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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide
Release 9.3.3
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43 Intellectual Property Reporting

Agile PLM features related to intellectual property reporting include Agile PLM Administrator reports and systemwide preferences that control the recording of user actions in the database for later retrieval.

43.1 Attachment IP Reports

The list of Standard Administrator reports includes two reports that return information about attachment files, when they were accessed, and who accessed them. See also "Administrator Reports."

  • Attachment History Report

    This report allows you to see all the attachment history actions for objects you specify in the report wizard.

    If the specified objects are Change Orders or Change Requests, you are prompted to choose whether to create the report with the attachments of the change objects or to create the report with the attachments of the affected items of the change objects.

    The output is an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Attachments Accessed by User Report

    This report allows you to see all the attachment actions performed by the specified users in the specified time period.

    In the report wizard, you specify a time period date range, and you specify one or more users or user groups. You also have the option to select all users.

    This report returns only File Folder and Attachment history.

    The output is an Excel spreadsheet.

43.2 User History Reports

The list of Standard Administrator reports includes two reports that return information the actions of specified users. See also "Administrator Reports."

  • User History Report

    This report allows you to see all the Agile PLM actions of the specified users during the specified time period.

    In the report wizard, you specify a time period date range, and you specify one or more users or user groups. You also have the option to select all users.

    The output is an Excel spreadsheet.

  • User Usage Report

    For the specified users, this report lists Agile PLM usage over a period of time, including the number of logins and the total login time in minutes.

    In the report wizard, you specify a time period date range, and you specify one or more users or user groups. You also have the option to select all users.

    The output is an Excel spreadsheet.

43.3 Recording User Actions in the Database

Two Agile PLM preferences determine what type of user actions to record in the database for later retrieval. See also "Default Systemwide Preferences."

  • Record Recently Visited History

    No – Agile PLM tracks read access by recording the Recently Visited list at these events: at logout, at timeout, or when the user kills the browser. The Recently Visited History can be set to 10, 25, 50, or 100 in the Recently Visited Folder Size preference. If Recently Visited is set to 25, and the user has accesses more than 25 objects, when he logs out, only the last 25 objects are recorded in the database

    Yes – In order to track all the read access actions of the user, Agile PLM records the Recently Visited list at these events: when the Recently Visited set limit is reached, when the user logs out, at timeout, and when the user kills the browser.

    The Agile server maintains a table (VISIT_HISTORY) to record the Recently Visited records.

  • Record Simple Search

    Enabled or Disabled

    When enabled, Agile PLM records in the database basic information about the Simple Searches that have been run. The information recorded includes: userid, time stamp, and search string.

    The Agile server maintains a table (SIMPLE_QUERY_HISTORY) to record the Simple Search information.