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Interface TransformationSource

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public interface TransformationSource
extends GCSource

This interface is a value object that represents a source of a transformation operation (considering mapping source being available as IT resource parameters). The generic technology connector framework provisioning and reconciliation operations provide the implementation for this interface. An instance of the implementation would be an input to the transformation engine.

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Method Summary
 OIMRecord getOIMRecord(java.lang.String name)
          This method retrieves the IT resource that has been used for source mappings for this transformation.


Methods inherited from interface com.thortech.xl.gc.util.GCSource
getSourceRecord, getUtility


Method Detail


OIMRecord getOIMRecord(java.lang.String name)
This method retrieves the IT resource that has been used for source mappings for this transformation. This method will actually be available for usage in future versions of the generic technology connector framework. Users are requested not to use this method in version 9.1 of generic technology connector SDK.
name - Name of the IT resource
value object that represents an IT resource
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