Viewing Capability Metrics

After you have defined a forecast with at least one specification limit (and, optionally, a target), you can run a simulation and display capability metrics for the forecast.

  To display capability metrics:

  1. Define a forecast with LSL, USL, and Target values as described in Setting Specification Limits and Targets.

  2. Run the simulation and display the chart for that forecast.

  3. In the forecast window, select View, and then Capability Metrics.

    A table of metrics opens, similar to Figure 129, Capability Metrics View.

    Figure 129. Capability Metrics View

    This figure displays  the Capability Metrics View.

For a description of each statistic, see the capability metrics list in the Oracle Crystal Ball Reference and Examples Guide.

It can be helpful to view a forecast chart and its capability metrics side by side in Split View. This is now the default view when capability metrics are activated. For instructions, see Using Split View.