Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use AnnotationDefinition
weblogic.descriptor.annotation Defines javadoc annotations that may be used in a DescriptorBean interface. 
weblogic.descriptor.beangen Defines a Descriptor Bean implementation generator 

Uses of AnnotationDefinition in weblogic.descriptor.annotation

Subclasses of AnnotationDefinition in weblogic.descriptor.annotation
static class AnnotationDefinition.EnumerationAnnotation
static class AnnotationDefinition.LegalNullStringAnnotation
static class AnnotationDefinition.LegalStringAnnotation
          Covers both NULLABLE & LEGAL_ZERO_LENGTH annotations
static class AnnotationDefinition.LegalZeroLengthStringAnnotation
static class AnnotationDefinition.UnSetValueAnnotation

Fields in weblogic.descriptor.annotation declared as AnnotationDefinition
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.ABSTRACT
          Indicates that the annotated interface does not define a concrete bean and will always be extended by some other interface.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.AGGREGATE
          Indicates that the annotated property is an aggregate of other child properties defined in the containing bean.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.ALLOW_DIFF_WITH_SIBLING_CLASS
static AnnotationDefinition MethodAnnotations.ALLOW_SECURITY_OPERATIONS
          Indicates if an operation of security mbeans is allowed on domain and runtime mbean servers.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.BASE_INTERFACE
          Indicates that the annotated interface represents a base interface.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.BEAN
          Indicates that the annotated interface defines a descriptor bean.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.COMPONENT_NAME
          Explicitly specifies the component name of the annotated array property.
static AnnotationDefinition GlobalAnnotations.CONFIGURABLE
          When present on a property, indicates that this property may be changed during configuration.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.CUSTOMIZER
          Specifies a class that customizes the implementation of the annotated interface.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.CUSTOMIZER_FACTORY
          Specifies a class that implements CustomizerFactory interface and use this class to create cusomizter classes' instance.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.DEFAULT
          Specifies the default value for the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.DEFERRED_VALIDATOR
          Specifies a custom method to be called as part of on-demand validation for the bean that defined the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.DELEGATE_BEAN
          Specifies delegate MBean for bean type.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.DERIVED_DEFAULT
          Specifies an expression from which to derive the default value for the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition GlobalAnnotations.DYNAMIC
          When present on a property, indicates that property can be changed without redeploy/reboot.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.ENUMERATION
          Indicates the set of String constants that the annotated String property is constrained to.
static AnnotationDefinition GlobalAnnotations.EXCLUDE
          Specifies that the annotated element should not appear in the public docs.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.INHERIT_SUPER_CUSTOMIZER
          Specifies whether bean implementation implements the methods implemented by the customizer of super bean.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.INITIALIZER
          Specifies the initial value to be persisted for the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.KEY
          Indicates that the value of the annotated property acts as the unique key for this bean.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.KEY_CHOICE
          Indicates that the value of the annotated property may act as a unique key for this bean.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.KEY_COMPONENT
          Indicates that the value of the annotated property act as one component in a compound key for this bean.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.LEGAL_MAX
          Specifies the maximum value allowed for the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.LEGAL_MIN
          Specifies the minimum value allowed for the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.LEGAL_ZERO_LENGTH
          Specifies whether the annotated string property may have a zero length.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.MERGERULE
          This annotation is used to define mergeRules for descriptor merging.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.META_DATA
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.NULLABLE
          Indicates whether the annotated String property may have a null value.
static AnnotationDefinition GlobalAnnotations.OBSOLETE
          Indicates that the annotated element is not functional in any product at or beyond versionNumber.
static AnnotationDefinition MethodAnnotations.OPERATION
          Indicates that the annotated method should be treated as an operation even if matches a bean method pattern.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.PREPROCESSOR
          This annotation is useful for introducing a pre-processing steps in the setter before the value is actually set to the property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.PRESERVE_WHITE_SPACE
          Specifies that whitespace in the value of the annotated String (or String[]) property be preserved.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.PRODUCTION_DEFAULT
          Specifies the default value for the annotated property when used in production mode.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.REFERENCE
          Indicates that the bean(s) held by this property is a reference rather than a child.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.REFERENCEABLE
          Indicates that instances of the annotated bean can be referred to by other beans.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.REMOVE_VALIDATOR
          Specifies a custom method to be called to validate the remove of a reference property or destroy of child property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.REQUIRED
          Indicates whether the annotated property must be assigned an explicit value.
static AnnotationDefinition GlobalAnnotations.ROLE_ALLOWED
          When present on a property, indicates the default allowed security roles for the property.
static AnnotationDefinition GlobalAnnotations.ROLE_PERMIT_ALL
          When present on a property, indicates the default is to allow access for all roles.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.ROOT
          Indicates that the annotated interface is the root of the descriptor and specifies the name of the root element.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.SCHEMA_LOCATION
          Explicitly specifies schemaLocation for bean type to take care of scenarios where beans' xml types share the same namespace but have different schema locations.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.TARGET_NAMESPACE
          Specifies target Namespace for bean type individually, rather than specifying it for a group using Beangen parameter.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.TRANSIENT
          Indicates that the annotated property is not persisted.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.UN_SET_VALUE
          Can be used with @legalValues to specify a value that would we returned in case the property is not set, or can be used with a setter to mark the property to unset Usage: @unSetValue someValue
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.VALIDATE_PROPERTY_DECLARATION
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.VALIDATOR
          Specifies a custom method to be called as part of on-demand validation for the annotated bean.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.VALIDATOR
          Specifies a custom method to be called to validate the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.XML_ELEMENT_NAME
          Explictly specifies the xml element name to be used in the schema definition for the annotated property.
static AnnotationDefinition BeanAnnotations.XML_TYPE_NAME
          Explictly specifies the xml type name to be used in the schema definition for the annotated bean.

Methods in weblogic.descriptor.annotation that return AnnotationDefinition
static AnnotationDefinition PropertyAnnotations.getAnnotationDefinition(String alias)

Uses of AnnotationDefinition in weblogic.descriptor.beangen

Methods in weblogic.descriptor.beangen with parameters of type AnnotationDefinition
 JAnnotationValue PropertyDeclaration.getAnnotationValue(AnnotationDefinition tag)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01