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Class AbstractCondition

  extended by oracle.iam.policyengine.vo.conditions.AbstractCondition

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AbstractCondition
extends java.lang.Object
implements EvaluationCondition

AbstractCondition Top level class for a condition that implements the EvaluationCondition interface - it can be evaluated as true or false based on a set of facts (the input ValueObject). Each condition has two arguments and an operator so it looks something like this: "arg1 OP arg2" In comments and code various terms are used for the two arguments: Left side - arg1 - attribute - attrObj (etc) Right side - arg2 - value - valObj (etc) The arguments and the operator are contained in a SearchCriteria Condition that is an attribute of the AbstractCondition. There are two types of AbstractCondition - Composite and Simple A CompositeCondition is composed of two AbstractConditions joined by the AND or OR operator - arg1 and arg2 are either Composite or Simple conditions A SimpleCondition is composed of two arguments that are not AbstractConditions and an operator that is not AND or OR. CompositeConditions: AndCondition, OrCondition SimpleConditions: BeginsWithCondition, ContainsCondition, EndsWithCondition, EqualCondition, GreaterEqualCondition, GreaterThanCondition, InCondition, LessEqualCondition, LessThanCondition, NotBeginsWithCondition, NotContainCondition, NotEndsWithCondition, NotEqualCondition, NotInCondition An example of a SimpleCondition of type EqualCondition is: role[*].Role Name EQUAL "MyRole2" NOTE: This class must be kept thread-safe. It is intended to be accessed by multiple threads during the evaluation of rule conditions.

Method Summary
 SearchCriteria.Operator getOperator()
          Return the SearchCriteria operator associated with the condition
 java.lang.String getRuleName()
 int getToksSize()
static EvaluationCondition newCondition(Condition cond)
          Static factory method for creating an EvaluationCondition using the specified SearchCriteria Condition.
static EvaluationCondition newCondition(Condition tmpCond, java.lang.String tmpRuleName)
          Static factory method for creating an AbstractCondition using the specified SearchCriteria Condition and rule name Creates and returns an instance of a sub-class of CompositeCondition or SimpleCondition The class returned is based on the operator contained in the Condition.
 void prepopulateTokMap(java.util.Map tmpTokMap, java.util.Map tmpTokPathMap)
          Walk the condition tree pre-populating the string tokenizer map with entries that we know will be used repeatedly if the condition is evaluated multiple times.
 void printAllTokKeys()
 void printTokenizerMapSize()
 void setRuleName(java.lang.String tmpRuleName)


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.iam.policyengine.vo.conditions.EvaluationCondition


Method Detail


public static EvaluationCondition newCondition(Condition cond)
Static factory method for creating an EvaluationCondition using the specified SearchCriteria Condition. Creates and returns an instance of a sub-class of CompositeCondition or SimpleCondition The class returned is based on the operator contained in the Condition.
cond -


public static EvaluationCondition newCondition(Condition tmpCond,
                                               java.lang.String tmpRuleName)
Static factory method for creating an AbstractCondition using the specified SearchCriteria Condition and rule name Creates and returns an instance of a sub-class of CompositeCondition or SimpleCondition The class returned is based on the operator contained in the Condition.
tmpCond -
tmpRuleName -


public final SearchCriteria.Operator getOperator()
Return the SearchCriteria operator associated with the condition
- SearchCriteria operator


public final java.lang.String getRuleName()
Specified by:
getRuleName in interface EvaluationCondition


public final void setRuleName(java.lang.String tmpRuleName)
Specified by:
setRuleName in interface EvaluationCondition


public int getToksSize()


public void printTokenizerMapSize()


public void prepopulateTokMap(java.util.Map tmpTokMap,
                              java.util.Map tmpTokPathMap)
Walk the condition tree pre-populating the string tokenizer map with entries that we know will be used repeatedly if the condition is evaluated multiple times.
tmpTokMap -


public void printAllTokKeys()

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