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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use TenantInfo   


Uses of TenantInfo in


Methods in that return TenantInfo
 TenantInfo UserSecurityContext.getTenantInfo()
          Gets the tenant information associated with the current authenticated user.


Uses of TenantInfo in


Methods in with parameters of type TenantInfo
 void ConfigurationService.activateTenant(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
          Activate a registered Tenant.
 void ConfigurationService.deactivateTenant(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
          Deactivate a registered Tenant.
 ManagementConfiguration ConfigurationService.getManagementConfiguration(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
          The Management Configuration View is a READ-WRITE view that allows CRUD operations on the Configuration.
 ContextConfiguration ConfigurationService.getTenantBootstrapConfiguration(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
          The bootstrap Configuration View is generally a Normalized ReadOnly view of the persistence layer configuration and is used by the OPSS Runtime.
 ContextConfiguration ConfigurationService.getTenantConfiguration(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
          The Runtime Configuration View is generally a Normalized ReadOnly view of the persistence layer configuration and is used by the OPSS Runtime.
 boolean ConfigurationService.isTenantActivated(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
 boolean ConfigurationService.isTenantRegistered(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
 void ConfigurationService.listenToConfigChanges(TenantInfo tenantInfo, ConfigContextChangeListener listener)
          Listen to changes to the Config Context of the tenant.
 void ConfigurationService.listenToConfigChanges(TenantInfo tenantInfo, java.lang.String serviceInstanceName, ServiceConfigChangeListener listener)
          Subscribe to configuration changes for a particular Service Instance.
 void ConfigurationService.registerTenant(TenantInfo tenantInfo, java.util.List<ServiceInstanceDescriptor> tenantConfig, java.util.List<ServiceInstanceDescriptor> tenantBootstrapConfig)
          Register a new tenant with the Configuration Service.
 void ConfigurationService.unregisterTenant(TenantInfo tenantInfo)
          Unregister a tenant.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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