Direct SQL deployment requires the following privileges on the target database schemas: SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT. Database-specific configuration is described in this section.

In addition, if your publishing and production database schemas are on different machines, you must set up database links (Oracle) or linked servers (Microsoft SQL Server) between the schemas, as described in Mapping Database Tables.

For more information about configuring databases and data sources, see the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configuring an Oracle Database

If you are using an Oracle database, increase the maximum concurrent open database links by setting the value of the OPEN_LINKS and OPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCE parameters in the INIT.ORA file. The default value of these parameters is 4, but you should set both parameters to 200 to ensure there are enough links for deployment. If deployment fails, you can increase these values further, although the maximum value you can set OPEN_LINKS to is 255. (The maximum value for OPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCE is 4294967295.) If setting OPEN_LINKS to 255 is still insufficient, you can try reducing the number of records deployed per transaction by setting the value of the /atg/epub/version/VersionManagerService.replicationTransactionBatchSize property, as discussed in Configuring Repository Replication.

In addition, if you see frequent ITL (interested transaction list) waits, you should increase the value of the INITRANS parameter for certain tables and indexes. The default value of INITRANS is 1 for tables and 2 for indexes, but you may need to increase the value to 10 (or possibly higher) for the dcs_category and dcs_product tables, and for the following indexes:

Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database

If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database, add the following elements to the data source configuration files for each Oracle Commerce Platform server:

<new-connection-sql>SET XACT_ABORT ON</new-connection-sql>
<check-valid-connection-sql>select 1</check-valid-connection-sql>

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