4 OCECAS Pre-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes tasks you must complete before installing Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS).

About Pre-Installation Tasks

You must perform certain tasks before installing OCECAS. Pre-installation tasks are broken down into the following categories:

General Pre-Installation Tasks

Before continuing, complete the following general pre-installation tasks:

  • Allocate IP addresses for OCECAS interfaces, including:

    • Public-facing external interfaces

    • Internal-facing interfaces

    • Intra-system interfaces for private signaling between OCECAS nodes

    • If required by your organization, a separate systems management interface

  • Determine which logical interfaces map to which physical interfaces on each server.

  • Have access to a Domain Name Service (DNS) and Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

  • Optionally assign fully qualified domain names to each server.

  • Make a note of any required static routes.

OCECAS Pre-Installation Tasks

Before you install the OCECAS software, perform the following pre-installation tasks on each physical or virtual machine:

Creating a UNIX User for Installing OCECAS

You create a UNIX user to:

Although you can use any UNIX user with sufficient privileges, this guide assumes that the user is named ocecas and is a member of the dba group.

To create a UNIX user for installing OCECAS:

  1. Log into your system as user root.

  2. Create a directory for storing the OCECAS software. For example:

    mkdir -p Ocecas_home
  3. Create a user named ocecas that has a home directory of Ocecas_home and a default login shell of bash. For example:

    /usr/sbin/useradd -d Ocecas_home -s /bin/bash ocecas passwd ocecas
  4. Change the user and group ownership to ocecas for the Ocecas_home directory and all of its files and subdirectories. For example:

    chown -R ocecas:ocecas Ocecas_home

Installing a Java Development Kit

Install Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) plus the latest security update on each physical machine or VM in your OCECAS system. For a list of supported software versions, see "Software Requirements".

To install and configure your JDK:

  1. Download the JDK from the Java SE Development Kit Downloads page at:


  2. Install the JDK per instructions provided with it.

  3. Add the JDK bin directory to the beginning of the PATH variable definition. For example:

    export PATH
  4. Check that your system is using the correct version of the JDK by entering the following command:

    java -version

Installing the Oracle Database Software

Install the Oracle 12c database software as the user ocecas. Install the software either:

  • On the machine that hosts your management domain

  • On a machine that is connected by Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) or Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to the machine that hosts your management domain

To download the software, go to the Oracle Database Software Downloads page at:



Do not create a database. During OCECAS installation, you run the root.sh script, which automatically creates the OCECAS database instance and schema for you.

For more information about:

Installing the OpenLDAP Software

If your system requires LDAP authentication, you must install the OpenLDAP software on each physical machine in your OCECAS system.

To see the list of supported OpenLDAP software versions, see "LDAP Software".

To install the OpenLDAP software:

  1. Download the OpenLDAP software from the OpenLDAP software web site:


  2. Unpack the archive file by entering the following command:

    tar xfz openldap-n.n.nn.tgz

    The openldap-n.n.nn subdirectory is created, where n.n.nn is the OpenLDAP software version number. For example, openldap-2.4.40.

  3. Go to the openldap-n.n.nn subdirectory.

  4. Configure the software by using the OpenLDAP configure script. See "Building and Installing OpenLDAP Software" in OpenLDAP Software 2.4 Administrator's Guide.

  5. Build dependencies by entering the following command:

    make depend
  6. Build and compile the OpenLDAP software by entering the following command:

  7. Run the test suite to verify the build by entering the following command:

    make test
  8. As a super user, install the OpenLDAP software by entering the following command:

    su root -c 'make install'

For more information about:

Choosing an Installation Directory

When you install OCECAS, you are prompted to specify an Oracle Home directory. This is the directory in which you install the OCECAS software. This directory also serves as a repository for common files that are used by multiple Oracle products installed on the same machine.

The files in the Ocecas_home directory are essential to ensuring that OCECAS, WebLogic Server, and Oracle Coherence operate correctly on your system. They facilitate checking of cross-product dependencies during installation.

For more information about selecting an installation directory, see "Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence Directory Structure" in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence.

Next Steps

After you complete the pre-installation tasks, install OCECAS. See "Installing OCECAS" for instructions.