6 Creating and Configuring OCECAS Domains

This chapter describes the steps required to create your Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS) domains. You do this after the OCECAS software has been successfully installed.

Before continuing in this chapter, you must understand the following:

Overview of OCECAS Domain Creation Tasks

Create your OCECAS domains in the following order:

  1. Management domain

  2. Runtime domains

  3. (Optional) UDR domain

For instructions for creating your domain, see "Creating Domains Using the Graphical Domain Configuration Wizard".

About Domains and Domain Configuration

You must configure the domains of all servers in your OCECAS system. You configure your domains by using the WebLogic Server Domain Configuration Wizard.

After you configure a domain by using the Domain Configuration Wizard, you can package the domain configuration data and copy it to other servers. Use the pack and unpack commands provided by Oracle WebLogic Server to package the configuration data for copying to all the other servers. The OCECAS installer copies the pack and unpack commands to the Ocecas_home/wlserver/common/bin directory. For more information about packing and unpacking configurations, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Templates and Domains Using the Pack and Unpack Commands.

For more information about other methods available for domain creation, see "Additional Tools for Creating, Extending, and Managing WebLogic Domains" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Recommendations and Requirements for Replicated Domains

If you are replicating a testing, deployment, or production domain, use the following guidelines for ease of deployment:

  • Keep the directory structures the same on each machine in the cluster to simplify deployment.

  • Install the OCECAS binaries on each machine in the cluster.

  • Install any required patches manually on each machine in the cluster; they are not distributed automatically.

  • Create the replicated domain on your Administration Server, and copy that domain to each of your cluster machines.


    If the Administration Server is already started before you copy its domain to the cluster servers, delete the existing domains on each cluster server with this command:
    rm -rf Domain_home/servers/

Creating Domains Using the Graphical Domain Configuration Wizard

The general process for creating domains is:

  1. Create your management domain.

  2. Create the Domain_home directory (Ocecas_home/user_projects/domains/domain_name) for your runtime domains.

    where domain_name is the name of the directory in which to install your domain files. For replication to work properly, your runtime domains must have domain_name set to one of the following:

    • For the testing domain: scf_testing_domain

    • For the staging domain: scf_staging_domain

    • For the production domain: scf_production_domain

  3. Create your runtime domains.

  4. (Optional) Create your UDR domain.

Starting the Domain Configuration Wizard

If you selected the Automatically Launch the Configuration Wizard check box during OCECAS installation, the Domain Configuration Wizard starts automatically.

To start the Domain Configuration Wizard manually:

  1. Log in to the target machine as user ocecas. For more information, see "Creating a UNIX User for Installing OCECAS".

  2. Go to the Ocecas_home/wlserver/common/bin directory.

  3. Enter the following command:


Configuring Domains Using the GUI Configuration Wizard

The Domain Configuration Wizard screens prompt you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For information about responding to the prompts during installation, see the following sections:

Configuration Type Screen

In the Configuration Type screen:

  1. Select Create a new domain.

  2. In the Domain Location field, specify your Domain_home directory. This directory must be empty.

    For runtime domains, override the default domain name (base_domain) with one of the following names. These names allow replication to work properly in an OCECAS system with Coherence Clusters.

    • For the testing domain: scf_testing_domain

    • For the staging domain: scf_staging_domain

    • For the production domain: scf_production_domain

    Oracle recommends that you create your domain outside of the Ocecas_home directory. This directory structure helps you avoid issues when you upgrade or reinstall your software.

  3. Click Next.

    The Templates screen appears.

For more information about:

  • The Domain_home directory, see "Choosing a Domain Home" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  • Other options on the Configuration Type screen, see "Configuration Type" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Templates Screen

In the Templates screen:

  1. Select Create Domain Using Product Templates.

    This option offers you a set of domain templates. See "About Domains and Domain Configuration" for a description of the different templates.

  2. In the Available Templates area, select only one of the following OCECAS configuration templates:

    • To create a runtime domain, select Oracle Communications SCF Runtime Domain -

    • To create a UDR domain, select Oracle Communications SCF UDR Domain -

    • To create a management domain, select Oracle Communications SDC Management Domain -


    You can configure only one OCECAS domain at a time.
  3. Click Next.

    The Administrator Account screen appears.

For more information about the options on the Templates screen, see "Templates" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Administrator Account Screen

In the Administrator Account screen:

  1. In the Name field, enter the user name for the domain's default WebLogic Administrator account. The default is weblogic.

    User names are case-sensitive. Do not use commas or any characters in the following comma-separated list:

    \t, < >, #, |, &, ?, ( ), { }
  2. In the Password field, enter the main administrator password.

    The password is case-sensitive and must contain a minimum of eight characters, at least one of which is not alphabetic.

  3. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter your password.

  4. Write down the user name and password. You will need this information later.

  5. Click Next.

    The Domain Mode and JDK screen appears.

Domain Mode and JDK Screen

In the Domain Mode and JDK screen:

  1. In the Domain Mode area, select the appropriate startup mode for your installation:

    • Development Mode

    • Production Mode

      Production mode gives your environment a higher degree of security, requiring a user name and password to start the Administration Server.

    For more information about startup modes, see "Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. In the JDK area, select the JDK to use for the domain.

    By default, the installer selects the JDK that was used when you installed OCECAS. Alternatively, you can specify a different JDK.

  3. Click Next.

    The JDBC Data Sources screen appears.

JDBC Data Sources Screen

In the JDBC Data Sources screen:

  1. In the table, select the data source that you want to configure.

    The fields at the top of the screen become editable. Most of the fields are pre-populated with information about the data source that was created by the root.sh script, and you should not change them.

  2. In the Driver field, select the driver for your database type from the list.

  3. In the Host Name field, enter the name of the machine that is hosting your OCECAS database. The default is localhost.

  4. In the Password field, enter the sdc user password. The root.sh script prompted you for this password during the OCECAS installation process.

  5. Accept the default values for all other fields.

  6. Click Next.

    The JDBC Data Sources Test screen appears.

JDBC Data Sources Test Screen

The JDBC Data Sources Test screen automatically tests your data source configurations:

  • A green check mark displayed in the Status column indicates that the configuration is valid.

  • A red circle displayed in the Status column indicates a problem.

    The bottom of the screen shows a short error message to help you troubleshoot the problem. Common data source problems include the database or the TNSListener not having been started. Fix the error and click Test Selected Connections to test your data source configurations again.

Click Next when you are ready to proceed to the next screen.

The Advanced Configuration screen appears.

Advanced Configuration Screen

The Advanced Configuration screen allows you to perform advanced configuration on the listed items. If you approve of the current settings, keep all of the check boxes deselected and click Next.


If multiple domains are installed on the same host, you must modify the default Administration Server and Node Manager settings to ensure that their port numbers are unique across all domains on the host.

In the Advanced Configuration screen:

  1. Select one or more of the following check boxes.

    • Administration Server

    • Node Manager

    • Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence

    • Deployments and Services

    • JMS File Store

  2. Click Next.

The screens that appear next depend on the check boxes that you selected (see Table 6-1).

Table 6-1 Screens Displayed for Advanced Configuration

Check Box Selected Screens Displayed

Administration Server

Administration Server Screen

Node Manager

Node Manager Screen

Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence

Managed Servers Screen

Clusters Screen

Coherence Clusters Screen

Machines Screen

Assign Servers to Machines

Deployments and Services

Deployments Targeting Screen

Services Targeting Screen

JMS File Store

JMS File Stores Screen

Administration Server Screen

In the Administration Server screen:

  1. In the Server Name field, enter the name of your Administration Server.

  2. In the Listen Address list, select an explicit listener address for your Administration Server. Using an explicit listener address enables your machines to communicate with each other when the Coherence Cluster uses the default cluster mode.

  3. In the Listen Port field, enter a port number to use as a listening port for the Administration Server. If you have multiple domains on the machine, you must assign a unique port number for each domain.

  4. Select the Enable SSL check box.

  5. In the SSL Listen Port field, enter the port number to use for secure requests. The default is 7002.

  6. Click Next.

Node Manager Screen

In the Node Manager screen:

  1. In the Node Manager Type area, select one of the following:

    • Per Domain Default Location. If you select this option, the Node Manager home is predefined within the domain as DomainName/nodemanager and you cannot edit the Node Manager home. The Node Manager for each domain can have a different configuration, as determined by the files in this directory. This is the default.

    • Per Domain Custom Location. If you select this option, the Node Manager configuration files are created in a specific location for this domain. Specify the directory in the Node Manager Home field, or click Browse to navigate to the location. The specified directory must be empty. The nodemanager.properties and nodemanager.domains files are created in this directory.

    • Manual Node Manager Setup. If you select this option, Node Manager configuration for the domain is skipped. You must manually create and update the Node Manager configuration for the domain.

  2. In the Node Manager Credentials area, enter the user name and password that is used to start the specified Node Manager.

  3. Click Next.

Managed Servers Screen

Add or change connection information for your managed servers. You can add server instances now by clicking the Add or Clone buttons or add them later by using the Administration Console.

In the Managed Servers screen:

  1. In the Server Name field, enter the name of the managed server.

  2. In the Listen Address list, select an explicit listener address for your managed server. Using an explicit listener address enables your machines to communicate with each other when the Coherence Cluster uses the default cluster mode.

    The values for the listener address can include alphanumeric characters, dots [.], and dashes [-] only.

  3. In the Listen Port field, enter a port number to use as a listening port for the managed server.

  4. Select the Enable SSL check box and enter the port number to use for secure requests.

  5. Click Next.

Clusters Screen

Clusters enable you to group managed servers such that they operate as a single unit for hosting applications and resources. You can add clusters by clicking the Add button.

In the Clusters screen:

  1. In the Cluster Name field, enter the name of the cluster. The name of the cluster must be unique among all component names within the domain.

  2. In the Cluster Address field, enter the addresses for identifying the managed servers in the clusters.

  3. In the Frontend Host field, enter the IP address of the frontend host for the cluster.

  4. In the Frontend HTTP Port field, enter the plain port (HTTP) of the frontend host for the cluster.

  5. In the Frontend HTTPS field, enter the secure port (HTTPS) of the frontend host for the cluster.

  6. Click Next.

Coherence Clusters Screen

In the Coherence Clusters screen:

  1. In the Cluster Name field, enter the name of the Coherence cluster.

  2. In the Unicast Listen Port field, enter the port number to use as the Coherence cluster unicast listen port.

  3. Click Next.

Machines Screen

Add or change information about the machines in your OCECAS system. In the context of WebLogic Server, a machine is the logical representation of the system that hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances, for the purposes of starting and stopping remote servers using the Node Manager. In a domain, machine definitions identify a particular, physical piece of hardware and are used to associate a computer with the managed servers it hosts.

In the Machines screen:

  1. Select the Unix Machine tab.

  2. To add machines to your OCECAS system, click Add.

  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the machine.

    The name does not have to match the network name for the machine. However, the name must be unique among all component names within the domain.

  4. To enable a server running on this machine to bind to a UNIX group ID (GID) after it finishes all privileged startup actions, select the Enable Post Bind GID check box and enter the GID in the Post Bind GID field.

  5. To enable a server running on this machine to bind to a UNIX user ID (UID) after it finishes all privileged startup actions, select the Enable Post Bind UID check box and enter the UID in the Post Bind UID field.

  6. In the Node Manager Listen Address list, select the address that Node Manager uses to listen for connection requests.

  7. In the Node Manager Listen Port list, select the port that Node Manager uses to listen for connection requests.

  8. Click Next.

Assign Servers to Machines

Assign WebLogic Server instances to the machines that you defined in the previous screen.

In the Assign Servers to Machines screen:

  1. In the Servers pane, select the WebLogic Server instance.

  2. In the Machines pane, select the machine to which you want to assign a WebLogic Server instance.

  3. Click the right arrow button.

  4. Click Next.

Deployments Targeting Screen

Target applications and libraries for deployment on your server or cluster.

In the Deployments Targeting screen:

  1. In the Deployments pane, select one or more applications to deploy.

  2. In the Targets pane, select the cluster or server on which to deploy the application.

  3. Click the right arrow button.

  4. Click Next.

Services Targeting Screen

Target services for deployment on managed servers or clusters.

In the Services Targeting screen:

  1. In the Services pane, select one or more services to deploy.

  2. In the Targets pane, select the cluster or server on which to deploy the service.

  3. Click the right arrow button.

  4. Click Next.

JMS File Stores Screen

A JMS file store is a disk-based file in which persistent messages are stored.

In the JMS File Stores screen:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name for the JMS file.

  2. In the Directory field, enter the path of the directory in which to store the JMS file.

  3. In the Synchronous Write Policy list, select how the file store writes data to the disk.

  4. Click Next.

Configuration Summary Screen

The Configuration Summary screen lists the detailed configuration settings of your domain.

Click Create to accept the domain details and to start creating the domain.

Configuration Progress Screen

The Configuration Progress screen displays a progress bar that indicates the status of the configuration process.

After the domain is created successfully, click Next.

Configuration Success Screen

The Configuration Success screen displays the name of your domain, the path to the domain files, and the URL for accessing the Administration Console.

Click Finish to end your configuration session.

Next Steps

After you create your OCECAS domains, you must complete OCECAS post-installation tasks, such as:

  • Performing post-configuration tasks for your management domain

  • Performing post-configuration tasks for your runtime domains

  • Performing post-configuration tasks for your UDR domains

See "OCECAS Post-Installation Tasks" for instructions.