10.4 Classification of Reports for Access Manager

Access Manager Reports are classified based on functional area.

For example, Access Policy Reports, Attestation, Request and Approval Reports and Password Policy Reports are available. (It is no longer named Operational and Historical.) Oracle Access Manager Reports are classified into the following categories based on their functional areas:

10.4.1 Account Management Reports

The Accounts_Locked_Out Report is the account management report that allows administrators to view details about accounts that have been locked out.

Table 10-1 Accounts_Locked_Out Report Fields

Field Description

User ID

Identifier of the locked out user


Time stamp of the lockout

Component/Application Name

Component from which the user has been locked out

Event Details

Additional information

10.4.2 Authentication Reports

Authentication reports allow administrators to view details regarding user authentications.

The reports include: Authentication Statistics Report

The authentication report contains details regarding failed and successful authentications.

Table 10-2 Authentication_statistics Report Fields

Field Description


Failed (yes) or successful (no) authentication


Identifier of the user

Number of Events

Number of authentication events AuthenticationFromIPByUser

The AuthenticationFromIPByUser report contains details regarding failed and successful authentications from a particular IP address.

Table 10-3 AuthenticationFromIPByUser Report Fields

Field Description

IP Address

IP address of the client

Distinct User Count

Number of distinct users

Total Attempts

Number of authentication attempts from this IP address


List of users attempting authentication from this IP address AuthenticationPerIP

The AuthenticationPerIP report contains details regarding failed and successful authentications from this IP address.

Table 10-4 AuthenticationPerIP Report Fields

Field Description

IP Address

IP address of the server

Distinct Users

Number of users authenticated

Total Number of Attempts

Number of authentication attempts (successful and failed) AuthenticationStatisticsPerServer Report

The AuthenticationStatisticsPerServer report contains details regarding failed and successful authentications from a particular server instance.

Table 10-5 AuthenticationStatisticsPerServer Report Fields

Field Description

Server Instance Name

Identifier of the server instance

Success Count

Number of successful authentications

Failure Count

Number of failed authentications

10.4.3 Errors and Exceptions

The errors and exceptions report allows administrators to view errors and exceptions logged during the authentication process.

This report include: All Errors and Exceptions

All Errors and Exceptions report contains details regarding errors and exceptions encountered during runtime.

Table 10-6 All Errors and Exceptions Report Fields

Field Description

User ID

Identifier of the locked out user


Time stamp of the lockout

Component/Application Name

Component from which the user has been locked out

Client IP Address

IP address of the client

Message Event

The error or exception

Event Details

Information regarding the error or exception Authentication Failures

The Authentication Failures report contains details regarding failed and successful authentications.

Table 10-7 Authentication Failures Report Fields

Field Description

User ID

Identifier of the locked out user


Time stamp of the lockout

Component/Application Name

Component from which the user has been locked out

Client IP Address

IP address of the client

Authentication Method

Authentication method

Message Event Details

Message regarding the failed authentication


Authorization failure User Activities

There are no fields to define in the User Activities report. Authentication History

The Authentication History report contains details regarding failed and successful authentications.

Table 10-8 Authentication History Report Fields

Field Description

User ID

Identifier of the locked out user


Time stamp of the lockout

Component/Application Name

Component from which the user has been locked out

Client IP Address

IP address of the client

Authentication Method

Authentication method

Message Event Details

Message regarding the failed authentication


Authorization failure Authorization History

The Authorization History report contains details regarding failed and successful authorizations.

Table 10-9 Authorization History Report Fields

Field Description

User ID

Identifier of the locked out user


Time stamp of the lockout

Component/Application Name

Component from which the user has been locked out

Client IP Address

IP address of the client

Authentication Method

Authentication method

Message Event Details

Message regarding the failed authentication


Authorization failure Multiple Logins From Same IP

The Multiple Logins From Same IP report contains details regarding multiple logins from the same IP address.

Table 10-10 Multiple Logins From Same IP Report Fields

Field Description

IP Address

IP address

Usernames Used

Identifiers of users