The EMConnectionManager is a shared interface for requesting and receiving data from an Oracle Commerce Assembler. It uses the interface of the EMAssemblerConnection in the iOS-rest-client project to submit actions to the assembler. The EMAssemblerConnection returns a response object, which has been parsed into NSObjects of type NSDictionary, and NSArray. The EMConnectionManager passes the NSObjects through to its delegate in the connection:didReceiveResponseObject: method. Typically, this delegate is the EMAssemblerViewController, which is discussed in the following section.

Connecting EMConnectionManager to your Running Assembler Instance

The EMConnectionManager uses the settings in the MobileCommerce-Info.plist for ATG_REST_SERVER_HOST, ATG_REST_SERVER_PORT and ENDECA_CONTEXT_PATH. You will need to edit these values to match those in your environment.

//Submit an action to the assembler and designate a call back
- (void)submitAction:(EMAction *)pAction withDelegate:(id<EMConnectionManagerDelegate>)pDelegate

//Constructor override extension point
- (id)initWithHost:(NSString*)pHost port:(NSInteger)pPort contextPath:(NSString*)pContextPath urlBuilder:(EMAssemblerConnectionURLBuilder*) pURLBuilder;

//sharedManager will return the default config as defined in the applications
//use constructor override if you wish to do something else
+ (EMConnectionManager *)sharedManager;
- (void)connection:(EMAssemblerConnection *)pConnection willSubmitAction:(EMAction *)pAction;
- (void)connection:(EMAssemblerConnection *)pConnection didSubmitAction:(EMAction *)pAction;
- (void)connection:(EMAssemblerConnection *)pConnection didReceiveResponseObject:(id)pResponseObject;
- (void)connection:(EMAssemblerConnection *)pConnection didFailWithError:(NSError *)pError;

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