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Package oracle.iam.request.history.jaxb

Class Summary
ApprovalChange Java class for approval-change complex type.
AssignmentChange Java class for assignment-change complex type.
Attribute Java class for attribute complex type.
BeneficiaryChange Java class for beneficiary-change complex type.
ChildEntity Java class for child-entity complex type.
ChildRecord Java class for child-record complex type.
DeletedRecord Java class for deleted-record complex type.
EntityChange Java class for entity-change complex type.
EntityModified Java class for entity-modified complex type.
ModifiedRecord Java class for modified-record complex type.
NewRecord Java class for new-record complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the oracle.iam.request.history.jaxb package.
RequestHistoryType Java class for request-history-type complex type.
StatusChange Java class for status-change complex type.
Task Java class for task complex type.
TaskStatusChange Java class for task-status-change complex type.


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