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Package oracle.iam.request.exception

Exception Summary
ApprovalPolicyServiceException This is the generic exception for Approval Policy Management Service
ApprovalServiceException This is generic exception that will be thrown mostly if an error occurs while performing DB operations
BulkBeneficiariesAddException If there are exceptions while adding one or more beneficiaries to request, this exception will be used to report all the failed beneficiaries and corresponding exceptions for each user.
BulkBeneficiariesRemoveException If there are exceptions while removing one or more beneficiaries to request, this exception will be used to report all the failed beneficiaries and corresponding exceptions for each user.
BulkEntitiesAddException If there are exceptions while adding one or more entities to request, this exception will be used to report all the failed entities and corresponding exceptions for each entity.
BulkEntitiesRemoveException If there are exceptions while removing one or more entities to request, this exception will be used to report all the failed entities and corresponding exceptions for each entity.
EntityNotRequestedException This exception will be thrown if an entity is tried to be removed or updated form a request but it is not requested
InvalidBeneficiaryTypeException This exception will be thrown if the beneficiary type specified in request model and beneficiary type user provides to add or delete beneficiary doesnt match
InvalidRequestDataException This exception will be thrown if the request data is invalid
InvalidRequestException This exception will be thrown if a particular operation is not allowed for the request
NoBeneficiaryException This exception will be thrown if request model specifies that no beneficiaries are needed and user tries to add or remove beneficiaries
NoRequestPermissionException This exception is thrown if user doesnt have permissions on a request
RequestAlreadyClosedException This exception is thrown if request is already closed or withdrawn
RequestServiceException This is generic exception that will be thrown mostly if an error occurs while performing DB operations


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