E.28 Registration Issues

E.28.1 Problem: Remote Registration Tool Failure


Ensure that the agent name is unique (does not already exist) and that the AdminServer is running.

E.28.2 Problem: No ObAccessClient.xml File Generated


Protected and public resources must be described as relative URLs of the format '/index.html'. If the resource does not begin with a '/', no ObAccessClient.xml file will be generated.Verify the protected and public resource URLs and ensure all begin with a "/". For more information, see "Resource URL, Prefixes, and Patterns".

E.28.3 Problem: Partner Registration Failure

Partner registration can fail if you do not supply a unique agent name, which is also used to create an Application Domain. The agent name and Application Domain name must be the same and must be unique. Using the oamreg validate command can fail when the agent name does not match the Application Domain name.


Ensure that the agent name and Application Domain name are the same.