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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)



Interface Summary
AdminManager AdminManger manipulates the administration roles and grant privileges for them.
AppRoleManager This class manages application roles.
ChangeLogManager This interface represents the change log manager that is used to query for incremental changes in policy (grants) and application roles.
ConfigurationBindingManager The class represents the binding between an ApplicationPolicy object and OES SecurityModule (PDP) and between an ApplicationPolicy object and an OES PIP configuration.
ConfigurationManager Configuration Manager interface is used to manage OES configuration such as OES Security Modules, OES Custom PIP.
EntityManager Interface used to interact with the persistence context.
ExtensionManager This class manages OES policy extension objects, including: Attribute Function
GrantManager An Entity Manager for Grants.
PDPInfoViewer The PDPInfoViewer provides access to PDP instances running information
PermissionSetManager An Entity Manager that offers create, read, update and delete of a PermissionSet in a persistent store.
PolicyDistributionManager PolicyDistributionManager interface defines the methods to trigger policy distribution and get the status report.
PolicyDomainManager This class manages policy domains.
PolicyManager A class to hold CRUD methods of policy objects
ResourceFinder A stateless, threadsafe interface to query for resources (by name, or QueryAttributes).
ResourceManager An Entity Manager to create, read, update and delete a Resource (instance).
ResourceTypeManager An entity manager that creates, reads, updates and modifies a ResourceType
RoleCategoryManager An entity manager that creates, reads, updates and modifies a RoleCategory
RolePolicyManager An entity manager to manage role policies.


Enum Summary
ChangeLogManager.ChangeLogEntity Supported change log entities


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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