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Oracle® Health Sciences Adverse Event Integration Pack for Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety Installation Guide for On-Premise Deployment
Release 1.0.2

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7 Installing the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Installing the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration

To install the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration, perform the following steps:

  1. Download Oracle® Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety Integration Release 1.0 from the edelivery page.

  2. Unzip to any location on the server.

  3. Navigate to inform_argus-pip > Disk1.

  4. Execute the following commands, based on your platform.

    Table 7-1 Launching the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Installer

    Field Description

    Linux x86 (64-bit)

    Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <soa_Home>/oraInst.loc -jreloc <location of the jre specific to your operating system. This directory should have /bin/java>

    Microsoft Windows (32-bit or 64-bit)

    Double-click setup.exe.

    The Welcome screen is displayed, listing prerequisites and information about how to begin the installation process.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Wait for the following prerequisite checks to complete:

    • Operating system certification

    • Recommended operating system packages

    • Kernal parameters

    • Recommended gilbc version

    • Physical memory

  7. When the prerequisite checks are complete, click Next.

    The Installation location screen is displayed.

  8. Select the AIA Home where the Foundation Pack is installed.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen is displayed.

  10. Review the installation summary. To save the Response file, click Save.

    The Response file stores the values that you previously entered and are on the summary page.

    If you want to install again, you can run a command and the installer performs a silent install with inputs from the Response file instead of using the wizard. The following is an example of the command. Note the -silent and -response arguments.

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <SOA_Home>/oraInst.loc -jreLoc <location of the jre for your operating system> -silent -response <Oracle Home>/11.1_Installer_response.xml


    he location of the jre for your operating system should have the format /bin/java. Do not use a hard coded value for java dir.
  11. Click Install.

    A warning message is displayed indicating that any customizations will be overwritten.

  12. Click Yes to proceed with the installation.

    Alternatively, if you click No, you can go back to the previous screen. For more information on how to back up AIA_HOME and preserve customizations, see Section 4.4.

  13. Click Next.

    The Installation Progress screen is displayed.

  14. Click Next.

    The Installation Complete screen is displayed.

  15. Click Finish.

    The installation is complete.

7.2 Configuring Pre-deployment Security for the InForm-Argus Safety Integration

The Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration stores messages containing patient data in a JMS Queue on the SOA server. The JMS Queue must reside in an encrypted tablespace in the SOA database.

To configure pre-deployment security, perform the following steps:

  1. Create or open the sqlnet.ora file from $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.

    For example:

    <Oracle Home>/db11g/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin.

  2. To create a wallet that is used by the TDE encryption, follow the instructions in Oracle® Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2).

    Ensure that the following line is present in the sqlnet.ora file. If it is not present, add it at the end of the file.


    For example:


  3. Save the sqlnet.ora file.

  4. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/data/AEInFormandArgus/sql/JMSEncryption.

  5. Open CreateSecureTableSpace.sql in an editor.

  6. Locate the string <ORACLE_HOME>/db11g/admin/<ORACLE_SID>/secure01.dbf in CreateSecureTableSpace.sql and replace it with the appropriate location on your database server. Change any parameters for the tablespace to suit your environment.

    For example:


  7. Save CreateSecureTableSpace.sql.

  8. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as a user with the SYSDBA role.

    For example:

    sqlplus <username> as sysdba

    Press Enter.

    Enter <password>.

  9. Execute CreateSecureTableSpace.sql.

    For example:

    SQL> @ /<AIA_HOME>/data/AEInFormandArgus/sql/JMSEncryption/CreateSecureTableSpace.sql

    The SQL script prompts for the wallet password. Enter the wallet password provided during wallet creation. When the script executes successfully, a secure tablespace is created.

  10. Exit SQL*Plus.

  11. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as a user with the <AIA_INSTANCE>_JMSUSER role.

    For example:

    sqlplus <username>@<db sid>

    Press Enter.

    Enter <password>.


    The script CreateSecureTable.sql can only be run once. If you run it second time, it deletes the existing table before creating a new one.
  12. Execute CreateSecureTable.sql.

    For example:

    SQL> @ <AIA_HOME>/data/AEInFormandArgus/sql/JMSEncryption/CreateSecureTable.sql

    When the script executes successfully, a secure tablespace is created in the <AIA_INSTANCE>_JMSUSER schema.

  13. Exit SQL*Plus.

7.3 Configuring the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration

The configuration wizard screens prompt you to enter the data that is required for successful configuration of the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration. Complete the worksheets for the screens before you launch the configuration wizard. For more information, see Chapter 6.

To configure the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the following command, as appropriate for your platform, to configure the installation environment:

    • Linux: source

    • Windows: aiaenv.bat

  2. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the following command, as appropriate for your platform, to launch the AIA Configuration Wizard:

    • Linux: ./

    • Windows: aiaconfig.bat

  3. Click Next.

  4. Expand Core Process Integration Packs in the navigation tree.

  5. Select Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Version 1.0.

  6. Click Next.

7.3.1 Specify Pre-Built Integration Server Details

To specify Pre-Built Integration Server details:

  1. Enter information for your server in the Pre-built Integration Server Details screen.

  2. Click Next.

7.3.2 Specify Argus Safety Details

To specify Argus Safety details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Argus Safety server instance in the Argus Safety Details screen.

  2. Click Next.

7.3.3 Specify InForm and InForm Adapter Details

To specify InForm and InForm Adapter details:

  1. Enter information about your InForm server in the InForm and InForm Adapter Details screen.

  2. Click Next.

7.3.4 Complete Configuration

To complete configuration:

  1. Review the configuration information in the Configuration Summary screen.

    If you want change the configuration before starting the installation, use the navigation pane on the left and select the topic to edit.

    You can also create a response file based on the input provided and use it for future silent installations and deployments.

  2. Click Configure to accept the configuration and begin the installation.

    The system displays progress in the Configuration Progress screen.

    Warnings or errors are displayed as necessary. You can review the configuration log for additional details. The configuration log location is displayed in the Configuration Progress screen.

  3. Click Next.

    When the configuration process completes without errors, the Configuration Complete screen is displayed.

  4. Click Finish to close the configuration wizard.

  5. AIAInstallProperties.xml is updated. This file is located in the <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<AIA_instance_name>/config folder. Use this file for deploying the integration pack on the SOA server.

7.4 Configuring the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration Using a Response File

To configure the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety integration using a response file, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the response file.

    When you create a response file through the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), passwords are stored as <SECURE>.

  2. Replace the password fields with actual passwords in the response file.

  3. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the following command, as appropriate for your platform, to configure the environment:

    • Linux: source

    • Windows: aiaenv.bat

  4. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the following command, as appropriate for your platform:

    • Linux: ./ <Response File Location and Name>

    • Windows: aiaconfig.bat <Response File Location and Name>

7.5 Deploying the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety Integration

You deploy the Adverse Event: InForm and Argus Safety components on the SOA server as part of the post-installation configurations.

To deploy the integration to the SOA server, run the following commands, as appropriate for your platform.

  1. Navigate to <AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<AIA_instance_name>/bin and enter the following:

    • Linux: source

    • Windows: aiaenv.bat

Table 7-2 Deployment commands for the InForm - Argus Safety Integration

Platform Deployment Command


Solaris SPARC

ant -f $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DPropertiesFile=$AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<instance_name>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -DDeploymentPlan=$AIA_HOME/pips/AEInFormandArgus/DeploymentPlans/AEInFormandArgusDP.xml -DSupplementaryDeploymentPlan=$AIA_HOME/pips/AEInFormandArgus/DeploymentPlans/AEInFormandArgusSupplementaryDP.xml -l $AIA_HOME/pips/AEInFormandArgus/DeploymentPlans/AEInFormandArgus.log

Microsoft Windows

ant -f %AIA_HOME%\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml -DPropertiesFile=%AIA_HOME%\aia_instances\<instance_name>\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml -DDeploymentPlan=%AIA_HOME%\pips\AEInFormandArgus\DeploymentPlans\AEInFormandArgusDP.xml -DSupplementaryDeploymentPlan=%AIA_HOME%\pips\AEInFormandArgus\DeploymentPlans\AEInFormandArgusSupplementaryDP.xml -l %AIA_HOME%\pips\AEInFormandArgus\DeploymentPlans\AEInFormandArgus.log

AIA ships a few artifacts in AIA Lifecycle Workbench that can be used in your integrations. You can modify these native artifacts, or you can add new, natively supported artifacts using AIA Lifecycle Workbench and then generate a BOM.xml file.

AIA Foundation Pack also supports the deployment of custom artifacts. These artifact types are beyond what is natively supported by Project Lifecycle Workbench and AIA Harvester. For example, you can deploy third party technology artifacts that constitute part of integration landscape in addition to those provided by AIA.

For more information on deploying artifacts, see Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (