18.3 Setting Up a Multi-Data Center

The MDC feature is disabled by default. To set up an Access Manager MDC, start with an Access Manager cluster, set all MDC global configurations and designate the cluster as the Master Data Center.

Following this, set up the Clone Data Center.


Before beginning this procedure, ensure that you have completed the points documented in Before Setting Up a Multi-Data Center

The following sections document the process for setting up an MDC. They include running the commands documented in WLST Commands for Multi-Data Centers.

18.3.1 Enabling the Master Data Center

You can enable the Master Data Center.

To enable:

  1. Set up the primary Access Manager Data Center and designate it as the Master.

    A Master Data Center can be an existing Access Manager cluster or a vanilla installation.

    1. Make note of the clusterId.

      The Access Manager bootstrap assigns a unique clusterId to the Access Manager cluster. To set a custom clusterId, use the setMultiDataCentreClusterName WLST command. See setMultiDataCentreClusterName.

    2. Enable Multi-Data Center mode by running the enableMultiDataCentreMode WLST command.

      enableMultiDataCentreMode sets an Access Manager cluster as Master, by default, and applies the global configurations. See enableMultiDataCentreMode, Primary Multi-Data Center Use Cases.


      To explicitly set the DC type as Master or Clone, use the setMultiDataCenterType WLST command documented in setMultiDataCenterType.

    3. Validate the MDC configuration by running the validateMDCConfig WLST command.

      See validateMDCConfig.

    4. Restart the Admin server.

18.3.2 Setting Up the Clone Data Center

The Master Data Center can be cloned when additional Data Centers are required.

The Data Center set up in Enabling the Master Data Center is designated as the Master and will be cloned using T2P tools for any additional Data Centers. All configuration and policy changes are propagated from the Master to a Clone using the WLST commands provided as part of T2P Tooling. The T2P process is explained in the following documents.

See Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware for information on T2P when using WebLogic Server.

  1. Execute the following commands on the Master Data Center.

    Ensure that the AdminServer and all Managed Servers are running. The $T2P_HOME directory is just a location where all the artifacts of this process are saved.

    $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/copyBinary.sh -javaHome $JAVA_HOME
     -archiveLoc $T2P_HOME/oamt2pbin.jar
     -sourceMWHomeLoc $MIDDLEWARE_HOME
     -idw true
     -ipl $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/oraInst.loc
     -silent true
     -ldl $T2P_HOME/oam_cln_log;
    $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/copyConfig.sh -javaHome $JAVA_HOME
     -archiveLoc $T2P_HOME/oamt2pConfig.jar
     -sourceDomainLoc $DOMAIN_HOME
     -sourceMWHomeLoc $MIDDLEWARE_HOME
     -domainHostName admin-dc1.us.example.com
     -domainPortNum 7001
     -domainAdminUserName weblogic
     -domainAdminPassword $T2P_HOME/t2p_domain_pass.txt
     -silent true
     -ldl $T2P_HOME/oam_cln_log_config
     -opssDataExport true
     -debug true;
  2. Copy the following files to the clone machine.

    The clone machine should not have any Oracle Access Management software installed on it.

  3. Execute the following commands on the Clone Data Center to copy all contents of $T2P_HOME directory from the master to the $T2P_HOME directory of the clone.

    $T2P_HOME/pasteBinary.sh -javaHome $JAVA_HOME -al $T2P_HOME/oamt2pbin.jar -tmw $MIDDLEWARE_HOME -silent true -idw true -esp false 
     -ipl $T2P_HOME/oraInst.loc -ldl $T2P_HOME/oam_cln_log_p -silent true
    $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/extractMovePlan.sh -javaHome $JAVA_HOME -al $T2P_HOME/oamt2pConfig.jar -planDirLoc $T2P_HOME/moveplan/
  4. Edit the extracted Moveplan.xml on the Clone Data Center to provide relevant details.


    Backup the original Moveplan.xml before editing.

    cp $T2P_HOME/moveplan/moveplan.xml $T2P_HOME/moveplan/moveplan.xml.org

    Each Clone Data Center will use a fresh set of OAM related schemas which need to be created using RCU in their respective databases. The new schema names and passwords need to be referenced in the moveplan.

    $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/pasteConfig.sh -javaHome $JAVA_HOME
     -archiveLoc $T2P_HOME/oamt2pConfig.jar
     -targetMWHomeLoc $MIDDLEWARE_HOME
     -targetDomainLoc $DOMAIN_HOME
     -movePlanLoc $T2P_HOME/moveplan/moveplan.xml
     -domainAdminPasswordFile $T2P_HOME/t2p_domain_pass.txt
     -ldl $T2P_HOME/oam_cln_log_paste_p
     -silent true
  5. Use pack and unpack to copy managed servers on separate hosts.

    See Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Templates and Domains Using the Pack and Unpack Commands for details.

  6. Configure any or all Clone Data Centers as follows.

    1. Set a unique data center identifier for the clone DC using the setMultiDataCentreClusterName WLST command.



      This step may be skipped if it was already done through the T2P process.

    2. Set the type to Clone for the Clone DC.


      Optionally the configuration and policy updates can be disabled on the Clone by executing setMultiDataCenterWrite(WriteEnabledFlag="false"). After executing the command, the Clone becomes read only for policy and configuration artifacts. See setMultiDataCenterWrite for details.

  7. Verify access to the Oracle Access Management Console and single sign-on between data centers.

To this point, one master and one clone are set up. Multiple clones can be set up similarly as required by repeating the cloning process. The above commands need to be executed for each of the clone DCs as per the topology using the appropriate cluster name each time.