password field, type the password for the SYSTEM user.

    2. In the Database field, type the name of your Argus Mart database.

    3. Click OK.

      The Upgrade Parameters dialog box opens.

    Figure 7-4 Upgrade Parameters Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-4 .
  4. Complete the Upgrade Parameters dialog box as follows:

    1. In the Database and Upgrade Information section, verify that the database and upgrade information is correct. If the information is incorrect, click Cancel.

    2. In the Upgrade Parameters section, enter the correct password for each user.

  5. Click Next. The Tablespace Management dialog box opens.

    Figure 7-5 Tablespace Management Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-5 .
  6. Verify that all tablespaces have enough free space.

    The green check mark indicates that the tablespace has enough free space.

    If the tablespace does not have enough free space, increase the size of the tablespace by below mentioned methods:

    1. Click Add to add a new datafile to the existing tablespace. The Add Data File dialog box opens.

      Figure 7-6 Add Data File Screen

      Surrounding text describes Figure 7-6 .

      Enter a name for the new datafile (such as, AM_MART_LOB_02), containing the required additional space, and click OK.

    2. Alternatively, if you do not wish to add a new data file, the database administrator can resize the tablespace from the back-end.

    The tablespace information is updated as shown below:

    Figure 7-7 Updated Tablespace Management Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-7 .

    After resizing, click the Recalculate button to re-evaluate the tablespace size and refresh the tablespace grid, as per the updated tablespace size.

    Once updated, the Add button will not be displayed and the green check mark will be displayed, indicating that the tablespace has enough free space.

    When all the tablespaces have enough free space, the Next button is enabled.

    Figure 7-8 Tablespace Management Screen (with Next Button Enabled)

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-8 .
  7. Click Next.

    Figure 7-9 Continue Database Upgrade Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-9 .
  8. Click Continue to start the upgrade process. During the upgrade process, the system upgrades the database and loads the factory data.


    In case some columns that are to be added during the upgrade process already exists in the Mart tables, then the upgrade process fails. An error message is displayed listing the name of those columns in a log file. Surrounding text describes upgrade_prereq.jpg.

    To execute the upgrade process successfully:

    1. Stop the current upgrade process.

    2. Drop or rename the existing columns as listed in the error message. Also, update all the dependent objects where columns are to be renamed, like views.

    3. Re-execute DB Upgrade.

  9. After successful completion of upgrade process, the system displays status information as shown below:

    Figure 7-10 Database Upgrade Completion Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-10 .
  10. Click the Book icon to view the log file and check for errors.

    Alternatively, you can view the log file at any time at the following location:

    <Argus Mart Install>\Database\DBInstaller\UpgradeLog.rtf

  11. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

7.4 Validating Upgraded Schema

Once you have upgraded Argus Mart, validate the schema to ensure that no object is missing except the following:

Object Type Object Name

To validate the upgraded schema, see Section 3.5, "Validating the Schema".

7.5 Upgrading ODI Metadata

Argus Mart 7.0.3 does not support upgrade of existing Argus Mart 1.0 - ODI repositories. Instead, you can import new ODI metadata.


Before importing new ODI metadata, verify the ODI version from the supported technology stack. See Table 2-1.

To import new ODI metadata perform steps through Section 5.2, "Before Configuring ODI Settings" to Section 5.9, "Managing the ODI Agent".

7.6 Post Upgrade Processes

After you have upgraded from Argus Mart 1.0 to Argus Mart 7.0.3, you can perform the following actions:

7.6.1 Upgrading SM Tables

The new columns for the SM tables are populated using the scripts. These scripts create new revisions in SM table by copying data of the latest version of case, and calculating data for the new columns.

Argus Mart 7.0.3 provides the following scripts to upgrade the columns of the SM tables:

Table 7-1 Scripts to upgrade SM Tables

Script Name Table Name Column Name










At the end of the upgrade process, the new high watermark value populated for new revisions is updated in the tables SOURCE_INFO and ETL_ENTERPRISE.


The SM tables can be updated by executing either these scripts or incremental ETL.
  • If script is executed, all the cases of SM tables are updated.

  • If incremental ETL is executed, cases to be processed in that ETL are updated.

Since upgrade script is a standalone process, it should not be run while ETL is in progress.

This section comprises the following sub-sections: Pre-requisites

Before you upgrade the SM tables, go through the following pre-requisites:

  • The scripts to upgrade SM tables are supported on the Argus Mart version where the higher version of Argus Mart (in this case, Argus Mart 7.0.3) has been installed. The following error message is displayed if Argus Mart is not the upgraded version:

    Figure 7-11 Upgrade Script Error Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-11 . Executing the Scripts

To execute a script:

  1. Go to <Argus Mart Install>\Database\Upgrades\10_TO_703\Scripts.

  2. Double-click the applicable script, as listed below:



  3. Enter the values for the following parameters:

    • Argus Mart DB Instance TNS Name

    • Argus Mart User Name

    • Argus Mart User Password

    • ETL User Password

    Figure 7-12 List of Parameters

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-12 .
  4. A background process is executed to find any open-ended records (a record with column VALIDEND equal to 31-Dec-9999).

    • For table SM_CASE - Find records where column EVENT_LIST_DV is equal to NULL.

    • For table SM_PRODUCT - Find records where column PREF_PSUR_PRODUCT_NAME is equal to NULL.

  5. If such records exist, create a new revision of the identified records by copying the data of all columns, except the following columns:

    Table 7-2 Columns of SM_CASE Table

    Column Name Description


    Populates Last ETL High Watermark of the corresponding enterprise + 1 second.


    Populates the date as 31-Dec-9999.


    Populates aggregation of the event terms at a case level.

    Table 7-3 Columns of SM_PRODUCT Table

    Column Name Description


    Populates Last ETL High Watermark of the corresponding enterprise + 1 second.


    Populates the date as 31-Dec-9999.


    Displays the PSUR Group Name of the Product.


    Displays the PSUR Group Name of the Exposure Product.


    Displays the PSUR Group Name for one of the following:

    • The Exposure Product if its value is NOT NULL

    • The Product, if the value of Exposure Product is NULL


    Displays one of the following values:



  6. If the script encounters any errors during execution, an error message is displayed as "Error during execution of <column name> Upgrade script" followed by the actual error.

  7. After completion of the upgrade script, a message is displayed as shown below:

    Figure 7-13 Event List Upgrade Script: Completion Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-13 .