E.37 Validation Errors

The following sections provide information on the Validation Errors and solution to the problems.

E.37.1 Resource not added to Authentication or Authorization Policy


While creating an Authentication or Authorization Policy, if you add a resource that is already used in another Authentication or Authorization Policy, a validation error appears when you click Apply. This is expected.

If you click OK in the error window and then attempt to add a valid resource that is not used within another Authentication or Authorization Policy, the resource is not added and the Authentication or Authorization Policy is not created.


  1. Click Apply and close the Authentication or Authorization Policy page.

  2. From the navigation tree, click the named policy again, click the Edit to open the page, and add the new resource.

E.37.2 Validation Failure - "description" attribute is not valid


A validation error appears if you enter an optional description longer than 200 characters.


Keep optional descriptions to 200 characters in length and less than 10 lines.