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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)



Interface Summary
AdminResourceActionEntry A representation of an administration resource action pair.
AdminRoleEntry A representation of an administration role in policystore.
AppRoleEntry A representation of an application role in the policystore.
AttributeEntry<T extends DataType> A representation of an attribute defined in the system.
CodeSourceEntry A representation of a code source.
ExpressionComponent A representation of any entity that can appear as part of an expression.
FunctionEntry A representation of a function used in policy rule condition.
GranteeEntry A representation of a principal(user/group/role) or codesource granted with some permissions.
GrantEntry An in-memory representation privileges granted to a grantee.
ObligationEntry A representation of obligation used in advanced policy.
PermissionEntry A representation of a policy permission in policystore.
PermissionSetEntry A representation of a PermissionSet in policystore.
PolicyDomainEntry A representation of a policy domain.
PolicyEntry A representation of an authorization policy.
PolicyRuleEntry A representation of a policy rule, which is a component of a policy.
PrincipalEntry A representation of a principal in policystore.
PropertyPrincipalEntry A representation of a principal that has additional extensible attributes (and its value), represented as a Map<String,String> object in the policy store.
RoleCategoryEntry A representation of a role category in policystore.
RoleMemberEntry Deprecated.  
RolePolicyEntry An in-memory representation of a RolePolicy.


Class Summary
AnonymousRoleEntry A representation of an anonymous role.
AttributeAssignment<T extends DataType> The class contains attribute assignment of an obligation.
AttributeValueAssertion AttributeValueAssertion, the class stands for a simple operation between an attribute and a value, the operation should be evaluated to a boolean result.
BasicAdminResourceActionEntry This class provide basic implementation of interface AdminResourceActionEntry
BasicAttributeEntry<T extends DataType> A class to hold an in-memory attribute object.
BasicCodeSourceEntry A basic CodeSourceEntry class.
BasicObligationEntry A class to hold an in-memory obligation object For example,
BasicPolicyRuleEntry A class to hold an in-memory policy rule object.
BasicPrincipalEntry A class to hold an in-memory principal object.
BasicPropertyPrincipalEntry A class to hold an in-memory principal object.
BasicResourceActionsEntry A class to hold an in-memory resource_actions object.
BooleanExpressionEntry<ReturnType extends DataType> A standard expression which represents an expresion with Boolean return type.
BuiltInFunctionsHandler This class provides a wrapper for various definitions for all built in functions supported by OES.
DataType DataType is a super class of all DataType classes supported by OPSS policy store.
Expression Represents an expression.
InfoFactory A factory class that provides utility methods to create info objects.
MultipleParameters The class holds more than two parameters.
OpssAnyURI Represents a URI object as defined by
OpssBase64Binary Represents a base64 encoded binary object as defined by
OpssBoolean The class stands for boolean data type which supported by OPSS policy store and as defined by
OpssDate The class stands for date data type which supported by OPSS policy store and as defined by
OpssDateTime Represents a data time object as defined by A time zone is supported.
OpssDateTimeObject This object basically provides timezone management for three OES supported data types: date, time and dateTime.
OpssDayTimeDuration Represents a day time duration object as defined by
OpssDNSName Represents DNS name.
OpssDouble Represents a double as defined by
OpssHexBinary Represents a binary object in hex encoding as defined by
OpssInteger The class stands for integer data type which supported by OPSS policy store.
OpssIPAddress Represents an ip address (v4 and v6), as defined in XACML 3.0 core specification, section A.2
OpssRFC822Name This class represents rfc822Nameobject, as defined in XACML 3.0 core specification, section A.2
OpssString The class stands for string data type which supported by OPSS policy store.
OpssTime This class supports time object as defined in Arbitrary precision in decimal seconds is supported via fractionsal seconds Also, note that as per ISO 8601 date and time specification, midnight is 00:00:00 (and not 24:00:00), so hour value of 24 is not supported.
OpssX500Name This class represents a X.500 name object (an X.520 dn).
OpssYearMonthDuration This class defines a year month duration object as defined by
RuleExpressionEntry<ReturnType extends DataType> The class represents the condition expression of a policy.
ValueCollection This class represents a collection of values.
VarArgsInfo This class represents details of variable arguments to a function.


Enum Summary
AttributeEntry.AttributeCategory attribute category
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.DateTimeArithmeticFunctions Please see XACML3.0 core spec section A.3.7 to get a complete idea of all functions in this enum
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.FromStringConversionFunctions Please see XACML3.0 core spec section A.3.9 to get a complete idea of all functions in this enum
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.RuntimeIdentityContextAsserterFunction Custom OES function to validate runtime value of ID Context attribute against a specified value.
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.RuntimeIdentityContextRetriverFunctions Custom OES function to return a String value of ID Context attribute of type String or Boolean or Integer.
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.SpecialMatchFunctions Please see XACML3.0 core spec section A.3.14 to get a complete idea of all functions in this enum
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.SupportedArgTypes Represents the types of arguments OES can pass to a function, built-in or custom.
BuiltInFunctionsHandler.ToStringConversionFunctions Please see XACML3.0 core spec section A.3.9 to get a complete idea of all functions in this enum
FunctionEntry.ARG_TYPE Specifies type of input parameter or return value, whether it is single/ bag/ set.
PolicyEntry.POLICY_SEMANTIC Policy Semantic Enum
PolicyRuleEntry.EffectType This represents policy rule effect type.
RoleCategoryEntry.Properties Modifiable properties of a ResourceTypeEntry
RuleExpressionEntry.BuiltInFunctions Built-in functions supported in OPSS MAPI.
RuleExpressionEntry.FunctionCategory Categories of functions.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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