50.2 Understanding Social Identity Configuration

The Welcome to Mobile and Social - Social Identity configuration page is divided into separate panels that can be expanded and collapsed by clicking the arrow button in the top left corner of the panel.

The following sections contain more information about the Social Identity panels.

50.2.1 Social Identity Providers

The Social Identity Providers panel is used to edit the (preconfigured) configuration details for Identity Providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the like. Once established, you should not need to modify these settings very often.

You can also define configuration details for Social Identity Providers that you add yourself by implementing the oracle.security.idaas.rp.spi.IdentityProvider Java interface. For information about adding additional Social Identity Providers, see "Extending the Capabilities of the Mobile and Social Server" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Access Management.

More information on Social Identity Providers is in

See Defining Social Identity Providers.

50.2.2 Service Provider Interfaces

The Service Provider Interface refers to the set of rules that govern the authentication flow for the specified Application Profile.

Mobile and Social provides the following Service Provider Interfaces:

  • DefaultServiceProviderInterface - provides support for web applications that run on Java-compliant application servers.

  • OAMServiceProviderInterface - provides support for web applications that run on the Access Manager service.

More information on Service Provider Interfaces is in Defining Service Provider Interfaces.


A Java developer can write custom implementations of one or more of the Identity Provider interface contracts. Use the Service Provider Interfaces section only if you need to add a custom Service Provider created by a developer.

50.2.3 Application Profiles

An Application Profile defines an application that uses Social Identity Provider services on the Mobile and Social server.

You can use this panel to configure mobile applications, web applications that run on Java-compliant application servers, and web applications that are integrated with Access Manager to use Social Identity.

  • If a web application is not integrated with Access Manager, integrate the Social Identity login page with the web application. See the "Developing Applications Using the Social Identity Client SDK" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Access Management for details.

  • If the web application is integrated with Access Manager, edit the preconfigured Application Profile named OAMApplication. When Access Manager and Mobile and Social are installed together during Oracle Access Management installation, both products are registered as trusted partners and the preconfigured Application Profile is included. As a result, you do not need to write code to integrate web applications that are integrated with Access Manager and Social Identity. The OAMApplication Application Profile that is included with Mobile and Social is preconfigured to work with Access Manager and requires only minor configuration changes to get working in your environment.

More information on Application Profiles is in Defining Application Profiles.