Take a look at Mary’s profile to see how the site updated her properties based on your actions:

The profile in the ATG Control Center consists of user-entered explicit information such as name, password, and gender, as well as implicit information – date of last session and broker ID. The aggressivenessIndex equals 11 in the ATG Control Center profile just as it did in the Quincy Funds Profile Web page. The fundsViewed property lists Quincy Venture fund (QUIVF) and Quincy Money Market fund (QUISB), which are the funds you viewed in the previous section. This information is funneled back to an investor’s broker.

This diagram is described in preceding text

To examine how the site uses the fundsViewed property:

Jack can use this information as an indicator that Mary’s investment style is changing. She’s invested in an aggressive fund, but she seems to be interested in a very conservative fund. Jack can send her a mix of e-mail targeted to aggressive and conservative investors, and once her interests become clear, he can add her to that group.

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