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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Governance and Compliance User Guide
Release 9.3.3
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A Configuring Product Governance & Compliance

Appendices A and B are intended for the Agile PLM Administrator who needs to configure PLM and users to work in the PG&C solution.

Appendix A is the primary documentation of the Administrator nodes that are found in Java Client > System Settings > Product Governance & Compliance node folder, namely:

The information in this appendix also provides an overview of settings across Administrator that are required to configure the PG&C solution for PLM users. It assumes that PG&C is being configured for the first time; the checklists in this chapter do not attempt to document adjustments that must be made to an upgraded PLM installation.


In a clustered environment, PG&C External Rollup Task can be disabled on all except one node. Having the PG&C External Rollup task run on only one node will limit the impact of this task to users accessing other nodes in a cluster. To limit the nodes that can run PG&C Rollup, change externalrollup.skipServer to true in the file on the cluster admin server. On one or more of the managed servers, alter the Weblogic App Server startup parameters by adding "-Dexternalrollup.skipServer=false". This JVM parameter will override the skip server setting read from the Admin server copy of


For more information about exceptions in configuring PG&C, see the PLM ReadMe for this release and your Oracle Consulting - Agile Practice consultant.

The "PG&C administrator" will find the chapters for the end-user in this User Guide useful. It contains more information about:

The User Guide text may clarify objectives required to configure the solution in Administrator.

A.1 Configuring the External Rollup Task

As mentioned previously, in a clustered environment, the PG&C External Rollup task can be disabled on all except one node. Having the PG&C External Rollup task run on only one node will limit the impact of this task to users accessing other nodes in a cluster.

To limit the nodes that can run PG&C Rollup, follow these steps:

  1. Change externalrollup.skipServer to true in the file on the cluster admin server.

  2. On one or more of the managed servers, alter the Weblogic App Server startup parameters by adding "-Dexternalrollup.skipServer=false". This JVM parameter will override the skip server setting read from the Admin server copy of

If you do not want to skip rollup task in one node, run Agile as either a command or as a service, as described below.

To run Agile as a command, follow these steps:

  1. Go to directory <Agile_home>\agileDomain\bin

  2. Edit 'startServerAgileManaged1.cmd/sh', and add one JVM start parameter "-Dexternalrollup.skipserver=false"

    set -Dexternalrollup.skipserver=false

  3. Start Agile Managed Server by running 'startServerAgileManaged1.cmd/sh'

To run Agile as a service (Windows platform only), follow these steps:

  1. Go to directory <Agile_home>\agileDomain\bin, and uninstall Agile Service (If the services has been installed before) by running 'UninstallServiceAgilePLMManaged1.cmd'

  2. Edit 'InstallServiceAgilePLMManaged1.cmd', and add one JVM start parameter "-Dexternalrollup.skipserver=false"

    set CMDLINE="-server -ms3072M -mx3072M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:NewSize=1300M -XX:MaxNewSize=1300M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Dexternalrollup.skipserver=false -Dweblogic.system.BootIdentityFile=C:\chenchao\cluster/agileDomain/config/ -Dweblogic.Stdout=%STDOUT% -Dweblogic.Stderr=%STDERR% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" %JMX_SET% -Dweblogic.Domain=agileDomain -Dweblogic.Name=BEJ301279-ManagedServer1 \"-Dbea.home=C:\chenchao\Oracle\Middleware\" -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%STARTMODE% \"\chenchao\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_12.1/server/lib/weblogic.policy\" -Dagile.log.dir=C:\chenchao\cluster/agileDomain/servers/BEJ301279-ManagedServer1/logs \"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:./config/log.xml\" weblogic.Server"

  3. Run 'InstallServiceAgilePLMManaged1.cmd', then start Agile as service.

A.2 Checklists for Configuring the PG&C Solution

Use the following checklists to configure Agile PLM server settings for PG&C. Again, the content of the chapters for end-users in this PG&C User Guide can be useful to the administrator for "filling in" information about the solution and how it can best be configured.

A.2.1 PG&C-supporting Configurations

  • Configure Administrator Privilege - Make sure you can see UOM node and the Product Governance & Compliance node folder, both of which are under System Settings. If there are missing elements, configure the Administrator privilege. For more information, see in Agile PLM Administrator Guide, the chapter on Privileges, the topic "Administrator Privilege.

  • Be aware of the log.xml file (established at Install time) and the added ComplianceRollup.log - It is likely that you do not need to configure this, as it should be enabled out-of-the-box; see "ComplianceRollup.log in Log.xml File."

  • Ensure that the Microsoft Excel-based Client has been properly installed - Your company may want to use the integrated Microsoft Excel-based Client, which facilitates the process of your suppliers completing certain declarations. See "Ensure that the Microsoft Excel-based Client has been properly Installed."

  • Configure process extensions - There are several out-of-box process extensions that apply to PG&C. Assign the PG&C extensions to the proper class, as described in Integrated Components for PG&C; also see the chapter on Process Extensions in Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

A.2.2 PG&C-specific Nodes

A.2.3 PG&C-specific Classes

  • Configure the PG&C-related classes - Substances, Specifications, Parts/Documents, Manufacturer Parts, Part Groups, and Declarations classes - see "Declarations Classes in Brief" and "Configuring the PG&C Classes"; the items listed below are discussed in the latter section.

    • Configure the Child Level attribute - The Child Level attribute is required for substances and weights rollups to execute properly in Excel. Other attributes in Items and Manufacturer Parts must also be enabled. See "Parts: Items and Manufacturer Parts.": "Substances and Weights Rollups and the Child Level Attribute in Items and Mfr. Parts."

    • Configure the Composition Type attribute - The Composition Type attribute is required in a part or part group for a composition to be imported into the part. It must be set to Visible and Required, and users must be able to Read (privilege) it to ensure the View Substances link is enabled on the Compositions table in items, mfr. parts, and part groups. See "Composition Type in Parts and Part Groups."

    • Use the "mapping feature" to configure flex fields - Mapping of attributes is required for some Page Two / Page Three attributes in parts and part families so they will distribute changed values on published declarations that are associated with those parts. See "Mapping Feature in Parts and Part Groups."Parts and Part Groups: Mapping Feature.

    • Add applicable exempted substances to specifications from the Exemptions list (Lists node) - Exemptions field on General Info of a specification can be populated with substances selected from the Exemptions list.

    • Configure the Part Groups class and create part families - If your company has purchased both Product Cost Management (PCM) and PG&C solutions, you must decide how to configure the Part Groups class. See "Part Groups: Configuring Part Families."

    • Configure SmartRules - If you have both PG&C and PCM solutions, you must also properly configure the Force Commodity and Part Family to be Identical SmartRule.


Please note that PG&C does not support compliance rollup of "recursive BOMs" (a BOM in which a subassembly "names itself" in its own BOM). To avoid recursive BOMs, set the SmartRule "BOM Multi-Level Recursion" to Disallow.

A.2.4 PG&C Users and Workflow

  • Define PG&C users and assign them appropriate roles - Define those users within your company who will create and manage compliance projects, RFIs, and the PG&C objects. Add users to Compliance Searches and Reports (detailed in PG&C User Guide). Assign those users appropriate roles; see "Defining PG&C Users - Roles and Privileges in PG&C." For information about setting up new users and user groups, see Agile PLM Administrator Guide chapters, "Users" and "User Groups".


Be sure to understand how to enable users to archive compositions, and the hazard of assigning the appropriate privilege to too many users. See "Archiving and Unarchiving Compositions in Items and Mfr. Parts."

The My Open Declarations criteria must be changed to permit suppliers receiving custom workflows.

A.2.5 Suppliers

  • Define a PG&C Supplier subclass and create PG&C supplier firms - Before you define specific supplier firms, examine the "out-of-box" Supplier subclasses. These were tailored for RFQs and the sourcing process (PCM). Note, for instance, that these objects all have a Commodities tab, which is the PCM-related subclass of the Part Groups class, instead of a Part Families tab. You might rename and reconfigure one of the existing Supplier subclasses; or, you might create "compliance-oriented" subclass(es) of Suppliers that pertain to your compliance requirements more specifically.


Unless you define the Supplier field for a class of declaration (or all declarations) as 'Not Required', an Active supplier must be named by the user who creates a declaration. Currently it is not required that the supplier be a Web Supplier (that is, in Supplier object, Web Supplier field = Yes; when Web Supplier field = No, the supplier is called "non-Web Supplier"); PLM allows declarations to name either kind of supplier, but a Web Supplier must have at least one associated "Default Declaration Recipient", while a non-Web Supplier may be named in the declaration with no associated default declaration recipients.

For more information about creating and managing suppliers, see "Managing Suppliers". You may also want to refer to the chapter on "Supplier Groups" in Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

  • Populate supplier firms with Default Declaration Recipients - Most important is deciding which Restricted supplier users will work in Agile Web Client (standard user interface) and which in the "Basic mode" of Web Client (a modified interface for supplier users). The simplified version of Web Client is seen by Restricted users whose Response Edit Mode user preference is set to Basic. If the Response Edit Mode user preference is set to Advanced Table Edit or Advanced Wizard Edit, that user will see full Web Client.


When you create default declaration recipients, decide whether their Approval Password can be the same as their Login Password.

A.3 Declarations Classes in Brief

The PG&C business classes - Substances, Specifications, Part Groups, Declarations - are described fully in the PG&C User Guide. This overview of the Declarations classes is for the administrator's reference.

A declaration is the main object of record in the PG&C solution. Declarations keep track of all the substances and materials that are contained in parts and part groups. When a declaration is released, the information gathered from it is published to the product record, thereby updating the composition data contained by the declaration.

The Declarations base class has seven default classes of declarations, each with a single child subclass. The following table defines the kinds of declarations in PG&C.

Declaration class Definition Specification type
Substance Declarations The supplier is requested to provide compliance information for each substance within the specification. must be part-level spec
Homogeneous Material Declarations The supplier is requested to provide a complete BOS breakdown of the part and provide compliance information at the homogeneous material level. must be homogeneous-level spec
Part Declarations Receive part-level compliance information as well as other composition information (manufacturing parameters). can add any type of spec
JGPSSI Declarations The supplier is requested to provide compliance information (weights) according to the JGP standard.

There is now a fully supported Japanese version of the JGPSSI template for creating JGPSSI Declarations; see your administrator.

must be part-level spec
Supplier Declarations of Conformance A questionnaire to assess supplier compliance with specifications from customers and government agencies. The survey addresses compliance at a general company level. Can be used for CSR type declarations. can add any type of spec
IPC 1752-1 Declarations A Joint Industry Guide (JIG) substance declaration for electronic products. The 1752A type supports IPC 2.0 and REACH compliance. specs should be part level
IPC 1752-2 Declarations A Joint Industry Guide (JIG) homogeneous-material declaration for electronic products. specs should be homogeneous-level


Substances and substance groups are pre-populated only in Substance Declarations.

A.4 Integrated Components for PG&C

This section provides information about configuring process extensions and other integrated components in PG&C. In some cases, the components may have been integrated during installation, as noted below.

A.4.1 ComplianceRollup.log in Log.xml File

A log called ComplianceRollup.log is a component of the log.xml file, which is established at Install time. You can change these locations as required.

Log.xml is found in <AgileInstallFolder> \ AgileDomain \ config

ComplianceRollup.log is enabled out-of-the-box; whenever a scheduled compliance rollup is started, this log session is written to:

  • In OAS environment: <OracleInstallFolder> \ j2ee \ home \ log

  • In WebLogic environment: <AgileInstallFolder> \ AgileDomain \ log

Both the "one-time" special log for the Compliance Migration Task and the log of the nightly scheduled rollup are captured in this log.

Information written to this log can be set to one of these two log types: Info[rmation], or most complete information, or Error, or information about errors only. Also, it can be turned off.

Once a rollup is triggered, the log session is ongoing. The Info setting reports on such factors as how many parts are present in the rollup, how many parts have been processed, and how many there are still to run.

More specifically, the contents of ComplianceRollup.log are as follows ("flagged" refers to an object's Need Compliance Check attribute changing from No to Yes and therefore being examined by the system for compliance during rollup):

Part 1: a. Latest Released Shippable Items; b. Pending Shippable Items

Part 2: a. Flagged Part Groups; b. Flagged Items; c. Flagged Manufacturer Parts

For each part of the rollup, the Compliance Rollup log includes: Process Log-every 1000 parts; Large BOM info; and, Causes of rollup failure.

A.4.2 Ensure that the Microsoft Excel-based Client has been properly Installed

Although installation of Agile PLM may have been successful overall, it is recommended that you confirm the results of this particular component so your users do not encounter problems later.

Depending on the brand of your company's application servers, Agile PLM was installed using one of the following installation guides:

  • Installing Agile PLM with Oracle Application Server

  • Installing Agile PLM with WebLogic Server

Review Appendix B, "Configuring the Microsoft Excel-based Client for Agile PG&C."

Agile's integration of Microsoft Excel with the PG&C solution is, first, in support of JGPSSI manufacturing regulations; it facilitates your suppliers completing a JGPSSI declaration.

You may also want to explore the possibilities of creating in-house templates in Excel for use by your users and suppliers.


The Microsoft Excel-based Client does not work in Internet Explorer 64-bit browser on Vista 64-bit environment.

There is a fully supported Japanese version of the Substances and Weights template. Localized versions of the Substances and Weights template are supported in Simplified Chinese, French, and German. Additionally, there is now a fully supported Japanese version of the JGPSSI template. See Appendix B, "Configuring the Microsoft Excel-based Client for Agile PG&C."

Changes to the Excel-related process extensions are detailed in the above-referenced "Excel" chapter in the installation guides.

Also, the administrator must set users' Language and Encode user preferences to the appropriate setting to work in that language in the Agile clients' user interfaces.

A.4.3 Configure Process Extensions (non-Events-based) for PG&C

This information refers to "non-Events-based" process extensions.

The out-of-box process extensions specific to PG&C are listed below. One - Rollup in Excel - applies to Items only; the others apply to the various Declarations classes. These special export and import commands let suppliers integrate data in declaration requests with other Agile PLM systems or complete the requests in other clients, such as Microsoft Excel or Adobe Reader.

Each process extension must be assigned to the appropriate classes. This likely has been done during installation; if it has not been done, please refer to Agile PLM Administrator Guide, chapter on Process Extensions, section on "Assigning Process Extensions to Classes".

In other words, you must verify the URLs on the process extensions under Data Settings > Process Extensions: the server name on these URL-based process extensions should match the server name on the login URL; if the application server is pointed to a different database, you must configure these URLs manually (as follows).

To manually configure the Rollup in Excel, Import aXML, and Export aXML process extensions, set these values:

For <http>://<server>.<domain>.com:<port>/<virtual_path>/

  • <http> should be replaced by "https" if SSL has been enabled

  • <server> is the name of the server

  • <domain is the fully qualified domain

  • <port> is the port number of the Web server (if port 80 is used, you can omit the port)

  • <virtual_path> is the application server virtual path; the default is "Agile".

Below are examples for Export aXML and Import aXML:

Export AXML:

Import AXML:

You may need to work with an Oracle Consulting - Agile Practice representative or with Oracle Agile Support to effectively configure the PG&C process extensions: see the Prefaceof this guide.


"Supplier Declaration Process Extensions" presents another aspect of process-extension configuration, namely, selecting which ones are visible to suppliers in their declaration requests.

Process Extension Assign To
Rollup in Excel Parts class

Documents class

Open in Excel



JGPSSI Declarations class
Import aXML

Export aXML

Although these two PXs are assigned to these 3 classes of declarations out of the box, they can be assigned to the other declaration classes.

Homogeneous Materials Declarations class

Part Declarations class

Substance Declarations class

Import IPC XML

Export IPC XML

IPC 1752-1 Declarations class

IPC 1752-2 Declarations class

Import IPC 2.0 XML

Export IPC 2.0 XML

IPC 1752A Declarations class


Open in Excel can be added to any Declarations class, but it requires developing a custom Excel template and integrating it with Agile PLM using the Excel Integration Framework.

The data format for these export and import commands is predefined by the Agile XML (aXML) format, the JGPSSI template, and the IPC 1752-1 and -2 forms. You must work in Agile Content Service (ACS, see ACS Guide, administrator chapter) or Agile Integration Services (AIS, see AIS Developer Guide) to configure your system to export and import aXML files.

A.4.4 IPC 1752x Declarations

The IPC 1752 Declarations classes are material declarations which support the compliance data gathering for the EU RoHS regulations. Only the enhanced IPC-1752A standard includes China RoHS and REACH.

These declaration classes support compliance data gathering via the IPC-1752 standards. The IPC-1752x family of standards establishes a standard reporting format for material declaration data exchange between supply chain participants. IPC-1752A is the latest version of the standard, version 2.0, which supports REACH compliance. IPC-1752A supports reporting multiple parts, reorganization and simplification of the reporting levels. It removes the list of substances out of the standard into informative annexes to improve the ease of updating data exchange.

IPC past standards (IPC 1752-1) and homogeneous materials declarations (IPC 1752-2) supported data entry PDFs for collecting data. IPC-1752A does not support PDF forms; instead the electronic signature resides within the XML data.

A.4.4.1 BOS Data Delivered by Scriba Tool

To use the new IPC 175x Version 2.0, you need to download the Scriba1750a_beta06 from Scriba is a tool that allows you to enter BOS data. The BOS data is then imported using the Import IPC 2.0 XML process extension.

A.4.4.2 Privileges

A user must be assigned the Import and Export privileges to complete IPC declarations. If you think your privileges do not include these, see your Agile Administrator.

A.4.4.3 Classes and Subclasses

Your administrator must create a new subclass of IPC 1752-1 declarations in Java Client.

A.4.4.4 IPC Formats Supported in this Release

The present Agile PLM Release supports released Version 2.0 of the IPC format. The website for the IPC forms and information about the "1752" standards is

  • IPC 1752A is supported by XML only; PDF forms are not supported.

  • IPC 1752-1 and 1752-2 are supported by XML and PDF forms. Please note that while you can use PDF forms, they are no longer supported by IPC in version 2.0.

As you create 1752-1 and 1752-2 declarations, you are given the option to choose the 1752A version. We provided two new process extensions to support IPC 1752A version: Import IPC 2.0 XML and Export IPC2.0 XML. IPC1752-1 and IPC1752-2 declarations can enable the two PXs to implement IPC1752A version. This is described in this guide in "Creating Declarations" and in more detail in the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

We recommend your administrator create one new subclass of IPC 1752-1 Declarations and one new subclass of IPC 1752-2 Declarations using Java Client.

A.4.4.5 PDF forms for pre-version 2.0

IPC declarations prior to version 2.0 use PDF forms. Adobe Acrobat version 7.x is the minimal requirement, while Acrobat version 8.x is the recommended release for work with the IPC PDF forms. The website for Adobe Software is

The IPC1752-2 PDF form allows entry of unstructured substance data. For instance, the user can enter homogeneous material data in a hierarchical structure or in a flat structure. The system also stores the flat structure within the declaration, which can show the user how the data was retrieved from IPC and how PLM converted the data into a hierarchical structure.

The storing of the flat structure is accomplished through four flex-fields, Text01--Text04, on the part Substances tables. They are renamed as IPC Sub-item, IPC Material, IPC Category, and IPC Substance.

By default, these fields are disabled (not visible), and the flat structure is not stored. In order to capture the flat structure of the composition, these fields must be enabled by the administrator. Even with the flexfields enabled, a user must have Modify privilege for those fields; if not, the flat structure is not stored and the user sees an "Insufficient Privilege" error during the import procedure.

A.4.4.6 Guidelines for Parts and Specifications on IPC Declarations

Prior to this release, each IPC declaration carried just one specification and just one part/part group. With release 9.3.3, Export IPC 2.0 XML and Import IPC 2.0 XML can support multiple objects.

There is no restriction to the number of specifications or the number of parts/PGs that can be added to IPC declarations. However, if a declaration carries multiple items, manufacturer parts, or part groups and multiple specifications, Export IPC 2.0 XML supports multiple Parts/PGs. This means Export IPC 2.0 XML will export all compositions from the declaration's <Parts/PGs> tables. Export IPC XML will only export one composition from the declaration's <Parts/PGs> tables.

Similarly, Import IPC XML will update only one composition, that of the part that was exported. The system identifies this by the part number, rev, and the first specification in the declaration's Specifications table, which is sorted alphabetically.

Import IPC 2.0 XML will update all compositions, that of the parts that were exported. The system identifies these by the part number, rev, and the related specifications in the declaration's Specifications table, which are sorted alphabetically. As part of Import IPC 2.0 XML support of multiple compositions, for one item with different revisions, the revisions are distinguished by like this format: 'NumberId [Rev]'.

A.4.5 Configuring the Substances and Weights Rollups in Excel Integration

Users can use Microsoft Excel to perform analysis of the Bill of Substances (BOS) information for an assembly. Using the Rollup in Excel and Run Scenario process extensions, the integrated Excel spreadsheet can roll up the substances and weights for the assembly. Here is a short checklist about the Rollup in Excel process extension:

  • Rollup in Excel process extension is not enabled by default.

  • Rollup in Excel process extension must be assigned to the Parts class and the Documents class.

  • Ensure that the Rollup in Excel process extension Initiate from is set to Action Menu.

  • Ensure that the systemwide Preference "Allow Download of Productivity Components" is enabled.

A.5 Administrator Nodes for PG&C-specific Settings

This section describes configuring the following nodes:

  • System Settings > UOM node

  • System Settings > Product Governance & Compliance node folder, which in turn includes:

    • Signoff Message node - configure the signoff message that your suppliers will (electronically) sign

    • Compliance Rollup Scheduling node - configure Rollup Time and Recurrence Pattern

    • Compliance Rollup Rule-Setting node - configure the AML Rollup rule, Composition Rollup rule, Treat Exempt as Compliant in BOM Rollup rule, and Mass Tolerance Percentage setting

    • External Rollup node folder - for external rollups, includes:

      • Rollup Scheduling - configure the time and recurrence of external rollups

      • Rollup Task Settings - configure external rollup default setting and process extension

    • Supplier Declaration Process Extensions node folder - for each class in the Declarations base class, configure which process extensions will appear in the declaration requests to your information suppliers.

      • Specification Mapping - for Parts, Documents, and Manufacturer Parts classes, configure a mapping between each specification and a PageTwo field that displays the Result Compliance for the part-spec combination

  • Server Settings > Task Configuration node, which includes:

    • Compliance Rollup Task - configures compliance rollup calculations

    • Compliance Migration Task

    • Specification Management Task - configures specification management tasks such as add and replace

    • External Rollup Task - configures external rollups

  • Server Settings > Preferences node, which includes:

    • Number of Archived External Compositions - configures archived external compositions

A.5.1 Unit Of Measure (UOM)

The UOM node allows you to define different units of measure for use in Agile PLM. Units of measure are important in the PG&C solution with so much emphasis on the weight or quantity of restricted substances contained in your products.

A.5.2 Signoff Message

The Signoff Message node provides a legal disclaimer that is configured at your site. The message field allows an unlimited number of characters. The signoff message is visible to each supplier who receives a declaration from a compliance manager at your company. The supplier "signs" and returns the declaration to the compliance manager. The text should affirm that the information tendered by the supplier is true, and that the supplier is responsible for any mis-statements in the returned declaration.


Although the supplier would likely sign off any declaration only once, the rule is that the supplier must sign off for any status he changes in a workflow. This could be a factor to consider if you create a custom declaration workflow in which the supplier is expected to change more than one status. Suppliers can respond to custom declaration workflows, not just the default Declarations Workflow.

A.5.3 Compliance Rollup Scheduling

This node allows you to manage the start time and periods for a recurring, scheduled rollup to be executed by the system. This will roll up any items marked as Shippable Items, as well as all parts/part groups that have specifications where the Need Compliance Check attribute has switched to Yes.

For rollup scheduling to function, the Compliance Rollup Task in Server Settings > Task Configuration must be enabled. See Agile PLM Administrator Guide chapter on Task Configuration.

The Rollup Time settings let you set a start time (Hour:Minute) for your regular rollup. The Recurrence Pattern settings let you select a daily (or nightly) or weekly regular rollup schedule.

A.5.4 Setting External Rollup

The External Rollup node includes two settings, Rollup Schedule and Rollup Task Settings, which are used to enhance performance on scheduled rollups.

A.5.4.1 Rollup Scheduling

Administrators use the Rollup Scheduling rule to manage the start time and periods for a recurring, scheduled external rollup to be executed by the system.


The rollup task may take some time to complete. As you estimate the total time for extract data and rollup, if the two actions cannot be done in 48 hours, you must adjust the following parameter in file for PG&C external rollup. Otherwise the external rollup task may fail. The configuration setting is:


The default value is 172800 seconds (48 hours).

A.5.4.2 Rollup Task Settings

Use the Default External Rollup field to set external rollup as the default rollup.

A process extension is then associated to the server task using the Process Extension attribute. Refer to the Agile PLM Administrator Guide for instructions for setting up process extensions.

A.5.5 Compliance Rollup Rule-Setting

This node sets rules that operate during compliance rollups, whether they are started manually or automatically.

A.5.5.1 Strict and Relaxed Rollup Rules

The AML Rollup and Composition Rollup rules let you select Relaxed or Strict for these two types of compliance rollup. The default for both these rules is Strict, or "worst" case. This means that all present elements must be compliant. The Relaxed setting ("best" case) means that only one element present must be compliant. ("Relaxed/strict" is also known as "best/worst.") Compliance rollups are documented in Chapter 10 of PG&C User Guide.

A.5.5.2 AML Rollup Rule

The AML Rollup rule sets the best/worst guideline on how the compliance of an item is determined, based on compliance of the manufacturer parts associated with the item. For instance, if there are two manufacturer parts in an item, the Strict setting means that the item will be compliant only if both manufacturer parts are compliant. The Relaxed setting means that the item can be compliant as long as just one manufacturer part is compliant.

A.5.5.3 Composition Rollup Rule

The Composition Rollup rule sets the best/worst guideline on how the compliance of a part or part family is determined, based on compliance of the compositions of the part/PG, which implies the presence of suppliers. So, if four suppliers are represented on a part's compositions, the Strict setting means all four suppliers have to declare the part is compliant for the composition rollup to result in the Compliant state.

A.5.5.4 Scheduled Rule

Scheduled Rollup offers a choice to the administrator that can enhance performance on scheduled rollups.

The setting All Shippable Items is the general setting, and reflects how PG&C operated in Rel. 9.2.x (without this rollup rule and its optional setting, below). By setting the rule to All Shippable Items, every scheduled rollup - that is, those run automatically per the settings in Java Client > Admin tab > Server Settings > Task Configuration > Compliance Rollup Task - calculates the current compliance for both Pending revisions and Latest Released revisions of all shippable items in the product record. This is the preferred setting for companies that are in the initial phase of evaluating compliance across the product record.

However, for large companies with many products, this system calculation could take a long time. The option is to set this rule to Impacted Shippable Items. This setting instructs the system to find those items and manufacturer parts that have been modified since the last scheduled rollup, which are "impacted parts". Based on these impacted parts, the system determines their shippable TLA's (top-level assemblies), again Latest Released revisions and all Pending revisions, and then performs the rollup on these, the "Impacted Shippable Items".

Once your company has been evaluating products and components for compliance through PG&C for some time (what can be called a "steady state"), you may realize a performance benefit by changing the setting of this rollup rule to Impacted Shippable Items.

A.5.5.5 Automatic "Fallback"

There are a couple of situations that will prompt the system to "fall back" to the full rollup of "all shippable items" even if this rollup rule is set to Impacted Shippable Items:

  • If the number of impacted parts is greater than 5% of all shippable items, the system automatically reverts to full rollup;

  • As stated above, Internally the system tries to identify the top-level shippable item for the impacted parts; however, if the system determines that it will take more time to find the shippable parents for the impacted parts in the record, the application automatically reverts to full rollup.


This automatic "fallback" capability is in place for performance reasons.

A.5.5.6 Treat Exempt as Compliant in BOM Rollup Rule

This rollup rule governs the special use of the Exempt compliance state: Treat Exempt as Compliant in BOM Rollup is a Yes/No setting (No is the default) that permits a company to declare a BOM (that is, an assembly or product) as Compliant even if some components are flagged Exempt.

Because Exempt is one of the 'non-compliant' compliance states, a part that is declared Exempt can render the entire assembly Exempt. By setting this rule to Yes, once a part is Exempt, the rule prevents "Exempt" from rolling all the way to the top of the assembly.

Of course, other parts in the assembly may have more serious non-compliance problems, so this setting does not bypass those states being rolled up.

Also note that the ability of the administrator to change the names of default compliance states makes it possible to change Compliant to, for example, "Compliant with possible Exemption."

A.5.6 Mass Tolerance Percentage Setting

Mass Tolerance Percentage ("MT%") is used to determine if a composition can be considered "fully disclosed" despite a slight discrepancy.

(Although it is located in Compliance Rollup Rules subnode, because this value does not govern outcomes of compliance rollups in the same way that the other rollup rules do, Mass Tolerance Percentage is really a "setting".)

The MT% setting enables the system to determine the disclosure type of the composition, and whether an "Unreported" substance needs to be added to a composition (more detail is given below after other concepts are introduced).

Mass Tolerance Percentage facilitates error correction, so the setting will likely be quite small, for example, perhaps 0.1%. The default is 0%, which is equivalent to "no tolerance" of any discrepancy. The discrepancy can be set to a maximum of 5%; the system will not accept a value greater than 5%. Values can be expressed in decimals to an unlimited place.

The concept of mass tolerance works with other "substance-disclosure" features, including mass disclosure (discussed in next section) and the use of the "Unreported (System)" substance. These features are described below, even though the administrator does not have to configure them; for more information, see the PG&C User Guide.


The Mass Tolerance Percentage setting and the "Unreported (System)" substance feature are used expressly to account for small discrepancies between part mass and substance mass. They are not to be used to "hide" a portion of substances in a declaration that could be thought of as a proprietary formula (or "recipe") in a manufacturer's product. Although this may be in a future release of PG&C, proprietary hiding is currently not supported in PG&C.

A.5.6.1 How System Uses Mass Tolerance Percentage

For example, let Mass Tolerance Percentage be set to 1% and part P1's mass is 90 g. The composition will be identified as Fully Disclosed as long as the sum of its materials (the Bill Of Substances mass) is at least 89.1 (because 1% of 90 is 0.9). (This is a simplification to illustrate MT%: for the composition to be considered Fully Disclosed by the system, it would also check the substances under each material, not just the material weight, as mentioned here.)

Mass Tolerance Percentage is used only when the sum of the substances' mass is lower than the immediate parent's mass, whether for a substance composition or for a homogeneous material composition.

When the sum of substances' mass is higher than the parent's mass, the system automatically considers the composition as Fully Disclosed.

Note that in homogeneous material compositions, MT% is actually used twice:

  • First, when the sum of materials (parents of substances) is less than the part mass. In this case, when the difference is greater than the MT% value, the composition becomes Partially Disclosed (there is no "Unreported Material").

  • Second, when the sum of substances' mass is less than the material (or subpart) mass. In this case, if the difference is within the MT% value, no unreported substance is added; if the difference is greater than the MT% value, the system adds the "unreported substance" to accommodate the difference in mass under that material or subpart.

The MT% setting operates "going forward" upon any composition that is calculated by a user from the time it is set in Administrator. When you change the MT% value, the system gives this warning: "Changing the Mass Tolerance Percentage value does not automatically affect previously calculated rollup results for existing compositions. If you want to recalculate the rollup result for an existing composition, run Calculate Compliance on its declaration. Click Yes to change the value."

A. Mass Disclosure - Full, Partial, and No Disclosure - and Unreported Substances

The Admin List "Mass Disclosure" (Admin > Data Settings > Lists > Mass Disclosure list > Lists tab) has three values: Fully Disclosed, Partially Disclosed, and Undisclosed. The correct value is generated by the system during composition rollups. The attribute is found on the Composition tab of parts and part groups, and on the Part/PG tabs of declarations.

  • Full Disclosure or Fully Disclosed composition:

    • A Substance composition is considered to be Fully Disclosed if the difference between the part's mass and the sum of the masses of all the substances is less than or equal to the Mass Tolerance Percentage setting.

    • A Homogeneous Material composition is Fully Disclosed if this two-step process is satisfied: (1) The difference between each material's mass (that is, the immediate parent of the substances) and the sum of mass of the substances under that material is less than or equal to the Mass Tolerance Percentage setting; and, (2) The difference between the part's mass and the sum of mass of the parents of the substances should be within the Mass Tolerance Percentage.

  • Partial Disclosure or Partially Disclosed composition: The difference is more than the Mass Tolerance Percentage, in which case an "Unreported" substance is added by the system to fill in the missing mass.

  • No Disclosure or Undisclosed composition: If the mass is missing for the part, substance, or the immediate parent of the substances, it is considered an Undisclosed composition.

    So, if the part and all the substances/materials have masses, and the sum of their masses does not match exactly, the system checks whether the sum of the material masses falls within the tolerance (%) of the part's mass.

A.5.6.2 Unreported Substances in Partially disclosed Compositions

When there is discrepancy between the total mass of the part or assembly and the sum of all its constituent substances, PG&C adds a system-generated entity or object that "fills in" the unaccounted difference. The name in the application is "Unreported (System)" and it can simply be referred to as "unreported substance."

The unreported substance is searchable in the application; the user can edit any field in the PageOne or PageTwo of unreported substance, excluding the name. But the user cannot delete the unreported substance once the system has created it. Its presence in a composition is inferred when compliance rollups mark a composition as Compliant but the weights of the part and its substances do not match.


An unreported substance should not be added manually by a user. The purpose of the system-generated unreported substance is circumvented if an object called "Unreported Substance" or the like is created and used as a "filler" - the system should be allowed to work its calculations and create the entity as needed.

A.5.7 Renaming Compliance States

Compliance states, compliance rollups, and the business logic at work in rollups are fully described in the Internal and External Rollups chapters in this guide. The default compliance states are Not Applicable, Compliant, Exempt, Waived, Missing Info, and Non-Compliant, the latter four all being 'non-compliant' compliance states.

You are able to change the names of compliance states to fit the requirements of your company. However, you cannot add or remove compliance states, nor change their essential meaning. For example, you might change Compliant to Accepted, and Non-compliant to Rejected. Assigning names that are not consistent with the meaning of the original name could compromise the reliability of compliance rollups.

There are three Administrator lists for compliance states (Data Settings > Lists). When a compliance state's name is changed in the lists (below), it is changed in all existing business objects. It is recommended that name changes be made across all three lists, for consistency and users' clarity. The lists are:

  • Part Compliance List

  • Calculated Compliance List

  • Declared Compliance List


Besides making these lists consistent, you must also adjust any process extensions that use the original names in Declared Compliance field. Also, if you are using the Microsoft Excel-based client, you must make Excel style sheets consistent.

For more information about the Administrator lists, see the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

A.5.8 Supplier Declaration Process Extensions

Under the Product Governance & Compliance node folder is a node folder called Supplier Declaration Process Extensions. Here you set which process extensions are visible for each type of declaration request that your Restricted supplier-users receive.

This pertains to the "Basic supplier interface," that is, the simplified version of Web Client that is seen by Restricted users whose Response Edit Mode user preference is set to Basic.

The seven Supplier Declaration PXs are:

  • Supplier Declarations of Conformance

  • Part Declarations

  • Homogeneous Material Declarations

  • JGPSSI Declarations

  • Substance Declarations

  • IPC 1752-2 Declarations

  • IPC 1752-1 Declarations


This subnode is not the location to configure process extensions, which is done in Data Settings > Process Extensions, as described in Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

For example, if your PG&C solution does not use aXML, you may remove the Export aXML and Import aXML process extensions from all declarations so they are not potentially confusing to your suppliers.


In the Selected field, the first-listed process extension will appear in each declaration (of that type) as a live link next to the declaration's name on the home page of the Basic supplier. The other "Selected" process extensions appear when the Default Declaration Recipient opens the declaration itself.

Note that if a process extension is disabled in the Process Extensions node, its name still appears in the Supplier Declaration Process Extensions subnodes. These subnodes configure what Restricted supplier-users potentially see: all Restricted users do not see those process extensions that you leave in the Choices fields in these subnodes. Neither the supplier-users nor your users ever see disabled process extensions.


While it would not make sense to assign the "JGPSSI" process extensions to the "non-JGPSSI" classes of declarations, you can assign the "aXML" process extensions to the JGPSSI Declarations class, depending on your anticipation of what method your suppliers might use (in fact, the "AXML" process extensions can be applied to all the declaration classes). However, there are already three process extensions available to complete JGPSSI-based RFIs, and they are much simpler than working with aXML files, so it is generally not necessary to add the aXML process extensions to the JGPSSI Declarations class.

To configure a class of declarations with process extensions:

  1. Open System Settings > Product Governance & Compliance > Supplier Declaration Process Extensions node folders.

  2. Double-click one of the Declarations classes. The Choices-Selected dialog appears.

  3. Use the Move Right and Move Left arrows to move process extensions to Choices or to Selected.

  4. Use the Move Up and Move Down arrows to set the order of the process extensions that are in the Selected field.

  5. Click Save. The first process extension in the Selected field automatically appears for those type of declarations as a live link in the Basic supplier interface. So, if Open in Excel is first in the Selected field for JGPSSI Declarations, when a Restricted supplier opens a JGPSSI Declaration, he can click a link that says Open in Excel, and the system opens Microsoft Excel and the JGPSSI template for that declaration.

A.5.9 Specification Mapping

Specification Mapping is a node where the administrator can set up a mapping between each specification and (for Parts, Documents, or Manufacturer Parts class) a PageTwo field that displays the Result Compliance for the part-spec combination. This mapping simply allows users to see the Result Compliance for a specification on the PageTwo of the part, rather than forcing them to go to the Compliance tab > Specifications table.

For each specification in the PG&C system, the administrator can choose an attribute (or creates a user-defined flex field) of List type on PageTwo (of Parts class or Documents class or Manufacturer Parts class), in which its value is copied from the Result Compliance field (Compliance tab > Specifications table > Result Compliance).

You can map the same specification to different PageTwo attributes for the different Items and Mfr.Parts classes.

Then, when a part is rolled up for compliance, and therefore has a value (a compliance state) in the Result Compliance field on its Specifications table, that value is also copied to the mapped attribute on PageTwo of the part. More specifically, the Result Compliance (RC) value of the specification is copied to the mapped PageTwo field if any one of the following events occurs:

  • a rollup is done on the Latest Released rev (LRR) or Pending rev of a part or document;

  • a rollup is done on a manufacturer part;

  • a rollup is done on a BOM: if a child is the LRR, its RC value is copied to the child's PageTwo field; or,

  • a rollup is done on an item that is associated with a manufacturer part: the RC value of the mfr. part is copied to the mfr. part's PageTwo field.

To map a specification to a PageTwo field (within Items or Manufacturer Parts):

  1. Double-click the Specification Mapping node, the page opens. You will see listed all the specifications entered in your PG&C solution.

  2. Select a row for a spec, and select Parts, Documents, or Manufacturer Parts tab (since the mapping can be different for each of these classes).

  3. Click the Edit Selected Mapping button. The Update PGC Spec Mapping dialog appears.

  4. The Specification field has been selected, and so cannot be changed in the dialog. For the Attribute field, use the drop-down list to select the name of the attribute that you want mapped. (They appear because they are already mapped to the Result Compliance list. Details of the mapping are listed below.)

  5. Click OK. Now the row for the spec you selected (for Parts, Documents, or Mfr.Parts) also shows the Attribute you selected.

  6. Later, when the part (item Latest Released rev, or mfr. part) has gone through a compliance rollup, that value will appear in the mapped attribute on PageTwo of the part.

For a PageTwo attribute to appear in the Attribute drop-down list of the Update PGC Spec Mapping dialog, all of the following must be true:

a. It must be a List attribute;

b. It must be enabled (Visible = Yes);

c. It must point to the Administrator List "Calculated Compliance".

Note that the fields Result Compliance and Calculated Compliance both point to the "Calculated Compliance" Admin List.

A.5.9.1 Notes on Changed Mappings and System Cleanup

You can edit the mappings in the node. Changed mappings affect future rollups; objects that might be affected by the changed mapping do not change if they are not rolled up.

Every time you change the mapped attribute to a new mapping, the system removes the previous mapped attribute and also "erases" the old values from the Pg2 field. Also, if you change the attribute to point to a different list (not Calculated Compliance List), the system removes the mapping and also "erases" the old values from the Pg2 field.

A potential inconsistency can occur if the end-user were to manually change the value in the (mapped) Pg2 field, this change would not be read back to the Specifications table. If this is a concern, the solution is to turn off Modify privilege for the Pg2 field.

The copying of Result Compliance to a Part's Pg2 happens only for the LRR of the part, since Pg2 is always applicable to LRR. So, if the rollup changes the RC of a previously Released rev (or a Pending rev), that value is not copied to the mapped Pg2 field. Similarly, if that Pg2 field is enabled in the item BOM tab, it only displays the value corresponding to the LRR of the item.

When a specification is removed from the system, you do not need to do "cleanup" on the classes. "Cleanup" is automatic the next time you open the Specification Mapping node in Java Client.

A.5.10 Compliance Rollup Task

Administrators use the Compliance Rollup Task to configure compliance rollup calculations. This is addressed in more detail in "Scheduled Rule".


The Compliance Rollup task is run only after the Specification Management task has completed.

A.5.11 Compliance Migration Task

Administrators use the Compliance Migration Task to configure compliance migration. The only settings are whether the task is disabled or not, and the task start time.


Changes are written to a log file, as described in "ComplianceRollup.log in Log.xml File."

A.5.12 Specification Management Task

Administrators use the Specification Management Task found in Admin > Server Settings > Task Configuration to enable the add and replace functions. When users select objects to add or replace specifications, the objects are added to a queue to process when this task starts. Duplicate objects are filtered out of the queue.

Note that the Compliance Rollup Task is run only after the Specification Management task has completed.

A.5.13 External Rollup Task

Administrators use this task to configure the Add and Replace specification management functions.

A.5.14 Number of Archived External Compositions Preference

Under Server Settings > Preferences, use the Number of Archived External Compositions field to configure archived external compositions. This parameter is used to limit the number of archived external compositions.

On creation of new external compositions, the oldest archived composition will be deleted if the number of archived compositions exceeds the Number of Archived External Compositions setting.

The default setting is 2; you cannot choose a number less than 0.

For more information on the impact of this parameter in archiving external compositions, see "Archiving and Unarchiving Compositions in Items and Mfr. Parts."

A.6 Configuring the PG&C Classes

When you customize a PG&C-related class, all its subclasses are affected. Items and Manufacturer Parts are already likely involved in the Product Collaboration solution for your company, so you must be careful when working at the class level of these business objects. Similarly, the Part Groups class may be involved with the Product Cost Management solution as well as PG&C. You can configure Items, Manufacturer Parts, and Part Groups tab attributes to pull values from other parts and part groups.

More information about configuring Classes, Users, and Roles are found in Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

A.6.1 Subclass required for IPC 2.0

With the introduction of IPC 1752A, your administrator will create a new subclass of IPC 1752-1 Declarations:

Name: IPC 1752-1 Version 2

Description: IPC 1752A Version 2.0 for IPC 1752-1 (Substance Declaration)

Class: IPC 1752-1 Declarations

AutoNumber: Declaration Number

A.6.2 Overall Compliance / Summary Compliance in PG&C Business Objects

This clarifies the presence of an attribute that is named slightly differently in different objects and tabs.

Overall Compliance indicates the compliance state of the part using the worst-case scenario and matched across all specifications associated with the part. This attribute is found on these objects:

Items > Title Block tab > Overall Compliance

Manufacturer Parts and Part Groups > General Info tab > Overall Compliance

The Overall Compliance attribute also reads through to these objects, although in these cases it is named "Summary Compliance". It should be enabled in these tabs as well as those listed above:

Items base class (Parts and Documents) > BOM tab and Manufacturers tab > Summary Compliance

Changes base class (ECOs, MCOs, etc.) > Affected Items tab > Summary Compliance

A.6.3 Substances and Weights Rollups and the Child Level Attribute in Items and Mfr. Parts

For Substances and Weights rollups to be successfully calculated, the system must be clear about both the BOM (levels of subassemblies and parts) and the BOS (Bill of Substances, levels of substances contained in parts). The Child Level attribute being enabled (set to Visible) promotes both system clarity and user clarity about substances in the levels of the Bill of Substances.

Particularly for running rollups through the Microsoft Excel-based Client, it is important that the administrator enable the following attributes in Parts, Documents, and Manufacturer Parts classes (Part Groups do not use the Excel integration and so do not need to be considered).

  • Items and Manufacturer Parts > Compliance tab > Composition table > attributes: Specification Name, Declaration Name, Declared Weight, Supplier

  • Items and Manufacturer Parts > Compliance tab > Substances table > attributes: Child Level, Substance Name, Substance Type, Mass, Declared PPM, CAS Number, Conversion Factor

  • Items > BOM tab > attributes: Item Number, Item Description, Item Rev, Quantity

  • Items > Manufacturers tab > attributes: Mfr. Part Number, Mfr. Part Description, Manufacturer Name

All of these attributes need to be enabled, that is, the Enabled property set to Yes.

A.6.4 Adding Exemptions to Specifications

When you or a compliance manager creates a new specification, it can be associated with substances of concern to the regulatory agency. To add exemptions to a specification (Exemptions field on General Info of a specification), first add exempted substances to the Exemptions list; then they are available for selection by the user who creates a specification object. See the chapter on Lists in Administrator Guide.


It is a best practice to add exemptions with a "Spec Name" added to each item, facilitating the process when the user selects appropriate exemptions. For example, all the RoHS-related exemptions in the global Exemptions list might begin with "RoHS-".


There are also Exemptions fields in declarations (on the <Parts/PGs> tab and on a declaration's <Parts/PGs> Substances table). The values a user sees for Exemptions in a declaration comes from the associated specification.

A.6.5 Length of Name in Declarations

To avoid potential problems opening declarations with long names, you should restrict declaration names to less than 50 characters for every class that you are enabling the Microsoft Excel-based client. You can do this by making autonumbers required (assuming that each number in the autonumber sequence is less than 50 characters) or by adjusting the maximum length of the Cover Page > Reference Number attribute.

A.6.6 Need Compliance Check attribute not visible in Items

The Need Compliance Check field is no longer visible on items; however, the system still recognizes it and reacts to it in items during rollups. (It remains visible on manufacturer parts and part groups Compliance tab > Specifications table.) The reason for this has to do with items being so central to the Product Collaboration solution. PC-specific change orders means that the Need Compliance Check value (Yes or No) may not reflect the actual compliance state consistently: even if the field is No, the system should run the rollup since a non-PG&C-related change to the item might affect its compliance.

A.6.7 Elapsed Time since Last Rollup Attribute Added in Parts and Part Groups

Elapsed Time since Last Rollup field indicates how long it has been since the previous compliance calculation was done. You do not need to configure this field. You may assist your users by pointing it out on the Compliance tab of parts and part groups, and its use may influence your settings for rollups and the objects involved.

A.6.8 Archiving and Unarchiving Compositions in Items and Mfr. Parts

The Archive and Unarchive buttons are now on the Declarations and Compositions table of items and manufacturer parts. This button is enabled only if the user has the proper Modify privilege for the Declared Compliance attribute on the Compliance tab > Declarations and Compositions table for that part.

On the same table, the user can select in the Views field to filter for Active, Archived, and Pending parts and declarations.

To clarify terms that can be confusing:

  • Archive = make a composition Inactive = inactivate the composition

  • Unarchive = make an inactive composition Active = re-activate the composition

The use case for "archiving" considers the possibility that non-compliant declarations, when published, could render an entire top-level assembly in the Non-Compliant state.

Those users who have the authority to decide not to buy non-compliant parts should be enabled to use the Archive button to remove offending compositions from the product record.

When a composition is inactivated, that is, removed from Active status, those assemblies containing that part now have a better chance of being in compliance.

However, it is possible that a mistake has been made, and to decide that an archived, Inactive composition should be reinstated as Active. This is accomplished more simply now by filtering for Archived compositions (of the part), selecting the composition (select the row), and clicking the Unarchive button. Re-activation of compositions also applies only to items and manufacturer parts.

When the system is told to unarchive a composition, it automatically archives any "matching" Active compositions (compositions with the same supplier and specification).

If there are compositions with the same specification and same supplier for one item, so that one composition is seen when Views filter is set to Active, and one is seen when Views filter is set to Archived, when you select the archived composition and click Unarchive, the system automatically archives the active composition. This is consistent with established behavior of the system when importing compositions.

Note that, on the item's or mfr.part's History tab, both the Archive and Unarchive actions are recorded. External compositions may not have the Archive action record if the external composition is deleted during the archiving action. For more information about archive settings, see Number of Archived External Compositions Preference.

Both the archiving and unarchiving process cause the Need Compliance Check field on the part to be re-set to Yes, except for external compositions. While that change is visible in manufacturer parts, the field is not visible in items. Moreover, the Archive and Unarchive action may change the compliance states for all specifications on the part or assembly. The best practice is, whenever you change a composition's Inactive or Active state, do a compliance rollup on the part or related assemblies.

A.6.9 Composition Type in Parts and Part Groups

The Composition Type attribute is essential to a user's ability to import compositions and substances into parts or part groups (see next topic). When a declaration is published, this field has a value that corresponds to the type of the declaration. If the composition is imported to a manufacturer part, it is "marked" as one of these three types:

Composition Type has this value... ...if the composition came from this type of declaration:
Part Composition Part Declaration
Substance Composition Substance Declaration, JGPSSI Declaration, IPC 1752-1 Declaration, IPC 1752A
Homogeneous Material Composition Homogeneous Material Declaration, IPC 1752-2 Declaration

Also, when running a compliance rollup against a specification that has no composition, the system looks at any compositions with no spec that are of the same Composition Type as the specification's Validation Level.

Composition Type is a List attribute (Admin > Data Settings > Lists), with these entries:

  • Part Composition

  • Substance Composition

  • Homogeneous Material Composition.

You must ensure that Classes > <Parts/PGs> classes > User Interface Tabs > Compliance tab > Composition table > Composition Type attribute is visible (Visible = Yes) and required (Required = Yes). Then, ensure that the attribute is included in the AppliedTo property of the appropriate Read and Modify privilege masks (that is, Read Mfr Parts, Read Items, and so forth). There is no default value for Composition Type.

For compositions published from declarations, the system will determine the composition type based on declaration class. For the compositions that are being imported into parts, the user must specify the Composition Type.

A.6.10 Importing Compositions and Substances into Items and Mfr. Parts

PG&C enables users to import compositions and substances into items and manufacturer parts (using Compliance tab > Compositions table). Users can also import specifications (Compliance tab > Specifications table) and suppliers (Suppliers tab) into items, manufacturer parts, and part groups.

You must create Agile-XML (aXML)-format files with composition and composition substances. Then Agile Import is used to import the compositions and composition substances into the system.

Users who need to import PG&C data must be assigned Create, Discover, Read, and Modify privileges for each kind of PG&C object including items and manufacturer parts.

You may consult these Agile documents:

  • Importing compositions for the user: PG&C User Guide, Chapter 9, "Importing and Exporting Data in PG&C"

  • Using the Import and Export tools: Import and Export Guide


Contact the Oracle Consulting - Agile Practice for information about Agile XML (aXML) format and to refine your import procedures.

A.6.11 Mapping Feature in Parts and Part Groups

Mapping of attributes is required for some Page Two/Page Three attributes in parts (items or manufacturer parts) and part groups so they will distribute changed values on published declarations that are associated with those parts.


Although attribute versioning is supported in PG&C- attributes on Page Two and Page Three are change-controlled, mapped attributes on Page Two cannot be change-controlled.

For example, let us map some attribute of a part's Compliance tab:

Part > Compliance tab > Declarations and Compositions table attribute > Date02 field

is mapped to

Part > Page Two > Date05.

This can be enabled on PageTwo (class level) or PageThree (subclass level). The crucial attribute is Map Data To. When this part is added to a declaration, the system pulls the Date02 field's value into

Declaration > Items tab > Date05.

Assuming that you have enabled and mapped Part > PageTwo > Date05 and Part > Compliance > Declarations and Compositions > Date02, these two things are true:

  1. If you enabled Declaration > Items tab > Part (link) > PageTwo tab > Date02 attribute, then the value from Part > PageTwo > Date02 is pulled into this attribute; however, you cannot edit this attribute since it is a "read-through" attribute.

  2. If you enabled Declaration > Items > Part (link) > PageTwo > Date02 (which corresponds to Part > Compliance > Declarations and Compositions > Date02), then you can edit this attribute and the value is published back to Part > Page Two > Date05.

Now let us say the supplier alters the Date02 field while completing the declaration. When the declaration is returned, released, and the data is published to the system, this new value automatically carries over to

Part > Page Two > Date05.

that the mapping works two ways: when adding this item to the declaration, the system pulls the value from the item's Page Two / Page Three into the declaration's <Parts/PG> table onto the mapped attribute.

A.6.11.1 Mapping Feature Use Case

Here is a use case: in PG&C there are six Declarations classes that hold compositions (only Supplier Declarations of Conformance do not). Let a List field called List01 be enabled in Parts > Compliance > Declarations and Compositions and be mapped to Parts > Page Two. Be aware that there is a corresponding List01 field in Declaration > Items tab, and that the mapping must be set up in all six classes of Declarations. So, if Parts > Compliance > Declarations and Compositions > List01 is set to point to Continents list, List01 in all of Declaration > Items tab should point to Continents list.

A.6.11.2 Enabling the Mapping Features

To enable mapping for a given part/part group:

  1. For any part, enable some attributes on PageTwo (class level) or PageThree (subclass level).

  2. On the part's Compliance tab, enable some attributes on the Declarations and Compositions table.

  3. Map the respective fields:

    Compliance tab > Declarations and Compositions table > flex fields to PageTwo / PageThree attributes.

  4. Enable the respective fields in the parts and part families tables of an associated declaration.

  5. As pointed out in the use case above, when mapping list/multilist attributes, the corresponding list/multilist attributes in the following should all point to the same list:

    • Part or Part Group > Compliance tab > Declarations and Compositions table

    • Part or Part Group > Page Two/Page Three tab, and

    • Declaration > Items, Manufacturer Parts, or Part Groups tab

For example, if you want the supplier to be able to edit a list attribute that points to "countries" and also want the value to be copied into PageTwo/PageThree when the Declaration is released, make sure all the list attributes in the tabs listed above point to the "Countries" list.

When multiple declarations regarding the same part are sent to different suppliers, the rule in Agile is "Latest Released Wins." This means that the value of a mapped attribute can change if later declarations dictate it. If the new declaration did not have a value on one of the mapped attributes, when it is released, the value on the item's Page Two / Page Three mapped attribute is not removed.

A.6.12 Part Groups: Configuring Part Families

Objects from the Part Groups base class and Part Groups class are used for several purposes in Agile PLM, as reflected by the default subclasses:

  • Part Family subclass applies to PG&C

  • Commodity subclass applies to PCM (Product Cost Management)

  • Item Group subclass applies to PC (Product Collaboration).

§ The configuration information below applies only if your company has purchased both the PG&C and PCM solutions; if not, you can skip this section.

If your company purchased both PG&C and PCM, you can set part families and commodities to behave identically - the default setting - or differently. If you want to use different business rules for PCM commodities and PG&C part families, you have to complete the steps in the task in "Make Available As Attribute".

In the PG&C solution, part families allow compliance managers and suppliers to quickly categorize parts, and are used to collect compliance information on restricted substances for groups or "families" of parts. In the PCM solution, commodities are used to categorize parts for product sourcing. It is important for you to define the part families in your system because RFI responses can be disseminated by the part families that suppliers offer.

Caution If the Part Groups class is disabled, you must hide the Part Groups tab in each Declarations class, or the Microsoft Excel-based Client will not properly work for those declarations. Go to Classes > each Declarations class > User-Interface Tabs > Part Groups and set Visibility property to No.

A.6.12.1 Force Commodity and Part Family to be Indentical SmartRule

The Force Commodity and Part Family to be Identical SmartRule ("Force/Identical" SmartRule) can be set to Yes or No. This setting has no impact if your company does not own both PG&C and PCM. Assuming your company owns both these solutions, you must decide how your company will use objects from the Part Groups class. You then make the Make Available As attribute visible or not, as needed (using the task in "Make Available As Attribute").

If the "Force/Identical" SmartRule is set to No, the Make Available As attribute could be visible if there are reasons for your users to be able to choose what kind of commodity they create. If the "Force/Identical" SmartRule is set to Yes, it is unlikely you would make the Make Available As attribute visible.

A.6.12.2 Make Available As Attribute

With the Make Available As attribute visible (and assuming the "Force/Identical" SmartRule is set to No), users that create an object from the Part Groups class will be prompted to choose whether to make the Part Group object available in one of these four formats:

  • Commodity and Part Family (the default) - The part group object is used for collecting parts with similar substances in a compliance context (PG&C) and for collecting similar parts in a sourcing context (PCM).


When the "Force/Identical" SmartRule is set to Yes (that is, the two solutions share the Part Groups class), and a user updates both the Item.Commodity and Item.Part Family attributes, the user must enter the same value for both the Commodity and Part Family attributes. If the values are different, the Agile system ignores the Part Family attribute.

  • Commodity Only - The commodity object is used for collecting similar parts in a "sourcing" (PCM) context. Only items can be added to the Contents tab. In this configuration, the commodity object cannot be used in declarations.

  • Part Family Only - The part family object is used for collecting parts with similar substances in a "compliance" (PG&C) context. Both items and manufacturer parts can be added to the Contents tab.

  • Item Group Only - The item group object is used for collecting parts in the context of "change control" (Product Collaboration). Both items and manufacturer parts can be added to the Contents tab.

To make part group objects behave differently for PCM and PG&C:

  1. Under System Settings, double-click the SmartRules node. The SmartRules window appears.

  2. In "Force Commodities and Part Families to be Identical," select No, and click Save.

  3. Under Data & Workflow Settings, double-click the Classes node. The Classes window appears.

  4. Open the Part Groups > Part Groups class, and click the User Interface Tabs tab.

  5. Double-click General Info to open it, then click the Attributes: General Info tab.

  6. Double-click the Make Available As attribute.

  7. In the Visible attribute, select Yes.

  8. Click Save.

A.7 Defining PG&C Users - Roles and Privileges in PG&C

A user must be assigned the Import privilege to work in Agile Import. This privilege must be added to existing roles and certain "restricted" roles. Because the restricted roles cannot be changed in Java Client, please contact Oracle Agile Support.

A user must be assigned the Import and Export privileges to complete IPC declarations.

A user must have the Add and Replace values applied in the Specification Management privilege in order to use the Add and Replace specification management options.

Be sure to review the section "Setting Privileges for PG&C Objects" in the PG&C configuration chapter in Installing Agile PLM with OAS / WebLogic.

A.7.1 Adding Users to Compliance Manager Lists and Compliance Searches

As you configure users for PG&C, remember to consider these two items: users who will work in the capacity of Compliance Manager must have Compliance Manager List selected in their Lists user property; this results in those names appearing in the drop-down list when a user creates a declaration. Also, users must have Compliance Searches selected in their Searches user property to see the folder of compliance searches in Web Client.

There are two out-of-box roles that are specific to PG&C:

  • Compliance Manager (buyer side) - Provides privileges needed to create and manage PG&C objects and run PG&C reports. This role also has read-only access to parts (items and manufacturer parts). Compliance managers are responsible for routing declarations to suppliers.


When a user creates a declaration and selects a compliance manager, the values on these attributes are added immediately: Title, Phone, email, and Fax.

The Compliance Manager role has been enhanced to permit configuring the AppliedTo fields in the Read and Modify privileges. This pertains to the Supplier Read Items privilege discussed below.

  • (Restricted) Material Provider (supplier side) - Provides privileges needed to create, modify, and complete declarations, as well as read all other types of PG&C objects. This role is typically assigned to supplier users, who have restricted access to the Agile PLM system.


The (Restricted) Material Provider role had the (Restricted) Read Items privilege mask; it has been replaced by the Supplier Read Items privilege mask.


It is possible to remove the (Restricted) Material Provider role from the Modify My Open Declarations privilege mask (Where Used tab), and then it is not possible to restore it, which would be a bad situation. Should this happen, you would start with the Example Roles to save the Material Provider role to a new instance, which will contain the Modify My Open Declarations privilege mask.


If you have upgraded your PG&C system to Rel., you will need to manually modify a specific privilege mask in two specific roles. You must add the new Default Declaration Recipient attribute to the AppliedTo field in the privilege mask, as follows.

To Compliance Manager role, Read Supplier privilege mask: add "Suppliers.General Info.Default Declaration Recipient" to the AppliedTo list;

To (Restricted) Material Provider role, (Restricted) Read My Supplier Profile privilege mask: add "Suppliers.General Info.Default Declaration Recipient" to the AppliedTo list.

A.7.2 Supplier Read Items Privilege

A new privilege called Supplier Read Items has been added to the following restricted roles: Material Provider, RFQ Responder, and Supplier Manager. You can decide what attributes are enabled for the supplier to see. Previously, the Restricted Read Item privilege was part of these roles, which lacked control over some kinds of information.

A.8 Using the Declarations Workflow in RFIs

The Request For Information (RFI) process is initiated by a compliance manager, that is, an Agile user who has been assigned the Compliance Manager role. This user creates a new declaration, or modifies an existing declaration, to specify the components for a parts assembly.

The following table shows how the RFI process unfolds via the default Declarations workflow.

Status Action
Pending Compliance Manager creates a new declaration or modifies an existing declaration and adds new items, manufacturer parts, or commodities

Adds specifications to the declaration

Invites the Supplier of those parts to confirm that they comply with the specified regulations

Open to Supplier The supplier is at the supplier firm, and is an Agile user who has been assigned the (Restricted) Material Provider role

Supplier confirms or denies that those parts comply with regulations

Supplier may also suggest alternative parts that do comply, or comply better

Electronically "signs" and returns the declaration to the compliance manager

Submit to Manager Compliance Manager verifies the contents of the declaration have been completed by the supplier, and he routes the declarations to approvers, acknowledgers, and observers
Review Approvers and observers approve or reject the declaration; acknowledgers acknowledge the declaration
Released By moving the workflow to Released status, compliance manager publishes the materials into the product records. Once published, the materials are visible on the Item tab, Composition tab, and the Manufacturer Part Composition tab
Implemented Compliance Manager changes the status of the declaration to Implemented once it is manufactured and disseminated in the field.

The declaration lists the parts in a product assembly and shows the substances and materials that are contained in those parts. It is linked to one or more specifications, which may restrict how much of a particular substance that product assembly may contain. A declaration is always sent to only one supplier.

When the declaration is returned to the compliance manager, reviewed for verification, and released, the data in the declaration is published to the rest of the system. Unlike other Agile Changes (that is, routable objects that move through workflows), a declaration cannot be unreleased. It can, however, be moved to a previous status without affecting any of the contents.

A.8.1 Deploying Custom Workflows in PG&C

Whereas suppliers have previously been able to access only the default Declarations workflow, PG&C permits suppliers to access custom declarations, as long as they are properly set up. To permit access to custom workflows, you must change My Open Declarations from this:

Declarations Cover Page.Status Equal To Default Declarations.Open To Supplier AND

Cover Page.Supplier Equal To $USERORG

to this:

(Declarations Cover Page.Status Equal To Default Declarations.Open To Supplier OR

Cover Page.Status Equal To Custom workflow <Name>.Open To Supplier) AND

Cover Page.Supplier Equal To $USERORG

A.8.2 Declaration Notifications

Declaration notifications behave like Changes in Agile. When a declaration is sent to the supplier, the default recipient in the Suppliers tab is notified (of course, depending on the supplier user being correctly configured). When the declaration is returned to the buyer, the compliance manager is notified.

Other PG&C objects support notifications similarly to objects in Product Collaboration.

A.9 Event Management in PG&C

The Event Management framework can provide benefits to users working in the PG&C solution. Event Subscriptions for compliance rollups can be built on the Compliance Rollup on Object event type.

The Compliance Rollup on Object event type is triggered when a compliance rollup is initiated in these PLM business objects:

Items, Manufacturer Parts, Part Groups:

  • when user clicks the Calculate Compliance button;

  • when the part is included on a Scheduled Rollup.


  • when user clicks the Calculate Compliance button;

  • when a declaration's Workflow changes status, regardless if this is done manually or automatically.

Additionally, the PG&C business objects support the following Event Types.

Substances, Specifications, Part Groups, Declarations:

  • Create Object, Delete Object, Save As Object, Export Object

  • Update Title Block

  • Update Table (for example: updating Declaration > Parts table, Declaration > Parts tab > Substances table, Part > Compliance tab > Specifications table)

  • Update Relationships

  • Check In Files, Check Out Files, Cancel Check Out Files


  • Approve for Workflow, Audit for Workflow, Change Approvers or Observers for Workflow, Change Status for Workflow, Comment for Workflow, Escalation for Workflow, Promotion Failure for Workflow, Reject for Workflow, Reminder for Workflow.

A.9.1 Examples of PG&C Events

These examples give an idea of how the administrator might tailor Event Subscriptions to benefit users in PG&C. You must read the chapter "Event Management" in Agile PLM Administrator Guide; developers of the (Java and Script) process extensions used by the Events framework must read appropriate chapters in Agile PLM SDK Developer's Guide.

Example 1

After a compliance rollup is done, could PLM automatically generate a report that summarizes the results of the rollup, or send a notification?

Yes, using the Compliance Rollup on Object event type, you can create an Event Subscription. In a Java PX Handler mask, the system uses SDK calls to retrieve the rollup result, and then it writes the result to a file. You can also create a Notification mask to send the notification.

Example 2

When a user manually initiates Calculate Compliance on a part group, could PLM automatically calculate the compliance of associated items and manufacturer parts?

Yes, using the Compliance Rollup on Object event type, you can create an Event Subscription (with Post-event trigger type). In a Java PX Handler mask, the system uses SDK calls to find the associated items and manufacturer parts, and then it performs the rollup on each of them.

Example 3

When a user initiates a SaveAs from a part, could PLM carry over compliance information, providing certain safeguard conditions are met?

Yes, using the Save As Object event type, you can create an Event Subscription that copies the data from the Specifications table to the newly created object (Post-event trigger type).

Example 4

When a Compliance Manager creates an IPC Declaration (which is for the RoHS specification), could PLM automatically add the RoHS spec to that declaration, instead of the user having to add it manually?

Yes, by doing the following steps:

  1. Create a Java PX Handler mask that names a Java process extension that calls SDK APIs to add the RoHS specification into the newly created declaration (the PX needs to be created).

  2. Create an Event mask for the purpose, example name Create Object on IPC Declarations.

  3. Create a Subscriber mask that binds the Event and Handler masks. The Subscriber would be of Post-event trigger type.