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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Governance and Compliance User Guide
Release 9.3.3
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10 Importing and Exporting Data in PG&C

You can import compositions and substances directly into items and manufacturer parts without having to go through the RFI process (that is, data added via released declarations). For items, the import is Change Number-specific - associated with the Change Number of the part or document. Compositions are generally imported via: Item > Compliance tab > Declarations and Compositions table, or Manufacturer Part > Compliance tab > Declarations and Compositions table.

You need to gather compliance information for manufacturer parts; the data maybe in a spreadsheet or, it could be on the website of an information supplier or other third party.

Importing compositions and substances requires the ability to create aXML files. You must create aXML-format files with composition and composition substances, then use Agile Import to import the compositions and composition substances into the system.


You can choose to attach the IPC XML file during import, for version 2.0 or prior.

New compositions created through External Rollup are marked as ”External Compositions”. See "Reference Documentation for External Compliance Rollups" for details.

The following Agile documents (available on the Agile Documentation website) will guide you with Import/Export, so you can perform the necessary tasks for importing compositions to items or manufacturer parts:

Substances are also imported into a declaration when it is submitted from a supplier using the Microsoft Excel-based Client, and when you publish the declaration, the substance is published to the item or manufacturer part.


When importing a composition or multiple substances, if there is a problem with the composition or Bill of Substances, the entire composition is rejected. When importing multiple compositions, if there is a problem with one of the compositions, only that composition and corresponding BOS are rejected; the rest are accepted.

A field, Exclude from Compliance Check, is provided to exclude a composition from being rolled up. This can be set either on the declaration itself, or it can be ”manually” set in the (import) XML file before it is imported to a part. See "Excluding Compositions from Rollups." Do not confuse an "excluded composition" with an "Inactivated composition"; the latter is described in "Archiving and Unarchiving Compositions in Items and Mfr. Parts."

10.1 Change-based Revisions on the Item

These statements refer to two subclasses in the Changes base class: Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) and Manufacturer Change Orders (MCOs). An ”ECO-based revision on the item” simply means the revision of the item was created by a change order being approved and released.

PG&C supports only ECO-based and MCO-based revisions on the item. For example:

  • You can add specifications only on ECO- or MCO-based revisions of the item;

  • You can import of compositions only on ECO- or MCO-based revisions of the item;

  • When adding items to a declaration, only the Introductory rev or an ECO-/MCO-based revision of the item can be added;

    • Furthermore, when adding or importing an item without rev information, the latest ECO- or MCO-based change of the Latest Released rev of the item is added to the declaration;

    • Also, if the rev is provided, the Latest Released ECO- or MCO-based change of that rev of the item is added to the declaration.

  • When creating a change on an item other than an ECO or MCO, the system does not copy over the specifications and active compositions from Latest Released rev;

  • You cannot access Actions > Create Declaration from an item rev that was not created by an ECO or MCO.

10.2 Importing Compositions to Items

All necessary attributes in the Item > Composition and Item > Substances tables can be modified through Agile Import, not the user interface:

  • Through Tools > Import;

  • Only aXML format is supported for importing, not CSV, Excel, Template or PDX formats;

  • The same aXML file can have multiple items and each item can have multiple compositions.

10.2.1 Change Nuber in an Item

Importing compositions to items is quite similar to importing composition to manufacturer parts. The only difference is that the item-import uses the internal Change Number, which is contained in the aXML file with the <Change Number> tag and is how the system recognizes the revision. The Change Number identifies the Pending, Previously Released, or Latest Released revs of the item. The revision number <ItemRev> tag in the Import file is ignored when importing compositions, specifications, and suppliers into items. If the change number is not given, the system uses the latest ECO- or MCO-based change on the Latest Released rev of the item.


You must use ”Introductory” when attempting to import compositions, suppliers and specifications into the Introductory rev of the item.

Also note that adding items to declaration does not work based on change number. (See "Importing and Exporting Declaration Data.") Adding items to a declaration is still based on its revision, not on its change number. That implies when adding items into declaration, the Import file (in aXML) needs to have the <ItemRev> tag. Based on the revision number, the system determines the Latest Released ECO- or MCO-based change for that rev of the item and adds it to the declaration.

10.2.2 Rules when Importing Compositions into Items

The following rules apply to importing internal compositions to items. The Import module does not support import of external compositions.

You must specify the Change Number for the item in the Import source file. The Change Number is only in an MCO or ECO.

  • If you do not have a <ChangeNumber> tag for the item in the source file, or leave the <ChangeNumber> tag blank, it will import to the Change Number of the Latest Released rev (again the Change Number can be an MCO number or an ECO number). If there is no Released change for this item, the composition is imported to the Introductory rev of the item.

  • In the Import wizard, you are not allowed to select both BOM/AML/Attachment and Composition/Spec/ASL checkboxes.

  • Import Preferences "Business Rule Options" should be set to "Authoring" when importing Composition/Spec/ASL to items.

  • Import Preferences "Multi-Row Update Mode" (Add/Update or Complete Replace) does not mean anything for importing compositions to items or mfr. parts.

  • Change Number selected in Import Preferences does not affect importing Composition/Spec/ASL to items, since Import will use the Change Number specified in the source file.

  • Change order selection on the Import wizard's Mapping step has been removed for importing Composition/Spec/ASL to items, since Import will use the Change Number specified in the source file.

  • The Add/Update mode is not valid when importing compositions and substances, but it is valid when importing specifications and ASL.

10.2.3 Rules when Importing a Composition into Items or Manufacturer Parts

If you import multiple compositions (with substances) for a single part in a single Import file, any error in one composition (or one of its substance) causes the rejection of that particular composition (and its substances); however, the system continues to import other compositions to that part.

If you import multiple compositions (with substances) for multiple parts in a single Import file, any error in one composition (or one of its substances) causes the rejection of that particular composition (and its substances); however, the system continues to import other compositions to that part (that did not receive the composition with the error) as well as the other parts.

The above-mentioned error could be any error - either an invalid substance or an invalid entry in one of the list fields - all of them are treated the same.

10.3 Notes and Special Cases of Importing Compositions

A specification name in a composition is optional. If a specification is provided in the Import file, it is added to the manufacturer part's Compliance tab > Specification table.

After importing a composition into an item or manufacturer part, the system sets the specification's Need Compliance Check field in the Specifications table to Yes. Also, when importing a composition with or without specification, Need Compliance Check on all the specifications on that item or manufacturer part is set to Yes.

If a manufacturer part is associated with a part group, you cannot import compositions into the manufacturer part. You would have to create a declaration for the part group and bring substances to the manufacturer part via a released declaration.

When importing compositions into an item or mfr. part, if you did not provide mass at the composition level, the system copies the mass information from PageOne to the composition, and then uses it for composition rollup.

When importing compositions into an item or mfr. part or when importing the BOS into a declaration, all types of errors are treated the same; previously the system continued to import partial data on certain types of import errors.

When importing compositions directly into a mfr. part, the system does not accept partial data. If there is any Type of error, the system rejects the composition along with the BOS.

When importing the BOS into a declaration for parts and part groups, where there is any Type of error, the system rejects the complete BOS for that part. (It used to be that, for certain Type of errors, the system ignored and accepted a partial BOS, which was not correct).

When importing compositions directly into an item or mfr. part, the Mass from PageOne is used if the Mass on the composition is blank. Moreover, the Mass from PageOne is copied to the composition if it was blank during import.

When importing compositions directly into an item or mfr. part., you cannot import a BOS with substances and substance groups that do not exist in the system.

Importing a composition directly into an item or mfr. part is considered equivalent to publishing the composition to the product record by releasing a completed declaration. Therefore, the system does not allow importing substances and substance groups that do not exist; first there must be substance correction (of name, or creating a new substance in the system) or substance aliasing. (The concept of invalid substances and substance groups only supported in declaration.) When directly importing compositions into item or mfr. part and using a substance alias, the system automatically converts that alias to the corresponding substance / substance group name.

Importing substances and substance groups that do not exist in the system is allowed in the declaration; you must map these invalid substances and substance groups with an Alias to an existing substance or substance group or create a new substance or substance group, otherwise, the system will not allow you to release that declaration. In short, compositions with invalid substances cannot be published to the product record.

These ideas are stated somewhat differently in Invalid Substances in the Declaration.

10.4 Sources of Compositions

Since there are several sources of compositions, the item, manufacturer part, and part group's Compliance tab > Compositions table has a field called Source, to identify the source. The table below lists sources of compositions and possible values for various fields of the Compositions table.

Composition source Value in Source field of Composition table Value in Supplier field of Composition table Value in Composition field of Composition table
Publication of a declaration String "Declaration" (class name in metadata) Name of the supplier (link to supplier object) Identifier of the declaration (link to declaration object)
Publication from a part group String "Part Group" (class name in metadata) concatenated with identifier of the specific part group, for example, "Part Group XYZ". This value does not change if name is changed. Name of the supplier on the part group declaration (link to supplier object)

Blank if the composition on the part group did not come from a declaration but, for example, from an import procedure.

Identifier of the part group declaration (link to declaration object)

Blank if the composition on the part group did not come from a declaration but, for example, from an import procedure.

Revision change String "Rev" concatenated with the identifier of the previous revision. Once the Source field is set, a change to the rev number does not change this value. Name of the supplier on the declaration (link to supplier object)

Blank if the composition on the previous rev did not come from a declaration but, for example, from an import procedure.

Identifier of the declaration (link to declaration object)

Blank if the composition on the previous rev did not come from a declaration but, for example, from an import procedure.

Import of a composition The value is set in the Import file, or is "Import" if the field is blank. The value is set in the Import file or Blank (link to supplier object) Blank
External Rollup The value is "Import" or blank if no default setting by Admin. Blank Blank


When doing a Save As on a part or part group, the system copies the specifications, but not compositions.

10.5 Importing Specifications to Specific Revisions of Items

Agile PG&C supports the integrity of item revisions when importing (associating) a specification to the item.

  • When you import a specification, supplier, or composition (with BOS), the import is based on the Change Number and it can be imported to any rev of the item when the Change Number is provided in the Import file.

  • When you remove a spec from an item, it is only removed from the specific rev.

When the compliance manager publishes a declaration, the system not only copies the composition from the declaration to all associated items, it also takes the specs in the declaration and adds them to the Specifications table on the items; these specs are added only to the rev of the item that was named in the declaration.

10.5.1 Summary of Importing a Specification to an Item

To summarize system rules when importing a specification to a revision of an item:

  • When you add a specification to a rev manually (through the object), that specification is specific to that rev. The specification is not be added to other revs (Previously Released or Preliminary or Pending). So, only that rev would be flagged as Need Rollup.

  • When you create a new change (ECO or MCO), the system copies over the specifications from the previous rev to the new Pending rev. Note that the system copies over the specifications only when a new change order is created from a previous rev. If the change already exists and if a previously released rev gets a new specification, that spec is not copied to the next rev.

  • When a declaration is published, the specification shall be published only to the rev that is associated with the specification in the item.

  • When an item is added to a part group with specifications, the specs from the part group are copied only to the Latest Released rev and all Pending revs of the item.

10.5.2 A Difference with Part Groups

There is a difference in behavior between part groups and items: when you add an item to a part group, the system adds the specifications and active composition in the PG to all Pending revs and Latest Released rev of the item. In distinction, when you publish a declaration, PG&C publishes only to the rev of the item that was added; so, if you added Rev A of an item to a declaration and then released that rev, the spec and composition will only go to Rev. A. Even if you have created Revisions C, D, and E, the system does not copy composition to these revs.

The reason for this distinction is because the work objectives of Change Managers and Compliance Managers may differ. The Change Mgr. may continue to create new changes for revisions to parts; whereas, if the Compliance Mgr. gets Rev. A and sends it to an information supplier in a declaration, when it comes back from the supplier and is released, it makes sense that the composition only applies to Rev. A, because that is what the supplier declared to.


when a declaration is released, the composition goes to the particular rev of the item that was added, whereas if you add an item to a part group, at that time the system copies the compositions and the spec from the PG into all Pending and Latest Released revs of the item. This behavior applies to part groups but not items or manufacturer parts.

10.6 Importing and Exporting Declaration Data

Generally, exporting and importing data from declarations is handled by process extensions (non-Events-based), which appear in the Actions drop-down menus.

10.6.1 Declarations Actions (Process Extensions)

Assuming the administrator has assigned out-of-box process extensions (non-Events-based) to PG&C declarations, they contain these class-specific actions:

Additional Process Extensions Found in objects from these classes: Result of this action
Microsoft Excel > Download Template

Microsoft Excel > Import from Excel

All Declarations except Supplier Declarations of Conformance Download Template - This action downloads an MS-Excel file with the declaration's attributes, which can be saved and populated with substances information and data

Import from Excel - This action imports substances information contained in the Excel spreadsheet into the declaration

Open in Excel



JGPSSI Declarations class Open in Excel - This action activates the Microsoft Excel-based Client and opens the JGPSSI template in Excel

Export JGPSSI - This action exports data to a text file in JGP Block format for integration with the JGPSSI Excel template

Import JGPSSI - This action imports data from a text file in JGP Block format for integration with the JGPSSI Excel template

Import AXML

Export AXML

Homogeneous Materials Declarations class

Part Declarations class

Substance Declarations class

Export AXML - "AXML" is Agile XML, an XML representation of Agile's business schema that contains all product content managed in Agile. You or a supplier use it to export the declaration information in aXML format. The declaration can be completed and re-imported into PLM.

Import AXML - A declaration that was exported using the aXML format and then completed can be imported back into PLM using this action.

Import IPC 2.0 XML

Export IPC 2.0 XML

IPC 1751A Declarations class Import IPC 2.0 XML - Imports XML data that is used to complete IPC Version 2.0 forms

Export IPC 2.0 XML - Exports XML data that is used to complete IPC Version 2.0 forms

Import IPC XML

Export IPC XML

IPC 1751-1 Declarations class

IPC 1752-2 Declarations class

Import IPC XML - Imports XML data that is used to complete IPC forms for versions prior to 2.0

Export IPC XML - Exports XML data that is used to complete IPC forms for versions prior to 2.0


Files older than two days (48 hours) are purged from the directory (the AgileEITemp folder on the server) every time these Actions are executed: Import AXML, Import JGPSSI, Import IPC XML, Import IPC 2.0 XML, or Submit from Excel through the Microsoft Excel-based Client; this is not configurable. If you export a declaration, let's say, MD-1 using Export JGPSSI, and you open MD-2 using Open in Excel, the JGP file that was exported for MD-1 can be imported to a JGPSSI Excel document (which was opened for MD-2) and submitted. The data will be updated in MD-1, which will move to the next status in the workflow.

10.6.2 Importing Substances to a Declaration with MS-Excel

When your company seeks compliance information about Parts/Part Groups by sending a declaration to a supplier, it may not be convenient for the supplier firm to compile that information directly into the declaration.

One option that is available to the Supplier is to export and import files in a format called aXML. See "Importing and Exporting Declaration Data."

A simpler solution is available in which compliance information that is sought by a Declaration can be collected in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, then imported into the Declaration. In this procedure, an Excel template is produced by PG&C. Downloading the MS-Excel Template

You create a declaration and add a specification to it. Parts or Manufacturer Parts or Part Groups are added to the declaration, whose objective is for any substances of concern that are contained in these parts to be declared.

For this compliance information, this declaration may be sent to a supplier, or it may be completed internally by a compliance manager.

To download the MS-Excel template:

  1. In the declaration, click the Actions drop-down menu, select Microsoft Excel, then select Download Template.

  2. PG&C automatically exports the declaration's attribute information to the Excel spreadsheet. The File Download dialog prompts you to Open or Save the file.

  3. To save the file, browse to a location on your hard drive. You can accept a system-generated filename or enter a new filename.

  4. Close the Get File dialog, which conducted the export of the spreadsheet file.

For the importing process, see "Importing Substances to the Declaration." Adding Substances to the Spreadsheet

Assuming you have downloaded and saved the MS-Excel spreadsheet. You now need to add substances to it.

To add substances to the spreadsheet:

  1. The Excel spreadsheet must be populated with data about the substances being declared for the parts named on the declaration.

  2. These are key fields that must be populated.


    The column headings must appear exactly as below. Two columns, Parts.Rev/Mfr and Parts.Specification, must appear even if they are not populated.

    • CoverPage.Name

    • CoverPage.Declaration Type

    • CoverPage.Supplier - note that the Supplier name must be typed exactly as it appears in PG&C

    • Level - this number reflects the level in the Bill of Substances for the substance in this row.


      Use the numerical sequence 0, 1, 2, 3 (not 1, 2, 3, 4). The objects are in plural form, and "Homogeneous Materials" are called "Materials" in the spreadsheet.

      • 0 = Subparts

      • 1 = Materials

      • 2 = Substance Groups

      • 3 = Substances

    • Parts.Part Type - this and the next several fields could be for a Manufacturer Part or Part Group

    • Parts.Number

    • Parts.Rev/Mfr - this column must be in the Excel file, even if there is no value in any of this column's rows

    • Parts.Specification - this column must be in the Excel file, even if there is no value in any of this column's rows

    • Substances.Substance

    • Substances.Mass

    • Substances.Mass-Measure

    • Substances.Substance Type - the Substance Type names must be plural, as shown in "Level", above

  3. When you have completed populating the fields, save the spreadsheet file. Importing Substances to the Declaration

Begin on the Cover Page of the declaration.

This part of the process may be completed by the supplier; or, the supplier may have populated the Excel spreadsheet and sent it to the compliance manager, who can complete the process, as follows.

To import substances from the spreadsheet:

  1. In the declaration, click the Actions drop-down menu, select Microsoft Excel, then select Import from Excel.

  2. Agile Import is opened. In the Import dialog, next to the Import File field, click the Browse button.

  3. In the Choose File dialog, select the Excel file that has been prepared with Substances data in the previous topic, and click Open.

  4. In the Import dialog, click Import.


    The Import process takes several minutes to complete. You will know it has completed when the Close button appears.

  5. Before closing the dialog, verify that the Import process has imported the Parts/PGs and the Bill of Substances, which are viewed in the ACCEPTED column.

  6. In the declaration, click the Items, Manufacturer Parts, or Part Groups tab as appropriate. The Substances table (below the list of the parts) lists the substances that have been declared for each part/PG.

This completes the procedure for importing substances into a declaration with MS-Excel. Notes on Excel-based Declaration Submissions

When the supplier has used the Microsoft Excel-based Client to submit the declaration, it is possible that data may not be successfully imported to the buyer side. There are two stages in which their data is processed. The data is uploaded to the server; upon successful upload, the supplier receives the message that "Your data has been submitted for processing." The data is then be processed on the server and imported into the system.

If there was a problem with the upload, the supplier is notified immediately; but if the problem occurs at processing or importing on the server side, the system sends an email with the error log as an attachment to the supplier. This means that the declaration remains in Open to Supplier status, and this does not change until the supplier reviews the log in the email notification, makes appropriate changes, and re-submits.

Even if the import on the server side is successful, depending on the size of the declaration, it will take some time for the declaration to move from Open to Supplier to Submitted to Compliance Manager. So if the user checked the declaration immediately after submitting from Excel, they may not see the changes for awhile.

These "under the hood" behaviors are detailed so that you can instruct your suppliers.

10.6.3 Import and Export IPC 2.0 MDOs

This task outlines how you could send an IPC 1752A declaration that you have created in Agile, while the supplier completes the declaration. IPC 1752A declarations support version 2.0 of IPC, which encompasses REACH compliance.


IPC version 2.0 does not support the use of PDF forms. Rather the electronic signature resides within the XML data. For instructions on using import and export for IPC 1752-1 and IPC 1752-2 declarations, see "Importing and Exporting IPC Declarations."

A user must be assigned the Import and Export privileges to complete IPC declarations. If you think your privileges do not include these, see your Agile Administrator.

A typical RFI sequence with an IPC 1752A declaration:

  1. Verify with your administrator that the Import IPC 2.0 XML and Export IPC 2.0 XML Process Extensions are enabled and have a live URL.

  2. Create an IPC-class declaration in Agile PLM - IPC 1752-1 Declaration class.

  3. Select IPC1752A as the Declaration Type.

  4. The default workflow for the declaration is moved to the Open to Supplier status.

  5. The declaration recipient for the information supplier opens Web Client (Basic) and sees the declaration. The supplier could simply open the declaration in Agile and select Export IPC 2.0 XML. Your administrator's setup of PG&C also presents an alternative, via the process extension Export IPC 2.0 XML; this appears as a link in the declaration row that the supplier can click directly; or, if the supplier clicks the declaration name, all the process extensions are displayed as links on the left navigation pane of Web Client (Basic mode). An XML file is saved.

  6. The supplier user saves the XML file on the machine, then opens the XML file.

  7. The declaration recipient enters or modifies values in the declaration.

  8. When completed, the data is exported using Export IPC 2.0 XML. The existing XML file is overwritten.

  9. The supplier returns to Web Client and uses the Import IPC 2.0 XML process extension to import the modified XML data. Then he submits the declaration to the buyer firm.

  10. At the buyer site, you can open the completed declaration in Agile to review for possible release.


For the out-of-the-box IPC integration (which supports only one part / one spec per declaration): Regardless of the type of part (item, manufacturer part, or part group) used in the declaration, Export IPC 2.0 XML exports the value to the Item Number field in the IPC declaration. If you want to change this behavior, please work with your Agile Solution Delivery representative. If your company is creating declarations for only manufacturer parts, we recommend the Items and Part Groups tabs in the IPC declarations be hidden (that is, the Agile administrator sets the Visible property of those tabs to No). This makes it easier for suppliers to be clear on the fields they need to complete.


This sequence is an outline. Agile PLM Import & Export Guide fully documents the use of the Import/Export tool.

10.6.4 Importing and Exporting IPC Declarations

This task outlines how you could send an IPC 1752-1 or IPC 1752-2 declaration that you have created in Agile, while the supplier completes the declaration working in the IPC PDF format.


IPC version 2.0 does not support the use of PDF forms, so when using the Import IPC 2.0 XML and Export IPC 2.0 XML options, you will not be prompted to attach a PDF. See the previous section for instructions on using these options.

A user must be assigned the Import and Export privileges to complete IPC declarations. If you think your privileges do not include these, see your Agile Administrator.

A typical RFI sequence with an IPC 1752-1 or IPC 1752-2 declaration:

  1. Verify with your administrator that necessary Process Extensions are enabled and have a live URL.

  2. Create an IPC-class declaration in Agile PLM - IPC 1752-1 Declarations class or IPC 1752-2 Declarations class.

  3. Select either IPC 1752-1 or IPC 1752-2 as the Declaration Type.

  4. The default workflow for the declaration is moved to the Open to Supplier status.

  5. The declaration recipient for the information supplier opens Web Client (Basic) and sees the declaration. The supplier could simply open the declaration in Agile. Your administrator's setup of PG&C also presents an alternative, via the process extension Export IPC XML; this appears as a link in the declaration row that the supplier can click directly; or, if the supplier clicks the declaration name, all the process extensions are displayed as links on the left navigation pane of Web Client (Basic mode). An XML file is saved.

  6. The IPC form is found on the machine - the supplier user will have IPC PDF forms downloaded from IPC web site ( - in an IPC folder. The supplier user opens the form in Adobe Acrobat and clicks Import Data (or File > Form Data > Import Data to Form), then specifies the location of the XML file. The XML data is imported to the PDF form.

  7. The declaration recipient enters or modifies values in the declaration.

  8. When completed, the data is exported using Export Data (or File > Form Data > Export Data from Form). The existing XML file is overwritten.

  9. The supplier returns to Web Client and uses the Import IPC XML process extension to import the modified XML data. Then he submits the declaration to the buyer firm.

  10. At the buyer site, you can open the completed declaration in Agile to review for possible release.


For the out-of-the-box IPC integration (which supports only one part / one spec per declaration): Regardless of what type of part (item, manufacturer part, or part group) is used in the declaration, Export IPC XML exports the value to the Item Number field in the IPC form (PDF). If you want to change this behavior, please work with your Agile Solution Delivery representative. If your company is creating declarations for only manufacturer parts, we recommend the Items and Part Groups tabs in the IPC declarations be hidden (that is, the Agile administrator sets the Visible property of those tabs to No). This makes it easier for suppliers to be clear on the fields they need to complete.


This sequence is an outline. Agile PLM Import & Export Guide fully documents the use of the Import/Export tool. Transformation Files for Importing Compositions

When compliance information is gathered for parts using the pre version 2.0 IPC forms (in PDF) or JGPSSI forms (in Excel) from a supplier, the same IPC or JGPSSI form may be sent to multiple customers of the supplier. Your company may not have the right names, as defined by your supplier; or, a manufacturer's name may not match what is defined in PG&C.

Transformation files resolve this problem when importing compositions via IPC declarations or JGPSSI declarations.

A transformation template can be downloaded and modified to match the import. Supported operations are "REPLACE", "PREFIX", OR "SUFFIX". Support is also provided for regular expressions, such as ".", "*", "+", and "?".

10.6.5 Item Number when Importing into Declaration

PG&C supports users being able to select different revisions of an item into a declaration. The property Item Number is now "change-controlled", that is, it may become a different value by a change order.

When importing an item into a declaration, if the user wants the item at, say, Rev. B where the Item Number is "123", but in Rev. C the Item Number has changed to "987", the user must manually change the value of Item Number in Rev. B to "987". If this is not done, the system cannot find the matched item.

To import Item and Substance Group into IPC declarations, you must ensure that Item Number matches in two places:

  • Item Number on the Items table, and

  • Item Number on the Item Composition table.

10.6.6 Correcting Invalid Substances

Click the Verify Substances global action under Declarations to verify the invalid substance, check the pop-up user interface, including columns, and icons.

Or, verify substance by clicking Search icon, Create icon, or the drop-down list of matching substances/groups with exact CAS number.

For more information, see "Invalid Substances in the Declaration," "Correcting Substances in Declarations," and "Unreported Substances in Partially disclosed Compositions."