18.9 addPartnerForMultiDataCentre

In an MDC deployment with n number of Data Centers, each Data Center has a registered partner to communicate with each of the other (n-1) Data Centers. This makes the total number of partner registrations (n) x (n-1). This online command is used to add a partner for inter Data Center OAP communication.


An MDC partner profile is exposed by each data center and used by other data centers to communicate with it. Registering an MDC partner is a two step process. Consider an MDC with three data centers. In DC1, expose an MDC partner profile by creating an OAM WebGate (DC1_MDC_Partner). Then, register DC1_MDC_Partner in DC2 and DC3 using addPartnerForMultiDataCentre. See addPartnerForMultiDataCentre for details.


This command adds a partner to the Data Center. It takes a value equal to the full path to, and name of, the partnerInfo.properties file.


Argument Definition


Mandatory. Takes a value equal to the path to, and name of, the partnerInfo.properties file.


Optional. Takes as a value the HTTP/HTTPS URL from which the Access Manager REST services can be accessed.

Table 18-4 documents the properties that comprise partnerInfo.properties. See Multi-Data Center Security Modes for properties file samples.

Table 18-4 partnerInfo.properties Properties

Property Definition


Cluster id of the remote Data Center with which the OAP communication needs to be established.


Partner ID of the registered partner profile in the remote Data Center. The "allow management operations" flag for this partner should be set in the remote Data Center.


Takes a fully-qualified-host-name:OAM-port for the primary Access Manager server corresponding to the remote DC identified by remoteDataCentreClusterId; for example: PrimaryHostPort=abc.example.com:5575


Takes a fully-qualified-host-name:OAM-port for the secondary Access Manager server corresponding to the remote DC identified by remoteDataCentreClusterId; for example: SecondaryHostPort=abc.example.com:5577

Consider an OAM MDC member Data Center with two managed servers at abc.example.com with ports as follows: oam_server1 (5575) and oam_server2 (5577). High availability/failover of the OAP SDK partner can be achieved by setting the PrimaryHostPort and SecondaryHostPort as below.




The access client password of the MDC partner registered in the remote Data Center.


Defines the MDC security mode. Takes a value of OPEN/SIMPLE/CERT. (CERT Mode is preferred, SIMPLE is fine but OPEN is discouraged.)

For SIMPLE and CERT modes, the following values should be supplied appropriately. For OPEN mode, these values are not applicable. See Multi-Data Center Security Modes.


Valid agent version 11g/10g.


Absolute path to the truststore file [SIMPE/CERT].


Absolute path to the keyStore file [SIMPLE/CERT].


Global passphrase set during the partner registration [SIMPLE/CERT].


Key store password set during partner configuration [SIMPLE/CERT].


The following command defines this data center as a Master.
