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Interface GCSource

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public interface GCSource

This interface is a value object that represents a source of a validation operation. generic technology connector framework reconciliation operations provide the implementation for this interface. An instance of the implementation would be an input to the validation engine. The value object TransformationSource, which is the input for the transformation engine, is a sub-class of this VO

See Also:

Method Summary
 OIMRecord getSourceRecord()
          This method will return the source OIMRecord which is the input candidate for validation.
 tcUtilityOperationsIntf getUtility(java.lang.String name)
          This method will return the reference of an Oracle Identity Manager API Instance, that might be useful for the TransformationProvider.transformData(Hashtable, Hashtable) operation


Method Detail


OIMRecord getSourceRecord()
This method will return the source OIMRecord which is the input candidate for validation. Each of its parent/child attributes that need validation would be passed through the corresponding validation provider by the validation engine.
source OIMRecord on which validation needs to be done.


tcUtilityOperationsIntf getUtility(java.lang.String name)
                                   throws tcAPIException
This method will return the reference of an Oracle Identity Manager API Instance, that might be useful for the TransformationProvider.transformData(Hashtable, Hashtable) operation
name - Name of the Oracle Identity Manager API whose instance is needed. E.g. "Thor.API.Operations.tcLookupOperationsIntf"
needful Oracle Identity Manager API instance

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