Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


J2eeClientEnvironmentBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor
J2eeEnvironmentBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor
JamClassLoader - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Object which can load representations of a java.lang.Class.
JAnnotatedElement - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Base abstraction for JElements which can carry annotations and comments.
JAnnotation - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a metadata that is associated with a particular JElement.
JAnnotationValue - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a member value of a JAnnotation.
JarSettings - Annotation Type in weblogic.ejbgen
JarSettings.CreateTables - Enum in weblogic.ejbgen
JASPICMBean - Interface in
Provides configuration for JASPIC (JSR-196) Auth Config Providers on the domain.
JAVA - Static variable in class weblogic.wsee.jws.Protocol
JavaEEPropertyBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor
JaxRsApplicationRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This the runtime server MBean for a JAX-RS application.
JaxRsMonitoringInfoRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This interface is to be implemented by various JAX-RS objects that are going provide runtime metrics The list of JAX-RS objects include 1.
JaxRsResourceConfigTypeRuntimeMBean - Interface in
The runtime MBean for the JAX-RS application resource config.
JaxRsResourceMethodBaseRuntimeMBean - Interface in
The runtime MBean base class for both resource methods and sub-resource locators.
JaxRsResourceMethodRuntimeMBean - Interface in
The runtime MBean of a resource method.
JaxRsResourceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
The runtime MBean of a JAX-RS resource.
JaxRsSubResourceLocatorRuntimeMBean - Interface in
The runtime MBean for a JAX-RS sub-resource locator.
JCA - Annotation Type in weblogic.ejbgen
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
JClass - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a Java class that may or may not be loaded in the VM.
JComment - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Encapsulates comment associated with a package, class, method, and so on.
JConstructor - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a constructor of a java class.
JDBC - Static variable in class weblogic.deploy.api.shared.WebLogicModuleType
JDBC - Static variable in interface
JDBC_ARCHIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The JDBC type of archive.
jdbcCompliant() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver
JDBCConnectionLeakProfile - Interface in
This interface provides information about a connection leak.
JDBCConnectionPoolMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
JDBCConnectionPoolParamsBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Contains the connection pool parameters of a data source.
JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBean
JDBCConnectionService - Interface in
Interface used to obtain a database connection from a JDBC data source.
JDBCConnectionServiceException - Exception in
The JDBCConnectionServiceException exception is thrown if a named JDBC data source is not found.
JDBCConnectionServiceException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs a JDBCConnectionServiceException with no arguments.
JDBCConnectionServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a JDBCConnectionServiceException with the specified detail message.
JDBCConnectionServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a JDBCConnectionServiceException with a nested exception.
JDBCConnectionServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a JDBCConnectionServiceException with a detail message and a nested exception.
JDBCDataSourceBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
The top of the JDBC data source bean tree.
JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by AppDeploymentMBean
JDBCDataSourceMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
JDBCDataSourceParamsBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Contains the basic usage parameters of a data source.
JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC Data Source and its associated connection pool.
JDBCDataSourceTaskRuntimeMBean - Interface in
JDBCDriverParamsBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Contains the driver parameters of a data source.
JDBCDriverRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class maps to a JDBCDriver JMO
JDBCMultiDataSourceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC Multi Data Source and its associated data sources.
JDBCMultiPoolMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
JDBCOracleDataSourceInstanceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
Runtime MBean for monitoring a JDBC GridLink Data Source instance.
JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
Runtime MBean that represents a JDBC RAC JDBC data source.
JDBCOracleParamsBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Contains the Oracle database-related parameters of a data source.
JDBCPropertiesBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Contains a list of JDBC properties.
JDBCPropertyBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Represents a specific JDBC property.
JDBCResource - Class in
The JDBCResource class is used by a container to specify the JDBC resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JDBCResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JDBCResource with a target name composed from the application, module, category, resource, and action parameters.
JdbcRowSetFactory - Class in weblogic.jdbc.rowset
Deprecated. Use the reference implementation classes in the J2SE JRE/SDK.
JdbcRowSetFactory() - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.JdbcRowSetFactory
JdbcRowSetImpl - Class in weblogic.jdbc.rowset
Deprecated. Use the reference implementation classes in the J2SE JRE/SDK.
JdbcRowSetImpl() - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl
Deprecated. Constructs a default JdbcRowSet object.
JdbcRowSetImpl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl
JDBCServiceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC service.
JdbcServicesDef - Interface in weblogic.jdbc.common
JDBCStatementProfile - Interface in
This interface provides execution profile of SQL statement.
JDBCStoreMBean - Interface in
Defines an instance of the persistent store that stores its persistent records in a JDBC-accessible database.
JDBCSystemResourceMBean - Interface in
This bean defines a system-level JDBC resource.
JDBCTxDataSourceMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
JDBCXAParamsBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Contains the XA-related parameters of a data source.
JdkSSLAdapter - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.https
JdkSSLAdapter() - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.https.JdkSSLAdapter
JElement - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
The root of the java type object model.
JField - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents an exposed field on a Java class.
JImport - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents an imported item on a Java class.
JInvokable - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Base abstraction for something which can be invoked, i.e.
JMember - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents an abstraction which can be member of a class.
JMethod - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a method of a java class.
JMS - Static variable in class weblogic.deploy.api.shared.WebLogicModuleType
JMS - Annotation Type in weblogic.ejbgen
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
JMS_BYTESMESSAGE - Static variable in interface weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.WLStub
JMS BytesMessage
JMS_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class
JMS_QUEUE - Static variable in interface weblogic.workarea.PropagationMode
Propagate a WorkContext to JMS queues.
JMS_SOAP - Static variable in class weblogic.wsee.jws.Protocol
JMS_SOAP12 - Static variable in class weblogic.wsee.jws.Protocol
JMS_TEXTMESSAGE - Static variable in interface weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.WLStub
JMS TextMessage
JMS_TOPIC - Static variable in interface weblogic.workarea.PropagationMode
Propagate a WorkContext to JMS topics.
JMS_TRANSPORT_JNDI_URL - Static variable in interface weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.WLStub
This property is the JMS transport JNDI URL.
JMS_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.WLStub
This property is the JMS Message type.
JMS_XA_ADAPTER_JNDI - Static variable in interface
JMS_XML - Static variable in class weblogic.wsee.jws.Protocol
JMSBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
The top of the JMS module bean tree.
JMSBridgeDestinationMBean - Interface in
This MBean represents a messaging bridge destination for a JMS messaging product.
JMSComponentRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an JMS module.
JMSConnectionConsumerMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. This functionality will be removed in a future release. New applications should use message-driven beans for this purpose.
JMSConnectionFactoryBean - Interface in weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl
Connection factories are used to create connections for JMS clients.
JMSConnectionFactoryMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JMSConnectionFactoryBean
JMSConnectionRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS connection.
JMSConstants - Interface in
This class holds the JMS constant property/attribute names and values.
JMSConsumerRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS consumer.
JMSDestCommonMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DestinationBean
JMSDestinationAvailabilityHelper - Class in weblogic.jms.extensions
Provides a registration/notification mechanism for WebLogic 9.0 and later distributed destination member availability changes.
JMSDestinationKeyMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DestinationKeyBean
JMSDestinationMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DestinationBean
JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS destination (topic or queue).
JMSDistributedDestinationMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by and weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.UnifrormDistributedDestinationBean
JMSDistributedDestinationMemberMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedDestinationMemberBean
JMSDistributedQueueMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedQueueBean
JMSDistributedQueueMemberMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedDestinationMemberBean
JMSDistributedTopicMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedTopicBean
JMSDistributedTopicMemberMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedDestinationMemberBean
JMSDurableSubscriberRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS durable subscriber.
JMSException - Exception in weblogic.jms.common
JMSException(Loggable) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.common.JMSException
A constructor that takes an i18n safe loggable
JMSException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.common.JMSException
JMSException(Loggable, String) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.common.JMSException
Constructor taking an i18n safe loggable
JMSException(Loggable, Throwable) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.common.JMSException
Constructor with a cause and an i18n safe loggable
JMSException(Loggable, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.common.JMSException
Constructor with a cause, an error code and an i18n safe loggable
JMSException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.common.JMSException
Deprecated. use #this(Loggable, String, Throwable)
JMSFileStoreMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by FileStoreMBean
JMSHelper - Class in weblogic.jms.extensions
Deprecated. Replaced with JMSModuleHelper.
JMSHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper
JMSInteropModuleMBean - Interface in
This bean defines a system-level JMS resource.
JMSJDBCStoreMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCStoreMBean
JMSMessageCursorRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This runtime MBean represents a handle to a server-side JMS message result set.
JMSMessageFactoryImpl - Class in weblogic.jms.extensions
Implements WLMessageFactory.
JMSMessageInfo - Class in weblogic.jms.extensions
This class encapsulates a JMS message and meta-data that describes the context of the message as it exists in the server at a given point in time.
JMSMessageInfo(CompositeData) - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSMessageInfo
Creates an instance from a CompositeData represenation.
JMSMessageInfo(long, int, String, long, String, WLMessage, String, boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSMessageInfo
Construct an instance with the specified attributes.
JMSMessageInfo(WLMessage) - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSMessageInfo
Constructs an object with only the WLMessage attribute.
JMSMessageLogFileMBean - Interface in
This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server.
JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This interface defines the common management functionality for both Queues and Topics
JMSModuleHelper - Class in weblogic.jms.extensions
This class contains JMS helper methods for locating JMS runtime MBeans (i.e., monitoring) as well as methods to manage (locate/create/delete) JMS Module configuration entities (descriptor beans) in a given module.
JMSModuleHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSModuleHelper
JMSNamedEntityModifier - Interface in weblogic.jms.extensions
Interface to be implemented by the user that can be passed as an argument to the JMSModuleHelper create and findAndModifyEntity APIs.
JMSOrderException - Exception in weblogic.jms.extensions
A JMSOrderException is thrown when the operation cannot meet the requested ordering quality.
JMSOrderException(String) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSOrderException
JMSOrderException(String, String) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSOrderException
JMSOrderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSOrderException
JMSPooledConnectionRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring pooled JMS connections.
JMSProducerRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS producer.
JmsQueueConnection - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
JmsQueueConnection(JmsTransportInfo) - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JmsQueueConnection
JmsQueueConnectionPool - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
Connection Pool on the client side, to hold jms connections
JmsQueueConnectionPoolInternal - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
JmsQueueConnectionPoolInternal(int) - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JmsQueueConnectionPoolInternal
JMSQueueMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by QueueBean
JMSRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint for a JMS imported destination.
JMSResource - Class in
The JMSResource class is used by a container to specify the JMS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JMSResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JMSResource with a target name composed from the application, destType, resource, and action parameters.
JMSResource(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated. As of 06/17/04 (WLS 9.0), replaced with JMSResource(String,String,String,String,String)
JMSRuntimeHelper - Class in weblogic.jms.extensions
This class contains JMS helper methods for locating JMS runtime (i.e., monitoring) JMX MBeans.
JMSRuntimeHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSRuntimeHelper
JMSRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS service.
JMSSAFMessageLogFileMBean - Interface in
This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server.
JMSSERVER - Static variable in class weblogic.deploy.api.shared.WebLogicTargetType
The target is a JMS Server.
JMSSERVER - Static variable in class
Deprecated. Target is a JMS Server
JMSServerMBean - Interface in
This class represents a JMS server.
JmsServerQueueTransport - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
This class represents server side queue transport
JmsServerQueueTransport(String, Message, QueueConnectionFactory, String, String) - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JmsServerQueueTransport
JMSServerRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS server.
JMSServerTransport - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
This class represents
Created: Sep 29, 2003 -- 2:26:36 PM
JMSServerTransport(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JMSServerTransport
JMSSessionPoolMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced with message-dirven beans. This functionality will be removed in a future release.
JMSSessionPoolRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session pool.
JMSSessionRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session.
JMSStoreMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by PersistentStoreMBean
JMSSystemResourceMBean - Interface in
This bean defines a system-level JMS resource.
JMSTemplateMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by TemplateBean
JMSTopicMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by TopicBean
JmsTransport - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
JMS Client Binding based on
JmsTransport() - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JmsTransport
creates a JMS transport
JmsTransportInfo - Class in weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms
This class represents

Created: Dec 8, 2004 -- 5:16:23 PM

JmsTransportInfo(String) - Constructor for class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JmsTransportInfo
JMSVirtualDestinationMBean - Interface in
Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedDestinationBean
JMXContextUtil - Class in
Utility to retrieve locale in the JMXContext associated with the calling thread.
JMXContextUtil() - Constructor for class
JMXMBean - Interface in
Controls which JMX agents are initialized in the current WebLogic Server domain.
JMXResource - Class in
The JMXResource class is used by a container to specify the JMX MBean resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JMXResource(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JMXResource with a target name composed from the operation, app, mbeanType, and target parameters.
JMXWatchNotification - Class in
JNDI_FACTORY - Static variable in class weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.jms.JmsQueueConnection
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. Part of a string that represents the JNDI name of a server's local MBeanHome as registered in the Administration Server's JNDI tree.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. The JNDI name for this interface.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface weblogic.rmi.extensions.DisconnectMonitor
A symbolic reference to "weblogic.DisconnectMonitor"
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class
JndiName - Annotation Type in weblogic.ejbgen
JNDIResource - Class in
The JNDIResource class is used by a container to specify the JMS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JNDIResource(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JNDIResource with a target name composed from the application, path, and actionName parameters.
JNDIResource() - Constructor for class
Deprecated. As of 04/01/02.

JobRuntimeMBean - Interface in
RuntimeMBean that provides information about a particular job.
JobSchedulerRuntimeMBean - Interface in
RuntimeMBean that provides information about jobs scheduled with the Job Scheduler.
JoinRowSetImpl - Class in weblogic.jdbc.rowset
Deprecated. Use the reference implementation classes in the J2SE JRE/SDK.
JoinRowSetImpl() - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.JoinRowSetImpl
Deprecated. Constructor
JoltConnectionPoolMBean - Interface in
This bean defines a Jolt connection pool.
JoltConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt Connection Pool
JoltConnectionRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Jolt connections
JoltConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt component
JPackage - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a java package.
JPAMBean - Interface in
This interface provides access to the JPA configuration attributes.
JParameter - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a single parameter of a Java method or constructor.
JProperty - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
This is a helper class which provides java.beans-like functionality in the JAM framework.
JRMP - Static variable in interface weblogic.protocol.Protocol
JRockitRuntimeMBean - Interface in
Exposes runtime data about the JRockit Virtual Machine (VM) that is running the current WebLogic Server instance.
JSourcePosition - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Describes a specific point in a source file.
jsseFactory - Variable in class
JTAClusterMBean - Interface in
This interface provides access to the JTA configuration attributes.
JTag - Interface in com.bea.util.jam
Represents a javadoc tag.
JTAMBean - Interface in
This interface provides access to the JTA configuration attributes.
JTAMigratableTargetMBean - Interface in
The target that is used internally to register the JTA recovery manager to the Migration Manager.
JTARecoveryRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics for recovered transactions that are associated with a particular Transaction Recovery Service.
JTARuntimeMBean - Interface in
This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics within a WebLogic server.
JTAStatisticsRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This interface contains general JTA runtime statistics.
JTATransaction - Interface in
This class represents information about a live transaction.
JTATransactionStatisticsRuntimeMBean - Interface in
This interface contains general JTA transaction runtime statistics.
JVisitor - Class in com.bea.util.jam.visitor
To be implemented by classes which wish to traverse a JElement tree.
JVisitor() - Constructor for class com.bea.util.jam.visitor.JVisitor
JVMRuntimeMBean - Interface in
Provides methods for retrieving information about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) within with the current server instance is running.
JwsContext - Interface in weblogic.wsee.jws
Provides access to container services that support web services (JWS files).

Copyright 1996, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _