Creating Scatter Charts

  To create a scatter chart:

  1. Select Run Preferences in the Crystal Ball ribbon.

  2. Click the Options tab and confirm that Store assumption values for sensitivity analysis is selected.

  3. Run a simulation in Crystal Ball.

  4. When the simulation stops, select View Charts, and then Scatter Charts, Scatter Charts.

  5. In the Scatter Charts dialog, click New.

  6. In the Choose Data dialog, select two or more assumptions or forecasts to include in the scatter chart.

    You can include up to 25 variables in a scatter chart. A warning message is displayed if you select more. If you try to create a scatter chart including an assumption but Store Assumption Values For Sensitivity Analysis is not selected in the Run Preferences dialog, select it, and then reset the simulation and run the simulation again.

  7. Optional: To create a scatter chart in Scatter view, set a single assumption or forecast as the target. You do not need to set a target to display the chart in Matrix view.

    To set a target, select the box in front of the target assumption or forecast, click its name, and then click Set As Target.

  8. Click OK to create the new scatter chart (Figure 41, Scatter Chart for the Selected Target, Scatter View). In that figure, Material 3 Reliability is set as the target and all assumptions are selected as secondary variables.

    Only a portion of the chart is shown in Figure 41, Scatter Chart for the Selected Target, Scatter View. For a view of the complete chart, see Figure 39, Scatter Chart, Scatter View, with Optional Lines and Correlations.

    Figure 41. Scatter Chart for the Selected Target, Scatter View

    This figure displays the scatter view for a scatter chart for a selected target.


In complex models with many assumptions and forecasts, you may find it helpful to begin by creating a sensitivity chart and then creating a scatter chart from the data included in it. For example, you could open a forecast chart and select Forecast, and then Open Sensitivity Chart to view a sensitivity chart. Then, in the sensitivity chart, you could choose Sensitivity, and then Open Scatter Chart to creat a scatter chart using that forecast as the target.

Information about features shown in Figure 41, Scatter Chart for the Selected Target, Scatter View: