Using the Certainty Grabbers

  To determine the certainty level for a specific value range using certainty grabbers:

  1. Select a forecast chart.

  2. Move the certainty grabbers on the forecast chart (Figure 16, Moving a Certainty Grabber).

    Click the grabber and then drag it when the cursor changes to a hand.

    Figure 16. Moving a Certainty Grabber

    This figure shows the grabber when selected, which can then be dragged to a new location.

Crystal Ball shades the columns outside the certainty grabbers a different color to show that those values have been excluded (Figure 17, Certainty Level: Values $0 to $20 (in Millions)).

Figure 17. Certainty Level: Values $0 to $20 (in Millions)

This figure displays the certainty level between the certainty grabbers.

The Net Profit forecast chart in Figure 17, Certainty Level: Values $0 to $20 (in Millions) is the same as the example in Figure 15, Forecast Chart, except that the certainty grabbers have been moved to a minimum value of $0.0 and a maximum of $20.0. The certainty level is now 65.6%; you can be 65.6% confident of making a net profit between $0 and $20 million.