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Oracle® Linux Fault Management Architecture Software User's Guide

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Updated: October 2015

Display Information About Faulty Components

  1. Become an administrator.
  2. To display information about the components, enter the command:

    fmadm faulty

    See the following example for a description of the text generated.

Example 1  fmadm Output With One Faulty CPU
1   # fmadm faulty
2   ------------ ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
3   TIME         EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
4   ------------ ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
5   Dec 19 13:25 eed2208e-2dcf-40c9-9bab-ab3a13e94182  SPX86A-8002-30 Minor
7   Problem Status    : open
8   Diag Engine       : fdd 1.0
9   System          
10     Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
11     Name           : SUN SERVER X4-4
12     Part_Number    : 7066596
13     Serial_Number  : 489089M+13280X0042
14     Host_ID        : testserver16
16   ----------------------------------------
17   Suspect 1 of 1
18      Fault class  : fault.cpu.intel.mc_ce
19      Certainty    : 100%
20      Affects      : /chassis=0/motherboard=0/chip=0
21      Status       : faulted but still in service
23      FRU                
24         Location          : "/SYS/MB/P0"
25         Manufacturer      : Intel
26         Name              : unknown
27         Part_Number       : CM80636
28         Revision          : unknown
29         Serial_Number     : unknown
30         Chassis          
31            Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
32            Name           : SUN SERVER X4-4
33            Part_Number    : 7066596
34            Serial_Number  : 489089M+13280X0042
35            Status         : faulty
37   Description : A processor has detected multiple memory controller correctable
38                 errors.
40   Response    : The affected processor will be disabled at the next system boot
41                 and remain unavailable until repaired.  
42                 The chassis wide and processor service-required LED's are 
43                 illuminated.
45   Impact      : The system will continue to operate in the presence of this
46                 fault.
47                 System performance may be impacted due to disabled processor.
44   Action      : Please refer to the associated reference document at
45                 http://support.oracle.com/msg/SPX86A-8002-30 for the latest
46                 service procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.

The Affects and Status lines (lines 20 and 21) identify the component affected by the fault and its relative state. In this example, a single CPU is affected. It is marked "faulted but still in service".

Line 24 shows the data for the impacted FRU (Field Replaceable Unit). The location string (also called the FRU label) is "/SYS/MB/P0." it should match the label on the physical hardware or the value displayed by Oracle ILOM.

Line 35 shows the state as faulty.

The Action section might also include other specific actions instead of, or in addition to, the usual reference to the fmadm command.

Example 2  Showing Faults with the fmdump Command

Some console messages and knowledge articles might instruct you to use the older fmdump -v -u UUID command to display fault information. Although the fmadm faulty command is preferred, the fmdump command still operates, as shown in the following example:

1   # fmdump -v -u eed2208e-2dcf-40c9-9bab-ab3a13e94182
2   TIME                 UUID                                 SUNW-MSG-ID
3   Dec 19 13:25:38.0697 eed2208e-2dcf-40c9-9bab-ab3a13e94182 SPX86A-8002-30
4     100%  fault.cpu.intel.mc_ce
6        Problem in: hc://:chassis-serial=489089M+13280X0042:chassis-name=SUN SERVER X4-4:
chassis-part=7066596:chassis-mfg=Oracle Corporation/chassis=0/motherboard=0/chip=0
7           Affects: hc://:chassis-serial=489089M+13280X0042:chassis-name=SUN SERVER X4-4:
chassis-part=7066596:chassis-mfg=Oracle Corporation/chassis=0/motherboard=0/chip=0
8               FRU: hc://:chassis-serial=489089M+13280X0042:chassis-name=SUN SERVER X4-4:
chassis-part=7066596:chassis-mfg=Oracle Corporation:fru-serial=:fru-part=CM80636:
9          Location: /SYS/MB/P0

The time the fault was generated, its Unique Universal Identifier (UUID) and message ID are displayed on line 3.

The fault and percent certainty of the diagnosis are displayed on line 4.

If available, the FRU is presented in a Fault Management Resource Identifier (FMRI) format (lines 6 through 8), which includes descriptive properties about the system containing the fault, such as its chassis name (SUN SERVER X4-4) and chassis serial number. On platforms and components that support it, the part number and serial number of the FRU are also included in the FRU's FMRI. Otherwise, the FRU label is shown.

The FRU location (line 9) presents the human-readable FRU label. For example, the label /SYS/MB/P0 represents the CPU labeled "P0" on the motherboard.

Note that the severity, descriptive text, and action are not shown with the fmdump command, unless you use the -m option. See the fmdump(1M) man page for more information.