17.6 Replicating a Multi-Data Center Environment

Data in the Multi-Data Center environment must be replicated from the Master (supplier) to the Clones (consumers) as part of the initial setup procedure.

Following this initial replication, the data must be synced across data centers on a regular basis. The following sections have more details.

The following artifacts must be replicated and synced regularly.

  • WebGate Profiles

    While the WebGate profile is replicated to the Clone, the primary server list and logout URL details are updated with information about the Clone data center.

  • Authentication Modules

  • OAM Proxy Configurations

  • Session Manager configurations

  • Policy and partner data

See Synchronizing Data In A Multi-Data Center.

17.6.1 Replicating Data Using the WLST

Initial replication of data (when setting up the Multi-Data Center) must be done manually using the WLST.

Following this initial replication, WLST commands or the Automated Policy Sync Replication Service can be used to sync the already replicated data. When using the WLST, partner profiles and policies are exported from the Master Data Center and then imported to the Clone Data Center. Replication of data in a Multi-Data Center environment is a requirement and using WLST for this purpose is the minimum method for accomplishing this.

17.6.2 Syncing Data Using Automated Policy Synchronization

Automated Policy Synchronization (APS, also referred to as the Replication Service) is a set of REST API used to automatically replicate data from the Master Data Center to Clone Data Centers.

It can be configured to keep Access Manager data synchronized across multiple data centers. A valid replication agreement between the data centers must be present before APS can run. See Understanding the Multi-Data Center Synchronization.


APS is not used to do a complete replication from scratch. You will first need to replicate data manually using the WLST to establish a base line. APS is only designed to keep data centers in sync.