6.121 Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface Backspace Key

In some command line terminals, the backspace key prints the previous line when the input wraps over two lines, for example:

OVM> create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=
USE_POOL_POLICY on ServerPool name=MyServerPool
Command: create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPol
icy=USE_POOL_POLICY on ServerPool name=MyServerPool
Status: Success
Time: 2014-03-17 05:25:29,912 CET
JobId: 1395030328969
  id:0004fb0000060000d38427b0b1fd06b7  name:MyVM
Use up arrow key to display previous command.
OVM> create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=
USE_POOL_POLICY on ServerPool name=MyServerPool
Use backspace key to delete last character from the command.
OVM> create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=
create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=USE_P
OOL_POLICY on ServerPool name=MyServerPoo
The first line of the command is printed again. 
Use backspace key again to delete last character from the command.
OVM> create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=
create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=USE_P
create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM startPolicy=USE_P
OOL_POLICY on ServerPool name=MyServerPo
The first line of the command is printed again.

While this does not affect the editing or submission of the command, it may be difficult to read the command being edited. This issue has been seen on some GNOME window managers.

Workaround: Use PuTTY to connect to the CLI. Alternatively, you can use xterm, with the correct wraparound options. You should enable the xterm auto-wraparound (-aw) and reverse-wraparound (-rw) options. To set the xterm wraparound options correctly, start xterm with the xterm -aw -rw command.

Bugs 16810639 and 16049754