E.15 Denial of Service Attacks

A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. One common method of attack involves saturating the target (victim) machine with external communication requests, such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable.

Denial of service attacks are classified into Authenticated and Unauthenticated Requests, and further classified as:

  • NAP Requests

  • HTTP Requests

Authenticated NAP Requests

For Authenticated NAP Requests, the OAM Server maintains a counter in the session and limits the number of retries. Despite this, after redirecting the user to an error page the user can repeat the cycle. This needlessly consumes server resources and can lead to OAM Server overloading.


To avoid OAM Server overloading with Authenticated NAP Requests, use relevant WebLogic overload configuration settings. These ensure that the server does not crash under load. However, this does not differentiate legitimate users from malicious users.

Authenticated HTTP Requests

You can handle a flood of HTTP Authenticated requests with a combination of WebLogic overload configuration and mod_security module settings.

Unauthenticated NAP Requests

Unauthenticated NAP Requests are handled by the WebLogic MDB pool throttling. This limits the number of NAP Requests that are forwarded to the OAM Server.

Again, this does not differentiate legitimate users from malicious ones.

Unauthenticated HTTP Requests

Configuring the mod_security module for the OHS server that front-ends the OAM Server enables rejection of malicious requests (unauthenticated HTTP Requests).

For more information, see:

E.15.1 Protecting the OAM Server from Crashing Under Load

If the number of requests to the OAM Server unexpectedly increases beyond what the server can handle, it could crash.

To limit the number of requests to the OAM Server:

  1. In the WebLogic Console, use the Message Driven Bean pool to restrict the number of NAP requests to the OAM Server.

    MDBeans pull NAP requests from the Server queue and deliver NAP requests to the Server for processing. Limiting the number of MDBean instances helps control the number of requests that are processed at a given time.

  2. In the WebLogic Console, configure the number of WebLogic worker threads that can be used (to restrict the number of requests to the OAM Server).

    MDBeans pull NAP requests from the server queue and deliver NAP requests to the Server for processing. Limiting the number of MDBean instances helps control the number of requests that are processed at a given time.

  3. In the WebLogic Console, configure the number of WebLogic worker threads that can be used (to restrict the number of requests to the OAM Server).

    See the topic on Thread Management in the guide to Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  4. In the WebLogic Console, specify a maximum incoming request size, complete message timeout, and set the number of file descriptors, to optimize performance as described in following topics in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server:

    • Tuning Message Size

    • Tuning Complete Message Timeout

    • Tuning Number of File Descriptors

E.15.2 Compensating for Network Latency

Consider the scenario where Webgate sends an authentication request to the OAM Server. After successful credential collection and validation, the OAM Server creates the session and the relevant cookies (OAM_ID, ObSSOCookie). However, due to network latency, the response times out by the time the OAM Server sends it to the Webgate which triggers Webgate to re-send the authentication request to the Server. The OAM Server recognizes the session, then recreates the ObSSOCookie, and sends the response to the agent. If the network latency persists, the cycle continues in an infinite loop between the Server and the Webgate. The user is neither asked to login again nor presented with an error message.

E.15.3 Protecting OAM Servers from a Flood of HTTP Requests

ModSecurity is a Web application firewall (WAF) that can be deployed as part of the existing Apache-based Web server infrastructure. This module can be plugged into the OHS Server that front-ends the OAM Server. In this way, Mod_security module protects the OAM Server from denial of service attacks.

A flexible rule engine is at the heart of ModSecurity. It implements the ModSecurity Rule Language, a specialized programming language designed to work with HTTP transaction data. A new configuration directive uses the httpd-guardian script to monitor for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. By default httpd-guardian defends against clients that send more than 120 requests in a minute, or more than 360 requests in five minutes.

See Also:


To protect from a flood of HTTP Requests

  1. Add the mod_security module to the OHS Server that front-ends the OAM Server.

  2. In the OHS Server configuration, set the configuration directive to use the httpd-guardian script to monitor for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.


    SecGuardianLog |/path/to/httpd-guardian


    SecGuardianLog |/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd-guardian