5 Installing OCECAS

This chapter describes how to run the Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS) installation program.

Before you install OCECAS, complete all pre-installation tasks described in "OCECAS Pre-Installation Tasks".

Overview of OCECAS Installation Tasks

After you complete all pre-installation tasks, install OCECAS by performing the following:

  1. Install OCECAS on the machine that will host your UDR domain.

  2. Install OCECAS on the machines that will host your runtime domains.

  3. Install OCECAS on the machine that will host your management domain.

  4. Create your OCECAS database and schema by running the root.sh script on the machine that will host your management domain.

You can run the OCECAS installer in GUI mode or silent mode. Silent mode enables you to perform a non-interactive installation of OCECAS. Use silent mode to install OCECAS quickly on multiple systems.

For installation instructions, see the following sections:

Installing OCECAS in GUI Mode

To run the installation program in GUI mode, the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI.

To install OCECAS:

  1. Log in to the machine on which you want to install OCECAS.

  2. If you plan to create a domain immediately after installing OCECAS, ensure that the Oracle database listener is running.

    To start the Oracle database listener, enter the following command:

    DB_Oracle_home/bin/lsnrctl start

    where DB_Oracle_home is the directory in which you installed the Oracle database software. For more information about starting the listener, see "Listener Control Utility" in Oracle Database Net Services Reference.

  3. Download the OCECAS software from the Oracle software delivery website at:


  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program and unzip the archive.

  5. Launch the installation program by entering the following command from the JDK directory on your system:

    java -jar ocecas_generic.jar

    The installation program starts.

    If no other Oracle products are installed on the system, the Installation Inventory screen appears. Specify the location where you want to create your central inventory. Make sure that the operating system group name selected on this screen has write permissions to the central inventory location.

    For more information about the central inventory, see "Understanding the Oracle Central Inventory" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

    If an Installation Inventory exists, the Installation Welcome screen appears.

  6. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  7. Enter or browse to the directory in which to install the OCECAS software and then click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  8. Select Evolved Communications Application Server Installation, and then click Next.

    The Prerequisite Checks screen appears.

  9. The screen automatically tests your system to ensure that it meets all operating system and JDK software requirements:

    • A green check mark indicates that your system passed the prerequisite check.

    • A red circle indicates a problem. The bottom of the screen shows a short error message to help you troubleshoot the problem. Fix the error and click Rerun to perform the prerequisite checks again. To continue the installation without fixing the problem, click Skip.

  10. Click Next.

    The Security Updates screen appears.

  11. If you already have a My Oracle Support account, use this screen to indicate how you would prefer to receive security updates: through email or through My Oracle Support.

    If you do not have a My Oracle Support account and are sure that you want to skip this step, clear the check box and verify your selection in the follow-up dialog box.

  12. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  13. Verify the installation options you selected. If you want to save these options to a response file, click Save Response File and provide a location and name for the response file. Response files can be used later in a silent installation.


    If you only want to save a response file, you can exit the installation now.
  14. Click Install to start the installation.

    The Installation Progress screen appears, and a progress bar indicates the status of the installation process.


    After the installation begins, if you click Cancel, the installation process stops but the files that are already copied are not removed.
  15. Click Next.

    The Installation Instructions screen appears.

  16. If you are installing OCECAS on a machine that will host a runtime or UDR domain, click Next and proceed to step 17.

    If you are installing OCECAS on a machine that will host the management domain, open a command window and perform the following steps:

    1. Log in as the ocecas user. See "Creating a UNIX User for Installing OCECAS".

    2. Ensure that ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME are not defined in your environment.

    3. Enter the following command to create the OCECAS database and schema:

      ./root.sh -d install

      The script displays a series of prompts.


    4. At each prompt, answer the question and then press Enter. Table 5-1 describes each prompt.

      Table 5-1 Root.sh Script Prompts

      Prompt Description


      Enter the name of the user you used to install the Oracle database software.


      Enter the name of the group to which the UNIX user belongs. The default Oracle database group name is dba.


      Enter the base directory of the Oracle database installation.

      The Oracle base directory is the initial portion of the installation path in a standard Oracle database installation. For example, /u01/app/oracle.


      Enter the complete path to the Oracle database installation. For example, if ORACLE_BASE is /u01/app/oracle, ORACLE_HOME would be /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome.

      sdc User Password

      Enter a password for the sdc user. The sdc user is the owner of the database that this script creates, and is used by OCECAS for all database operations.

      You will be prompted to enter this password twice.

      SYS User Password

      Enter the password for the Oracle database SYS user. The SYS user is an administrative user and is the owner of all database objects.

      For more information about the Oracle database SYS user, see "Administrative User Accounts" in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

      You will be prompted to enter this password twice.

      SYSTEM User Password

      Enter the password for the Oracle database SYSTEM user. The Oracle database SYSTEM user is the master database administrator user with access to all of the database objects.

      For more information about the Oracle database SYSTEM user, see "Administrative User Accounts" in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

      You will be prompted to enter this password twice.

      SDC_ADMIN User Password

      Enter a password for the SDC_ADMIN user.

      You will be prompted to enter this password twice.

    5. Return to the GUI installer screen and click Next.

  17. In the Installation Complete screen, perform one of the following:

    • Select the Automatically Launch the Configuration Wizard check box on this screen. After you click Finish to close the installer, the configuration wizard is started and you can begin to configure your domain. If you choose to do this, proceed to "Creating Domains Using the Graphical Domain Configuration Wizard".

    • Deselect the Automatically Launch the Configuration Wizard check box on this screen. After you click Finish to close the installer, manually start the configuration wizard to begin configuring your domain. If you choose to do this, proceed to "Starting the Domain Configuration Wizard".

Installing OCECAS in Silent Mode

Silent mode is a way of setting installation options once and then using those settings to duplicate the installation on many machines. The installation program reads your settings from a Response File that you create prior to beginning the installation. The installation program does not display any options during the installation process.

For general information about silent installation for Oracle products, see "Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

About the Response File

The entries in the Response File (response.rsp) correspond to the prompts that you would see if you used GUI mode.

Incorrect entries in response.rsp can cause installation failures. To help you determine the cause of a failure, Oracle recommends that you create a log file when you start the installation.

The following shows a sample version of a response.rsp file. Your input may be slightly different, depending on your installation.

Response File Version=
#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home
#Set this variable value to the Installation Type selected. e.g. Session Design and Control.
INSTALL_TYPE=Evolved Communications Application Server
#Provide the My Oracle Support Username. If you wish to ignore Oracle Configuration Manager configuration provide empty string for user name.
#Provide the My Oracle Support Password
#Set this to true if you wish to decline the security updates. Setting this to true and providing empty string for My Oracle Support username
will ignore the Oracle Configuration Manager configuration
#Set this to true if My Oracle Support Password is specified
#Provide the Proxy Host
#Provide the Proxy Port
#Provide the Proxy Username
#Provide the Proxy Password
#Type String (URL format) Indicates the OCM Repeater URL which should be of the format [scheme[Http/Https]]://[repeater host]:[repeater port]

See Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide for more information.

Returning Exit Codes to the Console

The silent installation program generates exit codes that indicate the success or failure of the installation. Table 5-2 describes these exit codes:

Table 5-2 Installation Program Exit Codes

Code Description


Installation completed successfully.


Installation failed due to a fatal error.


Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error.

If you start the silent installation process from a script, you can have these exit codes displayed to the console. Example 5-1 shows a sample command file that runs the installation while in silent mode and echoes the exit codes to the console from which the script is executed.

Example 5-1 Return Exit Codes

rem Execute the installer in silent mode
@echo off
java -jar ocecas_generic.jar -silent -responseFile=/home/use/bin/response.rsp -log=logfilename

@rem Return an exit code to indicate success or failure of installation
set exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%

@echo Exitcode=%exit_code%
@echo Exit Code Key
@echo ---------------
@echo  0=Installation completed successfully
@echo -1=Installation failed due to a fatal error
@echo -2=Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error

Running the Installer in Silent Mode

To install OCECAS in silent mode:

  1. Log in to the target system.

  2. Download the OCECAS software from the Oracle software delivery website at:


  3. Create a response file, as described in "About the Response File".

  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded the OCECAS software.

  5. Start the installer by entering the following command:

    java -jar ocecas_generic.jar -silent -responseFile ResponseFile

    The OCECAS Installer checks for all required software and writes errors to a log file if it detects any missing or unavailable components, or if there are any connectivity-related issues.

  6. If you are installing OCECAS on the machine that will host the management domain, perform the following additional steps:

    1. When prompted, run the root.sh script from the Ocecas_home directory:

      root.sh -d install -u unixUser -g dbGroup -b oracleBaseDir -h DB_Oracle_home -i dbInstance

      For more information about the script and its parameters, see "About the OCECAS Database Creation Script".

    2. When prompted, enter passwords for the sdc user, SYS user, SYSTEM user, and SDC_ADMIN user.

    3. When the root.sh script completes, ensure that the Oracle TNSListener has started by entering the following command:

      DB_Oracle_home/bin/lsnrctl start
  7. Check whether the installer completed successfully by retrieving the exit codes, as described in "Returning Exit Codes to the Console".

About the OCECAS Database Creation Script

During the OCECAS installation process, you must run the root.sh script on the machine that hosts the management domain.

The script creates the following:

  • An Oracle database instance named SDC.

  • The OCECAS database schema.

  • A database user named sdc. This account is used to access the data in the SDC database.

  • A database administrative user named SDC_ADMIN. This user owns the database schema and has administrator privileges.

Script Syntax and Options

The root.sh script is located in Ocecas_home and uses the following syntax:

root.sh -d install| remove -u unixUser -g dbGroup -b oracleBaseDir -h DB­_Oracle_home -i dbInstance

The script accepts a number of command-line arguments. If you do not include any arguments, the script prompts for the required values. The script automatically prompts you for passwords for the sdc, sdc_admin, SYS, and SYSTEM user accounts.

Table 5-3 describes the command-line options for root.sh in detail.

Table 5-3 root.sh Command Line Options

Command Flag Description

-d install|remove

When set to install, the script creates an OCECAS Oracle instance.

When set to remove, the script removes the OCECAS Oracle instance.

-u unixUser

The name of the UNIX user you used to install OCECAS and the Oracle database software. See "Creating a UNIX User for Installing OCECAS".

-g dbGroup

The name of the group to which the UNIX user belongs, for example, dba.

-b oracleBaseDir

The base directory of the Oracle database software. The Oracle base directory is the initial portion of the installation path that terminates before /product/12.1.0/dbhome in a standard Oracle database software installation.

-h DB_Oracle_home

The complete path to the Oracle database installation, for example, oracleBaseDir/product/12.1.0/dbhome.

-i dbInstance

The database instance number.

Troubleshooting root.sh

If root.sh fails with any errors, you can find logs at Ocecas_home/wlserver/csp/installation/scripts/logs/install.log.

Next Steps

Now that OCECAS is installed, you need to create and configure the domains it requires. See "Creating and Configuring OCECAS Domains" for instructions.