25.17 Managing Policies and Application Domains Remotely

Administrators can create or update existing policies remotely, without revising an agent's registration.


Review Remote Policy Management Modes, Templates, and Flags

To managing policies or an Application Domain remotely without an Agent

  1. Set up the registration tool as described in, "Acquiring and Setting Up the Remote Registration Tool".
  2. Copy the appropriate request template and develop your own policy-management request (including any Application Domain revisions needed):
    • Create Policy Request File

    • Update Policy Request File

  3. On the Agent host, run the following command with the appropriate mode and your own *Request*.xml input file. For example:

    policyCreate Mode:

    ./bin/oamreg.sh policyCreate input/myCreatePolicyRequest.xml

    policyUpdate Mode:

    ./bin/oamreg.sh policyUpdate input/myUpdatePolicyRequest.xml
  4. Provide the registration Administrator user name and password when asked.
  5. Confirm success by reading on-screen messages, then use the Oracle Access Management Console to manage the domain and policies:

    agentUpdate process completed successfully!

    Native Configuration File Location: "... created in output folder ..."

    The output folder is in the same location where RREG.tar.gz was expanded: .../rreg/output/AgentName/