2.6 Using the Oracle Access Management Console

Log on to the Oracle Access Managemet console to perform the common console functionality like accessing SSO Agent search page to search specific elements, accessing online help, and logging out of Oracle Access Management console.

The following topics describe common console functionality:

2.6.1 Logging Out of the Oracle Access Management Console

The Sign Out link appears in the upper-right corner of the Oracle Access Management Console. Click the Sign Out link to conclude your session. Oracle recommends that you also close the browser window after signing out.

To sign out of the Oracle Access Management Console:

  1. Expand the drop down list under the name of the user that is logged in and select Sign Out.
  2. Close the browser window.

2.6.2 Accessing Online Help in the Oracle Access Management Console

At any time while using the Oracle Access Management Console, you can click the Help link located in the drop down menu under the user name at the top of the Launch Pad page to get more information. Online Help topics link to information in an online version of this book. Generally, topics that are displayed by selecting Help in the Oracle Access Management Console appear in only English and Japanese languages. Online Help is not translated into the ADMIN languages.

You can click the Welcome tab to display a list of topics that describe actions you can take. For specific help topics, use the following procedure.

To access online help in the Oracle Access Management Console:

  1. From the Oracle Access Management Console, click a tab.
  2. Click Help in the drop down menu under the user name in the upper-right corner.
  3. Review the page that appears in a new window and select one of the following links:
    • More—Click this link to view more information.

    • How?—Click this link to see steps to perform a task related to your help search.

    • Contents—Expand Contents in the left Help pane to see all the help topics and the topics in the online manual.

    • Search—Click this link to enter your search criteria in the help search window.

  4. Click the following buttons, as needed:
    • View—Displays a set of viewing options.

    • Arrows—Return to the previous page or go forward to the next page.

    • Printer Icon—Prints the page.

    • Envelope Icon—Sends the page through email.

2.6.3 SSO Agent Search Page

The Oracle Access Management Console provides search controls for specific elements such as Agents, Application Domains, and Resources.

Figure 2-3 is a screen shot of a Search page used for SSO Agent searches.

Figure 2-3 SSO Agent Search Page

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 SSO Agent Search Page"

Search pages differ depending on the entity you are trying to find. In all searches, you can leave a field blank to display everything or use a wildcard (*) character if you do not know the exact name you seek. Some search controls include the ability to save your search criteria. From the search results table, you can choose an item to open for viewing or editing.


The search tool is case insensitive.