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Interface EvaluationCondition

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EvaluationCondition

Interface for a condition that can be evaluated against facts. Condition evaluates to TRUE or FALSE For example, for an EqualCondition the condition might look like this: role[*].Role Name EQUAL "MyRole2" And the facts might contain: role[MyRole1].Role Name = MyRole1 role[MyRole2].Role Name = MyRole2 role[MyRole3].Role Name = MyRole3

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getRuleName()
 boolean isTrue(ValueObject inputVO, java.util.Map outputVO, boolean genOutput, boolean stopOnFirstMatch)
          Evaluate the condition against the facts (the inputVO).
 void setRuleName(java.lang.String ruleName)


Method Detail


boolean isTrue(ValueObject inputVO,
               java.util.Map outputVO,
               boolean genOutput,
               boolean stopOnFirstMatch)
Evaluate the condition against the facts (the inputVO).
inputVO - - Set of facts to evaluate against
outputVO - - Map that will contain output if genOutput == true
genOutput - - Flag indicating if output is to be generated during evaluation
stopOnFirstMatch - - Flag indicating if we should stop on first match. I.e. short-circuit If true then second condition in an AND will not be evaluated if first condition is false and second condition in an OR will not be evaluated if first condition is true If false then second condition in an AND will be evaluated even if first condition is false and second condition in an OR will not be evaluated even if first condition is true
- true if a match is found, false if not


java.lang.String getRuleName()


void setRuleName(java.lang.String ruleName)

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