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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Governance and Compliance User Guide
Release 9.3.3
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15 PG&C Reports

Agile reports provide you with the information you commonly need to analyze your business processes. You select predefined criteria and specify the results you want. These out-of-box reports are applicable in most situations. You can run them as they are, modify the default layouts, or create your own layouts. As in all solutions, Agile reports are run from Web Client.

The chapter"Working with Agile Reports" in the Getting Started with Agile PLM describes report layouts, working inside and outside the wizarda, how roles and privileges affect reports, and the report output window.


If your company has upgraded from an earlier version of PG&C, the report output fields (in the layout) may not include all the necessary attributes. Review the layout for each report to ensure that appropriate attributes are included in the report result.

15.1 Accessing PG&C Reports

To access PG&C standard reports:

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click the Reports drawer (and expand Reports and Analytics if necessary).

  2. Expand Standard Reports.

  3. Expand Compliance Reports.

The Compliance Reports folder includes the following predefined reports:

  • Part Compliance Report

  • Part Groups Compliance Report

  • Parts with Compliance Issues Report

  • Parts with Substances Report

  • Parts with Substance over PPM Report

  • Supplier Compliance Report

  • Missing Substances Report

  • Declaration Workflow Metrics Report

  • BOM Compliance Report

  • External Rollup Report

  • Exemptions Report

15.2 Report Privilege

To use the Report wizard, you must have the Report privilege. If you are having difficulty, see your administrator.

All the Discovery privileges that are set up for your Agile content will be observed when you run a report with that content, including all rules about warnings set by the administrator.

If you do not have the Discovery privilege for an Agile object, you cannot include that object in a report. Parts for which you do not have the Discovery privilege are displayed in the same way they are displayed on BOMs, that is, you may see the object's ID as a placeholder, but it is not a live link. To view and open either objects or a class of objects, consult your Agile administrator.

15.3 View and Modify a Compliance Report

To view or edit an existing Compliance report:

  1. In the navigation pane, open the Reports drawer, expand Reports and Analytics > Standard Reports > Compliance Reports. Click the Report Name of the default Compliance report you want to use as the basis for your Personal report. The report object opens.

  2. Click a tab to view. If a tab, such as Layout tab, offers multiple reports (default or saved personal reports), you can click a link of Layout Name to view that layout. Or, double-click the editable cells to modify that report's layout.

    Below is a task for modifying a default Compliance report into a Personal report. Until you have run enough reports to decide how to customize the default layouts, it is better to create, name, and save specific reports from the default layouts.

To modify a default report into a personal report:

  1. In the navigation pane, open the Reports drawer, expand Reports and Analytics > Standard Reports > Compliance Reports.

  2. Click the icon next to the default report you want to use as the basis for your personal report.

  3. Click Actions > Save As, and give the new report a unique name. The new report object is created.

  4. On the General Info tab, click Edit.

    At the Folder field, click the Launch the Palette button.

    You can browse to Personal Reports to add a location to store the executed report. You can also remove a location, such as Compliance Reports.

    When you are done, click Esc or "x" to close the palette.

  5. Click Save if you made changes, or click Cancel.

    After creating and saving your report, it can be run at any time.

To add another object to a report while in the wizard, use one of the following methods:

  1. Type in;

  2. Search to add;

  3. Copy and paste - copy the object from another table (including Advanced, Basic, or Saved search results) or the Navigation (left) pane and paste to the target table;

  4. Custom search - launch the Advanced Search dialog and create an Advanced search, run the search, select the search you want, and copy /paste it to the table.

15.4 Specifics to Compliance Report Layouts

Use the general information below, and the specific information about each Compliance report, to populate fields when you generate your reports.

When you open a Compliance report, there are two ways to prepare the report for running, through the wizard or tab-by-tab.

  • If you click Execute, the wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on one or more dialog pages, but may not necessarily see all the tabs or fields in the report.

  • Another method of generating a Compliance report is to open each tab and accept or choose values for editable fields. It also helps to open the Layout tab to edit the report's layout. When you are done making changes, you click Execute and the wizard is initiated.

Whenever you run a Compliance report, or any PLM Standard report, you are prompted to select an Output Format from this list:

  • PDF

  • Word

  • Excel

  • HTML, or

  • Standard.

No matter which output format you select, the modifications you have saved (in a standard Compliance report or in your Personal version of a Compliance report) are reflected when you run the report.


Any report that displays substances on a declaration's Part/PG tab > Substances table also displays the Unreported (System) substance, assuming it is used in the composition.

15.4.1 Part Compliance Report

This report returns a Result Compliance per specification for selected items or manufacturer parts, based on which layout is used for the report. You can run a compliance rollup before running the report.

To generate the Part Compliance report:

  1. Open the Part Compliance report.

    If you click Execute, the "Run Part Compliance" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration" and

    "Select Items and/or Manufacturer Parts for the Report".

    The steps below go through the tabs in the report and the fields you can modify.

  2. On the General Info tab, click Edit.

    At the Folder field, click the Launch the Palette button.

    You can browse to Personal Reports to add a location to store the executed report. Click Esc or the Close button ("x") to close the palette.

    Click Save if you made changes, or click Cancel.

  3. Click the Layout tab.

    You can click and drag the column separator to better read the options in the Name field. Release the mouse button.

  4. Click the Default Layout For Item link (or Default Layout For Mfr Part).

    The Properties tab has several fields; for now, accept the defaults.

    Click the Format tab. You can add fields (attributes from the PLM objects) to be displayed in the report. To move an attribute from Hidden Fields to Displayed Fields, either double-click the row, or select the row and click the Display selected columns button.

    You can also move fields the other way, using the Hide selected columns button.

    Finally, there are buttons to order the display list, Move selected columns up and Move selected columns down.

    When you have completed moving fields, click Save.

  5. Click the Schedule tab. Click Add.

    The "Add Schedule for Part Compliance" wizard begins. Click Next.

    You can add items to be the subjects of the report in a variety of ways:

    • Type-in, Copy-&-paste, Custom search, and Search to Add.

    • For example, click the Add button. Enter the desired information, and click the Search button.

      • You can use the familiar selection commands (Shift-click and Ctrl-click) to select the items you want.

      • To add them to the table, drag the selected items, or press Enter.

      • Hit the Esc key, or click the Close button.

  6. Click the Next button.

    Make selections in the Schedule, Time, Date, and Users fields. To change the date, double-click the Calendar button.

    When you are finished scheduling the report, click the Finish button.

  7. Click the Execute button to manually run report. (If you defined a Schedule, the report is generated automatically at the specified Date and Time settings.)

    The "Run Part Compliance" wizard is initiated. Look through the selections to ensure the report contains the fields you are interested in. Click Next.

  8. Click Finish. The report runs. After running the report, you can Save it, Print it, and Export it to another format.

15.4.2 Part Groups Compliance Report

This report returns a Result Compliance per specification for selected part groups. You can run a compliance rollup before running the report.

To generate the Part Groups Compliance report:

  1. Open the Part Groups Compliance report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Part Groups Compliance" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration" and

    "Select Part Groups for the Report".

  3. When you are done, click Finish.

15.4.3 Parts with Compliance Issues Report

This report returns all active compositions (part-specification-supplier) with its compliance state (Result Compliance) set to Blank, Not Compliant, or Missing Info. There are layouts available for items and for manufacturer parts.

To generate the Parts with Compliance Issues report:

  1. Open the Parts with Compliance Issues report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Parts with Compliance Issues" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on this dialog:

    "Select Layout and Configuration".

  3. For Layout, select Default Layout For Item or Default Layout For Mfr Part.

  4. When you are done, click Finish.

15.4.4 Parts with Substances Report

This report returns all parts that contain the selected substances in the active compositions, for items or manufacturer parts, that satisfy at least one of these conditions:

  • Result Mass does not equal 0

  • Result PPM does not equal 0

  • Result Compliance is not blank.


The Parts with Substances report recognizes Unreported (System) substance. Also, this report recognizes when a substance group should be used when its base substance is specified. For example, if a part has SG-Lead and Lead Compounds, and you name the base substance Lead in the report setup, those parts with SG-Lead & Lead Compounds are in the report results.

To generate the Parts with Substances report:

  1. Open the Parts with Substances report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Parts with Substances" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Substances for the Report".

  3. For Layout, select Default Layout For Item or Default Layout For Mfr Part.

  4. When you are done, click Finish.


    The Specification attribute may not be displayed in a part's Compliance tab > Substances table, but if it is enabled, it can result in two identical records in the Parts with Substances report.

15.4.5 Parts with Substance over PPM Report

This report returns all parts that contain selected substances above a given PPM value, by part or material. The report takes the value from Result PPM field.

If an active composition contains a selected substance - or Unreported (System) substance - with a Result PPM value that is higher than the given PPM value, the part associated to the composition is returned.

If an active composition contains a selected substance with the Result PPM field blank, and Calculated PPM is higher than the given PPM value, the part associated to the composition is returned.

For a part-level specification, in order to get the calculated PPM value of the substance, the Mass value of the part and substance must be present. For a material-level specification, in order to get the calculated PPM value of the substance, the Mass value of the material and substance must be present.


The Parts with Substance over PPM report recognizes Unreported(System) substance. Also, this report recognizes when a substance group should be used when its base substance is specified. For example, if a part has SG-Lead and Lead Compounds, and you name the base substance Lead in the report setup, those parts with SG-Lead & Lead Compounds are in the report results.

If the selected substance (other than the base substance) exists on the Substances tab of a substance group, and (only) when the active composition contains the substance, the part associated to the composition is returned.

To generate the Parts with Substance over PPM report:

  1. Open the Parts with Substance over PPM report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Parts with Substance over PPM" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Substances for the Report"

    "Set Mass PPM Level".

  3. For Layout, select Default Layout For Item or Default Layout For Mfr Part.

  4. Select a substance or substance group - you can select only one substance/substance group for this report.

  5. Set PPM threshold for the report.

  6. When you are done, click Finish.

15.4.6 Supplier Compliance Report

This report returns all compositions (part-specification-supplier) with compliance state (Result Compliance) for selected suppliers. You can select multiple suppliers for this report. Inactive suppliers cannot be selected. You can run the report, for items or manufacturer parts, against released declarations or non-released declarations. For released declarations, the report looks only at active compositions.

This report also supports the "non-Web Supplier" as well as previously supported Web Supplier.

To generate the External Rollup report:

  1. Open the External Rollup report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run External Rollup Report" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Items/Manufacturer Parts or Part Groups for the Report"

    "Select Specifications for the Report"

    "Select Date Range".

  3. For Layout, select Default Layout or Standard.

  4. Select one or more items, manufacturer parts, or part groups for this report.

  5. Select one or more specifications for the report.

  6. Select a date range using the From and To fields.

  7. When you are done, click Finish.

15.4.7 Missing Substances Report

This report returns active compositions for selected parts for which specified substances are missing. This can be from a single supplier or from multiple suppliers. The report shows a page for each supplier with Missing Substances information. Note that substances with blank values for Result Compliance, Result Mass, or Result PPM attributes from selected specification are considered "missing" - even if the substance exists in the active compositions.

This report also supports the "non-Web Supplier" as well as previously supported Web Supplier.

To generate the Missing Substances report:

  1. Open the Missing Substances report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Missing Substances" wizard is initiated. You will be prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Items or Manufacturer Parts for the Report"

    "Select Suppliers for the Report"

    "Select Specifications for the Report".

  3. Select one or more items or manufacturer parts. See the list of refinements just below this task.

  4. Select one or more suppliers for the report. If you do not select a supplier, this report runs against all suppliers. (This includes ASL suppliers and non-ASL suppliers that are associated to the active compositions for a selected specification.)

  5. Select one specification for the report.

  6. When you are done, click Finish. Refinements to Missing Substances Report

This report looks at the following factors for an item or assembly:

  • If the item or assembly has matching compositions (same supplier and same specification), the report runs against these compositions following these two rules: (1) if the composition is Fully Declared, the part is not reported; (2) if the composition is Partially Disclosed or Undisclosed, the system checks if the composition has the substance, and if so, the part is not reported.

  • If the item or assembly have no matching compositions (same supplier and same specification), the system checks all active compositions supplied by the same supplier but with a different specification, following the same two rules (stated in first condition above).

  • If there are no compositions with "same supplier and same spec" or "same supplier but different spec," the system returns the part with all the substances from the specification as missing and for the supplier.

  • If a supplier is not specified at report setup, the system checks all compositions from all suppliers, without considering the specification: all Fully Disclosed compositions are not returned, Partially Disclosed and Undisclosed compositions are considered. "No supplier" is included when looking for all suppliers.

  • The Alias attribute is displayed in the Missing Substances report. If a specification has a substance group, and the substance group has an Alias, the Missing Substances report returns only the base substance of the substance group, as well as the base substance's Alias.

15.4.8 Declaration Workflow Metrics Report

This report returns metrics for declaration workflows, that is, how long it took for the declaration to advance from one specified status to another.

This report also supports the "non-Web Supplier" as well as previously supported Web Supplier.

To generate the Declaration Workflow Metrics report:

  1. Open the Declaration Workflow Metrics report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Declaration Workflow Metrics" wizard is initiated. You will be prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Suppliers for the Report"

    "Select Workflow and Status Range".

  3. Select one or more suppliers for the report. You must select at least one supplier.

  4. Select Workflow name for the report.

  5. Select one Starting Status and one Ending Status for the report.

    For example, the Declarations workflow has these two consecutive statuses: Open to Supplier and Submitted to Manager. To find out how long a supplier took to reply to a declaration request, you would select a Starting Status of Open to Supplier and an Ending Status of Submitted to Manager.

  6. When you are done, click Finish.

15.4.9 BOM Compliance Report

This report - the most important in PG&C - gives the user a complete view of compliance throughout a BOM for the given specifications. The report displays the AML of items (that have an AML) as well. The report is launched by the BOM Compliance Report button on the Compliance tab of an item (not a manufacturer part or part group).

This report can be set up to run against any revision of the part, even "future" revisions (in the forms of "Latest Released" and "All Pending" revisions).

The Scheduled report gives you the most options. When you add items to the report wizard, another wizard that prompts you to select one of these four options:

  • Selected Revision

  • Latest Released Revision

  • All Pending Revisions

  • Latest Released AND All Pending Revisions

After you collect compliance data on custom parts and manufacturer parts, running this report on an assembly helps you identify any items that are not compliant, as well as which manufacturer parts are causing the item to be not compliant. You can run this report on a top-level assembly (TLA), on subassemblies, or on "leaf items" (the last part of a branch in the BOM), against one or more specifications.

The system creates a separate page for each item listed in the report (that is, each item-per-spec).


The BOM Compliance report displays items and manufacturer parts that do not have a specification associated. This ensures that any late-added parts (that is, a part added through a change but not yet associated with a specification because it has not yet been subjected to a rollup) are at least named in the report.

When running the BOM Compliance report from an item, the item and all specifications in its Specifications table are selected to the report automatically. You can optionally choose to run a compliance rollup before generating the report output to get the latest compliance data.

To generate the BOM Compliance report:

  1. Open the BOM Compliance report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run BOM Compliance" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Items for the Report"

    "Select Specifications for the Report"

    "Select appropriate values for the report input parameters".

  3. Select layout and configuration as described in the task for the Part Compliance report.

  4. Select one or more items for this report. This requires the user to select a Revision (rev) per item. When adding items, there is a configurable option to run the report against any one of the following:

    • Selected Revision

    • Latest Released Revision

    • All Pending Revisions

    • Latest Released and All Pending Revisions

      Items whose Exclude from Rollup attribute is set to Yes, this item and its BOM are not included in the report.

      However, for those items (same setting), the BOM Compliance report does display the compliance state values. You can prevent compliance state values from being visible by setting Display Excluded Items to No in the report wizard.

  5. Select one or more specifications for the report.

  6. Select appropriate values for report input parameters:

    • BOM Level: select a numerical depth (0-99) from the drop-down list or accept the default All Levels.

    • Display Excluded Items: choose No - allows you to omit any items that do not play a role in compliance - or Yes.

    • Run Compliance Rollup: choose Yes - allows you to request a calculation of compliance prior to generating the report - or No.

  7. When you are done, click Finish.

    In the BOM Compliance report result, clicking on the link under Item Number takes you to the Title Block of the corresponding rev of the item. Clicking on the link in Calculated Compliance value takes you to the Compliance tab of the item.


    If you have exported Excel files from the BOM Compliance report, you can link from the Excel file back to the Title Block and Compliance tabs of the item with corresponding revisions in exported Excel files. These links to items always load the Latest Released revision of the item, instead of the corresponding revision of the item. The same issue exists with links on compliance attributes.

    If a selected specification does not exist in the Specifications table of a selected item, the system returns the message "There is no data to display." This warning message is also displayed in the report result.

15.4.10 External Rollups Report

This report retrieves nightly rollup details of the external rollup task. It includes details about task types, times, and count of content, based on the available history, and includes links on object numbers that failed.

Records are stored for 31 days and then overwritten with new ones.


This report cannot be used when using custom rollup engines, unless the implementation updates the underlying tables with the required data.

To generate the External Rollup report:

  1. Open the External Rollup report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run External Rollup Report" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Items/Manufacturer Parts or Part Groups for the Report"

    "Select Specifications for the Report"

    "Select Date Range".

  3. For Layout, select Default Layout or Standard.

  4. Select one or more items, manufacturer parts, or part groups for this report.

  5. Select one or more specifications for the report.

  6. Select a date range using the From and To fields.

  7. When you are done, click Finish.

15.4.11 Exemptions Report

This report rolls up exemptions for items, assemblies, and manufacturer parts for any given specification. A detailed list of BOM items shows the specific exemption invoked and the recorded expiration date.

To generate the Exemptions report:

  1. Open the Exemptions report.

  2. When you click Execute, the "Run Exemptions Report" wizard is initiated. You are prompted to accept defaults or make choices on these dialogs:

    "Select Layout and Configuration"

    "Select Item for the Report"

    "Select Specifications".

  3. For Layout, select Default Layout or Standard.

  4. Select one item, manufacturer part, or part group for this report.

  5. Select one specification for the report.

  6. When you are done, click Finish.