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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

Interface AdminRoleEntry

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AdminRoleEntry
extends PrincipalEntry

A representation of an administration role in policystore. Administration Roles are set at different levels.

They are as following

Note: This interface is defined as a mechanism to exchange information only. The consumer must not implement this interface. Rather, the consumer should rely upon the existing public classes that implement this interface.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getPolicyDomainName()
          Returns the name of the policy domain to which the entry belongs.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
          Set the description.
 void setDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
          Set the display name.


Methods inherited from interface
getAppID, getClassName, getDescription, getDisplayName, getGUID, getName, getPrincipal, getType, getUniqueName


Method Detail


void setDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
Set the display name.


void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
Set the description.


java.lang.String getPolicyDomainName()
Returns the name of the policy domain to which the entry belongs.
the name of the policy domain to which the entry belongs.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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