C H A P T E R  3

Feedback Monitoring and Administration Commands for All Arrays

This chapter describes the sscs commands and their options for monitoring and administrating all of Oracle’s storage arrays, including:

For configuration and other commands that apply only to arrays with RAID controllers, see Chapter 3.

add notification

Enable remote notification.


Add email notification:

add -e <email-address[,email-address...]> [-c <array-type>] [-r <pager|email>] [-m <down|critical|major|minor>] [-f] [-k] [-t] [-g] notification local_email

Add an SNMP trap notification:

add -i <hostname> -o <port-id> [-m <down|critical|major|minor>] [-c <string>] [-g] notification trap

Add an email filter:

add -n <event_id> -s <info|none> notification email-filter


Sets up email and SNMP trap notification. You can add one or more email addresses for notifications.


-c,--components <array-type>

Specifies the array model number.

-c,--community-string <string>

Specifies the SNMP community string.

-e,--email <email-address[,email-address...]>

Specifies that all notifications are sent to the given email addresses.


If option is used, configuration event emails as well as alert e-mails are sent. If option is not used, configuration event emails and alert e-mails are not sent.

-i,--ip <hostname>

Specifies that all notifications from the given IP address are sent to the specified email addresses.


If option is used, components of aggregated events are skipped. If option is not used, components of aggregated events are not skipped.

-m,--alarm-level <down|critical|major|minor>

Specifies the minimum priority level of alerts to be sent out. By default, all alerts will be sent out.

-n,--event-number <event_id> 

Specifies the event code to filter.

-o,--port <port-id>

Specifies the port ID used to transfer notifications.

-r,--format <pager|email>

Specifies the format of the message: email or pager. If no value is specified, the command defaults to email.

-s,--severity <info|none> 

Specifies the severity of events to report.


Turns off Service Advisor information in notifications.


sscs add -e test@oracle.com notification local_email

add registeredarray

Discovers an array or all arrays on the same subnet as the management host and registers them.


add -d registeredarray
add -i [-q] registeredarray


Discovers arrays and registers them.



Specifies the IP address of the device.


Automatically discovers all arrays on the same subnet as the management host and registers them. If discover is specified, all other options are ignored and arrays are automatically discovered.

Note - After the sscs add -d registeredarray command is issued and associated arrays are registered on the host, this message displays in the GUI interface: “A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.” Click Continue to allow scripts. Avoid registering arrays with the CLI when the GUI is running.


Queries for the current password for remote proxy for the registered array.


sscs add -i registeredarray

add userrole

Adds a user name to the user access list and defines the user privileges.


add -u <user-name> userrole storage | guest


Adds a user name to the user access list and defines the user role as having storage or guest privileges.


-u,--username <user-name>

Specifies a user name. The <user-name> must already be defined on the computer in the operating system.

userrole storage | guest 

Specifies the new user’s role.

storage - Provides full storage configuration and monitoring access.

guest - Allows user to view but not change storage configurations.

list agent

Lists the fault management agent information.


list agent


Lists the current fault management agent information. Fault Management Service (FMS) periodically scans devices for new messages and updated health status. Use the modify agent command to configure agent settings.


list agent
Agent configuration saved.
Hostname                          : camx2200-16
Hostid                            : 310af477
IP                                :
Active                            : Y
Monitoring Frequency              : 5
Maximum Monitoring Thread Allowed : 1

list alarm

Provides detailed information on a specified alarm or summary information on all alarms.


list [-s <0|1|2|3>] [-f <2510|2530|2540|6120|6130|6140|6180|6540|6580|6780|flx240|flx280|flx380|j4200|j4400|j4500|f5100|b6000|nem>] [-a] [-S] alarm [Alarm_Id[,Alarm_Id...]]


This command provides detailed information on the specified alarms. When alarm IDs are not specified, it provides summary information on all alarms.



Specifies for the command output to list Probable Cause and Recommended Action information for listed alarms. By default, this information is not listed.

-s,--severity <0|1|2|3>

Specifies a severity level at which to filter alarms so that only the alarms of that severity or higher are listed.

Severity Levels:

0 - minor

1 - major

2 - critical

3 - down

-f,--faultdevtype <2510|2530|2540|6120|6130|6140|6180|6540|6580|6780|flx240|flx280|flx380|j4200|j4400|j4500|f5100|b6000|nem>

Specifies the type of device to list.

-S, --Summary 

Specifies that the system return a summary of alarm information.

alarm [Alarm_Id[,Alarm_Id...]]

Specifies the alarm or alarms to display. If no alarm is specified, summary information on all alarms is displayed.


When --advisor option is not specified:

sscs list -f j4500 alarm
Sample Output:
Alarm Id         : alarm39
Severity         : Critical
Type             : j4500.CommunicationLostEvent
Topic            : InBand
Event Code       : 83.12.21
Date             : 2010-03-26 13:58:06
Device           : jbodTop[SUN.j4500.5080020000467400]
Description      : Lost in-band communication with j4500 LokiTop
State            : Open
Acknowledged By  : -
Auto Clear       : Y
Aggregated Count : 0
Found one alert entry in health database.


When --advisor option is specified:

sscs list -f j4500 -a alarm
Sample Output (truncated):
Alarm Id         : alarm39
Severity         : Critical
Type             : j4500.CommunicationLostEvent
Topic            : InBand
Event Code       : 83.12.21
Date             : 2010-03-26 13:58:06
Device           : jbodTop[SUN.j4500.5080020000467400]
Description      : Lost in-band communication with j4500 LokiTop
State            : Open
Acknowledged By  : -
Auto Clear       : Y
Aggregated Count : 0
Sample Description : Lost communication (InBand([Host_Name])) with [Array_Name].
Probable Cause     :
                     This problem can be caused by:
                     - SAS cable failure
                     - Array power offline
                     - Array controller offline
                     - Array is no longer reporting a valid serial number.
                     - Array didn't report on expanders.
Recommended Action :
                     1. Verify cables, power, and connections along data path.
                     2. Verify that the JBOD is reporting a valid serial number
                     by collecting support data.
                     3. Verify that the JBOD is reporting information on the
                     expanders by collecting support data.
Found one alert entry in health database.

list array

Lists detailed information about one or more arrays.


list array [array-name[,array-name...]]


Lists detailed information about one or more arrays. If you do not specify an array name, then all array names are listed.


array [array-name[,array-name...]]

Specifies the array or arrays for which to display detailed information.


sscs list array array00

Response Format (summary of arrays when no <array-name> value is specified)

Array: array-name


Array: array-name

Response Format (detail of array when the <array-name> value is specified)

Note - A value for the Lock Key ID field is displayed only if the array supports Data Encryption Services.

Array: array-name

Array Type: array-type

Network Address: network-address

Device ID: device-id

Serial Number: serial-number

Firmware Version: firmware-version

Array WWN: array-WWN

Health Status: OK | Degraded

Hot Spare Pool Disks: number-of-hot-spare-drives (FC, SATA, SAS, and SSD; quantity of Full Disk Encryption (FDE) capable drives also indicated.

Node WWN: node-WWN

Disk Scrubbing Enabled: Enabled | Disabled

Disk Scrubbing Duration: duration

Default Cache Block Size: 4K | 16K

Default Cache Start %: <0..100>

Default Cache Stop %: <0..100>

Default Host Type: host-type

Failover Alert Delay: 1..300 minutes

Next Battery Learn Cycle: month-day-time-year

Total Capacity: capacity

Available Capacity: available-capacity

Lock Key ID: <lock-key-id>

Tray ID: tray-id

Host: host

Host Group: host-group

Pool: pool

list date

Lists the current date and time for the array in hours, minutes, and seconds.


list -a <array-name> date


Lists the current date and time for the array in hours, minutes, and seconds. The time zone of the management system is assumed to be the time zone of the array.

Note - This command is not supported by any JBOD array.


-a,--array <array-name> 

Specifies the array for which you want to see the date.


sscs list -a array00 date
Response Format

Date: weekday month day HH:MM:SS YYYY


Tue Dec 20 16:09:36 2004

list device

Provides detailed information on a specified device or summary information on all devices.


list [ -n <array-name> ] [ -i <IP-address>] device [ <device-ID [,device-ID...]>]


List the details of a device or the devices being monitored.


-n,--name <array-name> 

Specifies the array name for which you want to see the details. If no array is specified, summary information for all arrays is displayed.

Note - Other commands may use -a,--array or -d,--device in place of -n,--name.

-i,--ip <IP-address>

Specifies the IP address of the connected host when using remote proxy.


Specifies one or more device IDs.


sscs list device
Device Name      : F5100g
Type             : f5100
IP Address       : camtest17
Monitored On     : camtest17
Key              : SUN.f5100.508002000048f100
Active           : Y
WWN              : 508002000048f100
Alternate IP     : camtest17
Alt IP Number    :
Management Level : D
Said             : 508002000048f100
Time Added       : 2008-10-28 13:35:28
sscs list -n fms-6780-1 device
Device Name       : den-6780-1
Type              : 6780
IP Address        :
Monitored On      : camtest29
Key               : SUN.24643-01.SF74700358
Active            : Y
Unique Identifier : 200400a0b829ec26
Alternate IP      : fms-6780-1b
Alt IP Number     :
Management Level  : D
Said              : 600A0B800029EC260000000048931900
Time Added        : 2009-02-20 15:15:42
Port WWNs         : 201400a0b829ec26,202400a0b829ec26,203400a0b829ec26,204400a0b
sscs list -i device
Device Name       : den-6780-1
Type              : 6780
IP Address        :
Monitored On      : camtest29
Key               : SUN.24643-01.SF74700358
Active            : Y
Unique Identifier : 200400a0b829ec26
Alternate IP      : fms-6780-1b
Alt IP Number     :
Management Level  : D
Said              : 600A0B800029EC260000000048931900
Time Added        : 2009-02-20 15:15:42
Port WWNs         : 201400a0b829ec26,202400a0b829ec26,203400a0b829ec26,204400a0b

list devices

Provides summary information on all devices.


list devices


List a summary of the devices being monitored.


list devices
Response Format
Monitored On:		Interface
Device: 		Array/system being monitored
Type: 		Array/system model
IP Address: 		IP-address
WWN: 		World Wide Name
Active:		Is the device active? Y | N
ASR:		Is Auto Service Request on? Y | N

list disk

Lists the disk information for an array.


list -a <array-name> [-t <tray-name>] disk [disk-name[,disk-name...]]


Lists disk information.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the name of the array where the disk resides.

-t,--tray <tray-name>

Specifies to display disk information only within a specified tray in a specified array.

disk [disk-name[,disk-name...]]

This option provides detailed information on the specified disks. When disks are not specified, this option provides detailed information on all the disks in the tray.


Note - The information returned in the command output varies based on the type of disk (e.g. SATA, SSD, etc.).

sscs list --array cam-6180-2 disk t2d01
Tray: 2    Disk: t2d01
  ID:                      Tray.02.Drive.01
  Array:                   cam-6180-2
  Array Type:              6180
  Slot Number:             1
  Role:                    Unassigned
  Mirror Disk:             -
  Virtual Disk:            -
  State:                   Enabled
  Status:                  Optimal
  Capacity:                558.912 GB
  Type:                    Fibre Channel
  Speed (RPM):             15000
  Firmware:                9305
  Serial Number:           000948N06LDB        3SL06LDB
  WWN:                     20:00:00:24:B6:3C:55:45:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
  Security:                Disabled
  Disk Locked:             False
  Array Lock Key ID:       -

list erc

Lists the command error return code.


list erc


Lists the error return code of the immediately preceding sscs command.


The following examples demonstrate the execution of an sscs command, followed by the list erc command to check the error code.

sscs list storage-system
Array: JBODTest
Array: Test10x86
Array: Demo-w2k3
Array: Demo2_JBOD
Array: ColoSata
Array: Denver
Array: Ruby
Array: NMS-OZ-12
Array: JBOD3Test
Array: JBOD4Top
sscs list erc
sscs list storage-system NMS-OZ-12
Name:				NMS-OZ-12
ID:				NMS-OZ-12
Type:				6130
Vendor:				SUN Microsystems
Model:				Sun StorEdge 6130 System
Capacity:				2.483 TB
Available Capacity:				2.077 TB
sscs list erc
sscs list storage-system NMS-OZ-21
NMS-OZ-21: The object was not found.
sscs list erc

list event

Lists the Fault Management Service (FMS) event log information.


sscs list [-s <0|1|2|3>] [-d <device_id>] [-t <type>] [-a] [-f <keyword>] [-l <limit>] event [event_id[,event_id...]]


Lists the FMS event log information. You can filter by device type and severity level.


-s,--severity <0|1|2|3>

Specifies a severity level at which to filter events so that only the events of that severity or higher are listed.

Severity Levels:

0 - minor

1 - major

2 - critical

3 - down

-d,--device <device_id>

List only events for the given device.

Note - Other commands may use -a,--array or -n,--name in place of -d,--device.

-t,--type <type>

List only events of the given event type. Valid types can be obtained by first listing event details.


Specifies to include all aggregated events in the list. By default, all aggregated events are not included.

-f, --filter <keyword>

Filter output on the event Description by using the given keyword parameter.

-l,--last <limit>

Limit the number of events printed by the given number.

event [event_id[,event_id...]]

Specifies the event ID(s).


Get details of an event ID:

sscs list event 12
Severity:			Minor
Date:			Wed Jan 21 10:56:57 MST 2009
Device:			ralphie (StorageTek 6140)
Component:			-
Type:			Discovery
Information:			Discovered a device of type 6140 named ralphie
Event Code:			57.14.16
Aggregated:			No
Description:			Discovered a device of type 6140 named ralphie
Probable Cause:				A discovery operation has found a monitorable 																												device.
Recommended Action:				No action required.

list firmware

Lists the firmware versions of the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in this device.


list [-a <array-name[,array-name...]>] [-t <string[,string...]>] [-x <string[,string...]>] firmware


Lists the firmware versions of the field-replaceable units in this device. You can define the FRUs to include or exclude.


-a,--array <array-name[,array-name...]>

Shows the firmware revision level of the field-replaceable units for the specified arrays only.

-t,--type <string[,string...]>

Shows the firmware revision level for the specified component types. Substitute the following component types for JBOD arrays: disk, expander, and sim. Substitute the following component types for RAID arrays: ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod). The -t option can be used multiple times in the same command, or have multiple comma delimited arguments in a single instance.

-x,--exclude <string[,string...]>

Excludes the specified component types from the list of firmware revision levels. Substitute the following component types for JBOD arrays: disk, expander, and sim. Substitute the following component types for RAID arrays: ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod). The -x option can be used multiple times in the same command, or have multiple comma delimited arguments in a single instance.


List the component firmware revisions for all arrays:

sscs list firmware

List the component firmware revisions for a specified array:

sscs list -a jbod1 firmware

List the component firmware revisions for specified component types in a specified array:

sscs list -a jbod1 -t disk -t sim firmware

List the component firmware revisions for a specified array, excluding specified component types:

sscs list -a array1 -x ctrl -x iom firmware

list fru

Lists the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in this device.


list -d <array-name> [ -t <type-name> ] [ -s ] fru [<fru-name[,fru-name...]>]


Lists the field-replaceable units in this array. You can filter by component type.


-d, --device <array-name> 

Specifies the array for which to list installed FRUs.

Note - Other commands may use -a,--array or -n,--name in place of -d,--device.

-t,--type <type-name>

Specifies the type of field-replaceable units installed in this device to list. Use the -s option to see which FRU types would be valid for the chosen device.

Note - The all option for type name is no longer valid for use.


Lists a summary of this field-replaceable unit.

fru [<fru-name>[,fru-name...]>]

If no FRU names are specified, lists the FRUs on the specified device. If FRU names are specified, lists the details of those FRUs.


sscs list -d j4400_test fru
Name 		FRU 		Alarm		State   	Status				Revision			Unique Id
-----------		------		-------	------			-------- 			------			----------
Disk.00 		Disk 		-		Enabled 	OK				0B92 			0751S371QV				3
Disk.01		Disk 		-     		Enabled 	OK      				0B92			0751S3B1DC	3
Disk.02		Disk 		-     		Enabled 	OK      				0B92			0749S374JE	3
sscs list -d j4400_test -s fru Disk.00
Availability             : Running/Full Power
Capacity                 : 146GB
Caption                  : disk
Enabled State            : Enabled
Firmware                 : 0B92
Host Path                : camtest99:/dev/rdsk/c3t97d0p0
Id                       : disk00.  0751S371QV        3LN371QV
IdentifyingNumber        :   0751S371QV        3LN371QV
Model                    : ST314655SSUN146G
Name                     : disk00.  0751S371QV        3LN371QV
Physical ID              : disk00.  0751S371QV        3LN371QV
Product Firmware Version : 0B92
Product Name             : SEAGATE ST314655SSUN146G
Revision Level           : 0B92
SAS Address              : 50:00:C5:00:07:BB:59:65
Serial Number            :   0751S371QV        3LN371QV
Speed                    : 3G
Status                   : OK
Type                     : SAS
Valid SUN Disk           : TRUE
Vendor                   : SEAGATE
sun-mgmt-data-host       :
sun-mgmt-data-host-name  : camtest99
sscs list -d cam-6180-2 fru Tray.02.Drive.01
Assignable                        : True
Availability                      : Running Full Power
Block Size                        : 512 bytes
Capacity (Raw)                    : 600127266816
Capacity (Useable)                : 599590395904
Customer Replaceable              : true
Data Speed (Current)              : 4 Gbit/s
Data Speed (Max)                  : Unknown
Degraded Channel Flag             : False
Degraded Channels                 : N/A
Description                       : Fibre Channel Disk Drive
Drive Firmware                    : 9305
Drive Type                        : Fibre Channel
Enabled State                     : Enabled
FDE Security                      : Capable
FRU Number                        : 000948N0XXXX 3SL0XXXX
FRU Type                          : HDD
Firmware                          : 9305
Firmware Package Version          : 9305
Hot Spare                         : False
Id                                : SEAGATE.ST360957FSUN600G.000948N0XXXX
Identifying Number                : 000948N0XXXX 3SL0XXXX
Invalid Drive Data                : False
Manufacture Date                  : Tue Dec 22 17:00:00 MST 2009
Media                             : HDD
Model                             : ST360957FSUN600G
Name                              : Tray.02.Drive.01
Non Redundant Access              : False
Offline                           : False
Physical ID                       : SEAGATE.ST360957FSUN600G.000948N0XXXX
Predicted Failure Analysis        : False
Predicted Failure Analysis Source : None
Raw Status                        : Optimal
Role                              : Unassigned
Serial Number                     : 000948N0XXXX 3SL0XXXX
Spindle Speed                     : 15000 rpm
Status                            : OK
Status Cause                      : None
Temperature (Current)             : 48 Celsius
Temperature (Max)                 : 68 Celsius
Uncertified                       : False
Vendor                            : SEAGATE
Virtual Disk Assignment           : Unassigned
WWN                               : 20000024B63CXXXX0000000000000000

list jobs

Lists job IDs and status associated with the specified array and optionally specified job ID.

Note - When using the Local CLI, only Fault Management Service (FMS) jobs are listed.


list -a <array-name> jobs [<job-id[,job-id...]>]


Lists job IDs and status associated with the specified array and optionally specified job ID.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the name of the array.

jobs [<job-id[,job-id...]>]

Specifies the job’s identifier. If one or more job IDs are given, this option lists detailed information on the jobs. If no job ID is given, this option lists summary information on all jobs.


sscs list -a array01 jobs
Response Format (when no <job-ID> value is specified)
Job ID: job-ID Status: job-status
Response Format (when one or more <job-IDs> values are specified)
Job ID: job-ID
Type: job-type
Status: Pending | In Progress
% Complete: complete 
Time to Completion: time-to-complete or Unknown
Priority: priority
Volume: volume-name

list log

Lists the user-initiated actions performed for all registered arrays.


list [-s <[mmdd] HHMM|mmddHHMM [cc] yy>] [-f <[mmdd] HHMM|mmddHHMM [cc] yy>] [-t <integer>] log


Lists the user-initiated actions performed for all registered arrays. You can filter the listings by date and time or most recent entries. If you do not specify any options, all log messages are displayed.


-s,--start <[mmdd] HHMM|mmddHHMM [cc] yy>

Lists all log messages starting at the date specified by the date options. Use with the -f,--finish subcommand to specify a date range.

-f,--finish <[mmdd] HHMM|mmddHHMM [cc] yy>

Lists all log messages ending at the date specified by the date options. Use with the -s,--start subcommand to specify a date range.


Specifies the month and day. For example, 0331 for March 31.


Specifies the hour and minute. The hour is based on a 24-hour clock. For example, 1:30 p.m. is 1330.


Specifies the century part of the year.


Specifies the two-digit year.

-t,--tail <integer>

Lists the most recent log messages as specified by integer.


sscs list -t 100 log

Lists the last 100 messages.

Response Format

list mgmt-sw


list mgmt-sw


Lists the management software application that you are logged into.


sscs list mgmt-sw
Sample Output
Application Name:   "Sun Storage Common Array Manager"
User:               local
Current Logins:     1
Sessions:           none
Server:             localhost
Server OS:          SunOS
Server OS Version:  5.10
Product Version:
Build Date:         October 21, 2010
Install Info:
Critical Alarms:    5
Down Alarms:        0
Major Alarms:       20
Minor Alarms:       0NAME

list notification


list notification [local_email|email-filter|email-server|trap|categories]


Lists the remote notification provider and its status.



Specifies to list only email entry information.


Specifies to list email filter information.


Specifies to list only email server information.


Specifies to list only SNMP trap information.


Specifies to list valid selectable components that can be used in setting up email.


Example 1: sscs list notification

Response Format
Email Configuration
SMTP Server for Email:server
SMTP Server User Name:user-name
SMTP Server Password:password
Use Secure SMTP Connection:true | false
SMTP Port:mail-port (if not the default 25)
Path to Email Program:email-program-path (optional)
Email Address of Sender:email-address
Maximum Email Size MB:size-in-megabytes
Email Entries
Entry:entry-no																													Email/Events:email-address
SNMP Trap Configuration
Notifier State:Enabled | Disabled
SNMP Trap Entries
IP Name/Address:ip-address					
Minimum Alert Level:trap-level

Example 2: sscs list notification local_email

Response Format
Entry:entry-no																										Email/Events:email-address

Example 3: sscs list notification email-filter

Response Format
Filter Id:filter-id
Event Code:event-code
New Severity:new-severity

Example 4: sscs list notification email-server

Response Format
SMTP Server for Email:server
SMTP Server User Name:user-name
SMTP Server Password:password
Use Secure SMTP Connection:true | false
Email Address of Sender:email-address
Maximum Email Size MB:size-in-megabytes

Example 5: sscs list notification trap

Response Format
IP Name/Address:ip-address					
Minimum Alert Level:trap-level

Example 6: sscs list notification categories

Response Format

list registeredarray

Lists registered array information.


list [-a <array-name[,array-name...]>] registeredarray


Lists registered array information or the names of all arrays.


-a,--array <array-name[,array-name...]>

Specifies the registered array or arrays to list. If no arrays are specified, a list of all array names is provided.


sscs list registeredarray
Array: array01
Array: array02
Array: j4400_test
Array: j4500_test2
sscs list -a array01 registeredarray
Array: array01
IP Address:
IP Address:

list site


list site


Lists pertinent information for the installation site.


sscs list site
*Company Name				: Oracle Corporation
*Site Name				: Interop Lab
Address				: 
Address 2				: 
Mail Stop				: 
*City				: Broomfield
State				: 
Zip Code				:
*Country				: USA
*Contact First Name				: Fred
*Contact Last Name				: Jones
Telephone Number				: 
Extension				: 
*Contact Email				: Fred.Jones@oracle.com

list storage-system

Lists detailed information about one or more arrays.


list storage-system [storage-system-name[,storage-system-name...]]


Lists detailed information about one or more arrays. If you do not specify an array name, then all array names are listed.


storage-system [storage-system-name[,storage-system-name...]]

If no array names are specified, all array names are listed. If array names are specified, details for those arrays will be listed.


sscs list storage-system 
Response Format

Summary of arrays when no <storage-system-name> value is specified

Array: array-name
Array: array-name


Detail of array when the <storage-system-name> value is specified

./sscs list storage-system j4400_test
Name:                  j4400_test
  ID:                  j4400_test
  Type:                J4400
  Version:             3R21
  Vendor:              SUN Microsystems
  Model:               Sun Storage J4400
  Capacity:            3.074 TB

list sun-connection

Lists information for Auto Service Request registration with Oracle Support.


list sun-connection


Lists information for Auto Service Request (ASR) registration with Oracle Support.



Specifies to list information for ASR registration.


sscs list sun-connection  
Registration Status: Not Registered
Oracle Support User Name:
Use Proxy Server:Disabled
Proxy Host Name:
Proxy Port:
Proxy User Name:

list userrole

Lists the user name and role defining the user’s array privileges.


list userrole [storage|guest]


Lists the user name and role defining the array privileges.


userrole [storage|guest] 

List the users with the specified role. The storage role allows write access so that the user can configure the array. The guest role can only monitor the array.


sscs list userrole storage
Response Format
User Name: user-name User Role: user-role
User Name: user-name User Role: user-role


Log in to the sscs command-line interface (CLI).


sscs login -h <host-name> [-s <CAM|Legacy>] [-t] [-f] [-u <user-name>]


Log in to the sscs command-line interface (CLI) on the management system specified by the -h <host-name>. This command starts a CLI session on the management host.

There are two versions of the CLI:

The local CLI requires a user to run the command as administrator from a shell on the management host. Because of this limitation, the login and logout commands are not supported.

Both CLI versions can manage any array that has been registered and added to the Common Array Manager inventory. The array type and array management path (in-band, out-of-band, proxy agents) has no limitations with local or remote CLI usage. Both CLIs manage the same arrays with the same command set.

Logging In and Out Using the CLI

The following explains how to log in to and out of the management host using the CLI. The options for accessing the CLI are presented in the next section.

There are different CLI directories for the remote and local CLIs. For further details, see Overview of the sscs Command.

Note - sscs has an inactivity timer. The session terminates if you do not enter any sscs commands for 30 minutes. You must log in again before you can enter a command after the timeout.

1. Telnet or ssh to the Sun Storage Common Array Manager management host.

ssh root@cam_mgmthost1

2. Change to the CLI directory (varies by operating system).

a. Access the remote CLI directory:

b. Access the local CLI directory:

3. Log in to the remote CLI by typing the following command:

% sscs login -h <host-name> -u <user-name>

Note - The local CLI on a data host does not require the login command.


-h,--hostname <host-name>

Required. Specifies the management host name.

-s,--system-type <CAM|Legacy>

This option specifies whether you are logging into any of the current arrays supported by the Common Array Manager or the now legacy 6920 array. In some cases, using the -s CAM option may log you in faster as it skips a step of listening for a response from the legacy array.

You no longer have to specify the system type to login.


Enables you to use the HTTP protocol to connect to the Sun Storage Common Array Manager server, instead of HTTPS. An HTTP connector is configured in Tomcat, the servlet container in Java, for the Java Web Console at port 6789. If SSL is not functioning between the client and the server, this might be required.


Exists for backward compatibility with legacy management applications that only allow one login per user. This option forces a login to the management host. If another user with the same user name is already logged on, the duplicate user is then logged off.

-u,--username <user-name>

Specifies the user name to log in.


./sscs login -h localhost -u root





Logs out of the remote sscs command-line interface session. This command is not supported with the local version of the CLI.


./sscs logout

modify agent

Modify the fault management agent parameters.


modify [-a] [-d] [-r] [-i <integer>] [-t <1|2|4|6|8|10>] agent [<agent-id>[,agent-id...]]


Modify the fault management agent parameters. Fault Management Service (FMS) periodically scans devices for new messages and updated health status. Use the list agent command to show current agent settings.



Specifies that the system activate the monitoring agent.


Specifies that the system deactivate or turn off the monitoring agent.


Specifies that the system schedule the agent to run either immediately or as soon as the currently scheduled run has finished.

-i,--interval <integer> 

Specifies the interval, in minutes, before the agent scan runs.

-t,--threads <1|2|4|6|8|10>

Specifies to set the maximum monitoring threads for the agent (1 is the default).

Note - Specifying more than one thread can improve monitoring performance when monitoring many devices. If monitoring all devices exceeds five minutes, it is recommended to increase the number of threads. If monitoring does not exceed five minutes, it is recommended to use the default of 1.

agent [<agent-id>[,agent-id...]]

Specifies the agent that you want to modify. The name of the agent monitoring the device can be retrieved using the list device command


sscs modify -i 5 agent

modify array


modify -N <new-array-name> array <array-name>


Modifies the name assigned to the array.

Note - Refer to the modify array command in Chapter 3 for extensive configuration options that apply to arrays with RAID controllers.


-N,--new-name <new-array-name>

Specifies the new name of the array.

array <array-name>

Specifies the name of the array to be modified.


sscs modify -N array2 array jbod1

modify firmware

Modifies the firmware versions of the specified field-replaceable units (FRUs) of the specified array, and installs the Sun Storage Common Array Manager baseline firmware or user-provided firmware image to the FRUs in the device.


modify -a <array-name> [ -f ] [ -o ][ -t <string[,string...]> ] [ -x <string[,string...]> ] [ -p <path> ] [ -c <field-name> ] [ -w ] firmware


Modifies the firmware versions of the specified field-replaceable units (FRUs) of the specified array, and installs the Sun Storage Common Array Manager baseline firmware or user-provided firmware image to the FRUs in the device.


-a,--array <array-name>

Modifies the firmware revision level of the specified field-replaceable units for the specified array only.

-c,--component <field-name>

Modifies the firmware for the selected components. To get the valid values, execute the sscs list -a <array-name> firmware command. Values for either the Name or Model fields can be used in place of <field-name>. If a Name value is used, only the given component will be modified. If a Model value is used, all components with the given model name will be modified.

Note - For RAID arrays only: NVSRAM does not have a component name or model name. Use -c system to install or modify NVSRAM firmware.


Modifies the firmware revision level of the all field-replaceable units even if the firmware revision level is already at the baseline level.


Specifies to allow installation of firmware to FRU components excluded from installation by default. Certain FRU component types (such as disk drives, SIMs, and expanders) require I/O operations to stop before a firmware installation. As a precaution, these components are excluded from the firmware installation by default. To install firmware on these component types, stop all I/O operations on these components and use this option.

-p,--path <path>

Specifies the full path of the firmware image file. Loads firmware from a file directly onto the array. Caution should be exercised when using this command because unsupported firmware can be loaded onto a field-replaceable unit. If the -p option is provided, the -c option is required. The full path of the firmware image file must be specified when using the -p option. If the -p option is not specified, this command will default to the Sun Storage Common Array Manager baseline firmware image.

Note - For Windows OS only, replace \ (backslash) with / (slash) when specifying the firmware image file path. For example, use C:/TEMP/firmware-img.fw instead of C:\TEMP\firmware-img.fw.

-t,--type <string[,string...]>

Modifies the firmware revision level of the field-replaceable units of the specified type only. Substitute the following component types for JBOD arrays: disk, expander, and sim. Substitute the following component types for RAID arrays: ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod). The -t option can be used multiple times in the same command, or have multiple comma delimited arguments in a single instance.


Modifies the firmware without displaying the standard warning.

-x,--exclude <string[,string...]>

Excludes the specified component type from the firmware install. Substitute the following component types for JBOD arrays: disk, expander, and sim. Substitute the following component types for RAID arrays: ctrl (array controller), system (NVSRAM), iom, and disk (disk drive or FMod). The -x option can be used multiple times in the same command, or have multiple comma delimited arguments in a single instance.


modify -a MyArray -f firmware

modify mgmt-sw

Stores or clears the specified storage system name for the session.


modify -X [storage-system-name] mgmt-sw


Stores the specified storage system name for the session. This command is useful for repeated operations on one particular array. After this command is executed, the -a option for subsequent sscs commands is not necessary. If no value is provided for -X, the stored storage system name is cleared.


-X,--storage-system <array-name>

Specifies the name of the storage system. If no value is provided for the -X option, the stored storage system name is cleared.


modify -X MyArray mgmt-sw

modify site

Modifies the site properties for this instance of Sun Storage Common Array Manager.


modify [-r <site-info[,site-info...]>] site [<site-info=-value[,site-info=value...]>]


Modifies the site properties for this instance of Sun Storage Common Array Manager. The site properties contain information needed for notification providers. Upon command execution, updated site information is displayed.


-r,--remove <site-info[,site-info...]

Removes the specified site information. Possible values for site-info are: address, address2, mailStop, state, zip, phone, and extension.

site [<site-info=value[,site-info=value...]]

Modifies existing site settings or adds new site information. Possible values for site-info are: customer, contract, name, address, address2, mailStop, city, state, zip, country, contact, phone, extension, and email. Possible values for value consist of an alphanumeric string. If the string includes spaces, enclose the values in quotes.


sscs modify site name=”Development Lab”
sscs modify -r mailStop site

modify storage-system

Modifies the array information.


modify [-N <storage-system-name>] [-q] storage-system <storage-system-name>


Modifies array information.


-N,--new-name <storage-system-name>

Changes the array name.


Specifies to query for the current array password to update the management software’s registration database.

storage-system <array-name>

Specifies the array where the changes will take effect.


sscs modify -q storage-system MyArray
Enter the array password:
Confirm password:

modify userrole

Change the user role or the IP address from which the user can log in.


modify -u <user-name> -p <true|false> -i <ANY|IP-address[,IP-address...]> userrole <storage|guest>


Modifies a user role or the IP address from which the user can log in. The storage role can perform configuration changes while the guest role can just monitor an array.


-u,--username <user-name>

Specifies the user name that has an assigned role (storage or guest).

-p,--password-required true | false

Specifies whether to require user login with a password.

-i,--ip-address ANY | <ip-address[,ip-address...]>

Specifies the IP addresses from which the user can log in. You can let the user log in from anywhere or restrict access to specified IP addresses.

userrole storage | guest

Specifies the role assigned to the user.


sscs modify -u bsmith -p true -i ANY userrole guest

register storage-system


register -i <ip-address> [-s <array-name>] [-q] storage-system
register -d storage-system 


Registers a storage system with the host.



Specifies to scan the local network for available storage systems that are not yet registered.

-i,--ipaddress <ip-address> 

Specifies the IP address of the storage system that you want to register.

-s,--set-name <array-name>

Specifies an array name.


Specifies to query for the current array password to update the management software’s registration database.

register sun-connection

Registers Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request.


register [-u <oracle-support-username>] [-H <proxy-host-name>] [-P <proxy-port-number>] [-U <proxy-username>] [-t] sun-connection


Registers Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request. Auto Service Request monitors the array system health and performance and automatically notifies Support when critical events occur. Critical alarms generate an Auto Service Request case. The notifications enable Support to respond faster and more accurately to critical on-site issues. All newly discovered arrays will also be registered with the saved registration options.


-H,--proxyHost <proxy-host-name>

Specifies the proxy host name.

-P,--proxyPort <proxy-port-number>

Specifies the proxy port number.


Specifies to send a test message using the current settings.

-U, --proxyUser <proxy-username>

A proxy host authenticated user name.

-u,--user <oracle-support-username>

Specifies a valid Oracle online account user name.


Specifies that you are registering the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays with Auto Service Request.


sscs register -H Proxy1 -P 8080 -u MyAcctId sun-connection

remove alarm


remove [-s <0|1|2|3>] [-f <device-type>] [-A] alarm [<alarm-ID[,alarm-ID...]>]


Removes the current alarms.


-f,--faultdevtype <device-type>

Removes alarms by the device type using a device key filter.

-s,--severity 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

Removes alarms with severity levels up to and including the level specified.

Severity Levels:

0 - minor

1 - major

2 - critical

3 - down


Removes all of the alarms.

alarm [<Alarm-ID[,Alarm-ID...]>]

Specifies the alarm ID or alarm IDs you want to remove.


sscs remove -f 6140 alarm
sscs remove -s 2 alarm
sscs remove -A alarm

remove notification

Removes a local or remote notification provider.


remove -e <email-id[,email-id...]> notification
remove -t <trapnumber[,trapnumber...]> notification
remove -f <filter-id[,filter-id...]> notification


Removes a local or remote notification.


-e,--email-id <email-id[,email-id...]>

Stops notifications to the specified email ID(s). Use list notification to view valid email IDs.

-f,--email-filter-id <filter-id[,filter-id...]>

Removes the email filter from the notification.

-t,--trap-id <trapnumber[,trapnumber...]> 

Stop notifications for the specified trap number(s).


sscs remove -e 2 notification
sscs remove -t 2 notification

remove registeredarray

Removes one or more arrays from the list of registered arrays.


remove -a <array-name[,array-name...]> registeredarray


Removes one or more arrays from the list of registered arrays.


-a,--array <array-name[,array-name...]> 

Specifies the registered arrays to remove.


sscs remove -a array00 registeredarray

remove userrole

Removes a user role assigned to a user name.


remove -u <user-name[,user-name...]> userrole <storage|guest>


Removes the privileges (storage or guest role) assigned to a user name.


-u,--username <user-name[,user-name...]> 

Specifies the user name.

userrole storage | guest

Specifies the user’s role to remove.


sscs remove -u jf39992 userrole guest

service contact

Tests connectivity to a specified array (inband communication test).


service -a <array-name> contact


Tests connectivity to a specified array (inband communication test).


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the array to which connectivity is tested.


sscs service -a j4400_test contact
Executing the contact command on j4400_test
Completion Status: Success

service disable

Disables a target drive in a specified array.


service -a <array-name> -t <fru-name> disable


Disables a target drive in a specified array.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the array containing the target drive to disable.

-t,--target <fru-name>

Specifies the name of the field-replaceable unit to disable. This parameter needs to be set to either the FRU name or the FRU ID, both of which can be obtained using variations of the list fru command. See list fru for further details.


sscs service -a j4400_test -t Disk.00 disable

service enable

Enables a target drive in a specified array.


service -a <array-name> -t <target-fru-name> enable


Enables a target drive in a specified array.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the array containing the target drive to enable.

-t,--target <target-fru-name>

Specifies the name of the field-replaceable unit to enable. This parameter needs to be set to either the FRU name or the FRU ID, both of which can be obtained using variations of the list fru command. See list fru for further details.


service -a j4400_test -t Disk.00 enable

service locate

Turns on the locator LED for an array, drive, or tray.


service -a <array-name> [ -t <target-fru-name> ] [ -o ] locate


Identifies the array, drive, or tray whose locator LED will be turned on.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the array whose locator LED will be turned on, or the array containing a specified target FRU.

-t,--target <target-fru-name>

Specifies the name of the field-replaceable unit whose locator LED will be turned on. This parameter needs to be set to either the FRU name or the FRU ID, both of which can be obtained using variations of the list fru command. See list fru for further details.


Specifies to turn off the locate LED.


Turn on the locate LED for a specified array:

service -a j4500_rocky locate

Turn on the locate LED for a target disk in a specified array:

service -a j4500_rocky -t Disk.00 locate

Turn off the locate LED for a target disk in a specified array:

service -a j4500_rocky -t Disk.00 -o locate

service print

Prints physical information available for a specified array.


service -a <array-name> -t arrayprofile print


Prints the contents of the array profile for a specified array.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the array for which information is printed.

-t,--target arrayprofile

Specifies a target file to print.


Print the specified array’s profile:

service -a j4500_rocky -t arrayprofile print

service set

Changes the name of a specified array.


service -a <array-name> set name=<new-array-name>


Changes the name of a specified array.


-a,--array <array-name>

Specifies the array for which you want to change the name.


Change array name from array_bob to array_steve:

sscs service -a array_bob set name=array_steve

unregister storage-system

Unregisters an array from the list of registered storage systems.


unregister storage-system <array-name[,array-name...]>


Unregisters an array from the list of registered storage systems.


storage-system <array-name[,array-name...]>

Specifies the storage system or systems that you want to unregister from the list of registered storage systems.


sscs unregister storage-system array19

unregister sun-connection

Stops notifications of system health and performance to Sun using the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature.


unregister sun-connection


Unregisters Sun Storage Common Array Manager software and all monitored arrays from Auto Service Request (ASR) which monitors the array system health and performance and automatically notifies Support when critical events occur. Newly discovered arrays will not be registered with the saved registration options.


sscs unregister sun-connection


Shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host, the version of the sscs client, or the version of the pclient.



If running the remote CLI, shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host and the version of the sscs client. If running the local CLI, only the version of the current Sun Storage Common Array Manager installation will be shown.


If running the remote CLI, shows the version of the pclient. Not valid with the local CLI.


Shows the version of the Sun Storage Common Array Manager software that you are running on the management host, the version of the sscs client, or the version of the pclient.


sscs -V
Sun Storage Common Array Manager v6.7.0.7
sscs client v2.1.4
sscs -v
$Id: pclient.c,v 1.1 2007/03/24 18:55:51 wf142404 Exp $