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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.2

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29 imadmin Command Reference

This chapter describes how to use the imadmin command to administer Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.

imadmin Overview

You can use the imadmin command to start, stop, and refresh the Instant Messaging server and multiplexor.

imadmin Requirements

You must invoke the imadmin command from the host on which Instant Messaging server is installed. Run imadmin as root or as the end user you specified during configuration.

imadmin Location

By default, imadmin is installed in the following location:


imadmin Commands

Table 29-1 lists and describes commands related to the imadmin command.

Table 29-1 imadmin Commands and Descriptions

Command Description

imadmin assign_services

If iim.policy.modules is set to iim_ldap, and is set to ldap, this command adds object classes (sunIMUser, and sunPresenceUser) to user entries in the directory. Instant Messaging Server requires these object classes to store properties in LDAP. The assign_services command fails if the LDAP search limit exceeds the defined value. To avoid this failure, increase the search limit of the LDAP server. Set the values of the directory server parameters as follows:

  • To set unlimited limit for the search size, type:

    dsconf set-server-prop search-size-limit: unlimited
  • To set unlimited limit for the search time, type:

    dsconf set-server-prop search-time-limit: unlimited

imadmin status

Checks to see if the components (server, multiplexor, agent-calendar, and watchdog) are up and running and displays the results. If you don't specify a component, the imadmin command returns information about all components.

imadmin start

Starts the enabled component(s).

imadmin stop

Stops the enabled component(s).

imadmin refresh

Refreshes the enabled component(s).

imadmin start server

Starts only the server.

imadmin stop server

Stops only the server.

imadmin refresh server

Refreshes only the server.

imadmin start multiplexor

Starts only the multiplexor.

imadmin stop multiplexor

Stops only the multiplexor.

imadmin refresh multiplexor

Refreshes only the multiplexor.

imadmin start agent-calendar

Starts only the Calendar agent.

imadmin stop agent-calendar

Stops only the Calendar agent.

imadmin refresh agent-calendar

Refreshes only the Calendar agent.

imadmin start watchdog

Starts only the watchdog.

imadmin stop watchdog

Stops only the watchdog.

imadmin refresh watchdog

Refreshes only the watchdog.

imadmin version

Displays the version.

imadmin start sms-gateway

Starts the SMS Gateway.

imadmin stop sms-gateway

Stops the SMS Gateway.

imadmin status sms-gateway

Displays the status of SMS Gateway.

imadmin refresh sms-gateway

Refreshes the SMS Gateway.

imadmin start gw-connector

Starts the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.

imadmin stop gw-connector

Stops the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.

imadmin status gw-connector

Displays the status of the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.

imadmin refresh gw-connector

Refreshes the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.

imadmin start relay

Starts the relay server.

imadmin stop relay

Stops the relay server.

imadmin refresh relay

Refreshes the relay server.

imadmin status relay

Displays the status of relay server.

imadmin smf-register

Registers the Service Management Facility (SMF) with Instant Messaging Server.

imadmin Syntax

imadmin [ options ] [ action ] [ component ]

imadmin Options

Table 29-2 lists and describes options for the imadmin command.

Table 29-2 Options for imadmin Command

Option Description

-c alt-config-file

Used with the start and refresh actions, to specify a configuration file other than /etc/opt/sun/comms/im/default/config/iim.conf.xml file.


Displays help on the imadmin command.

imadmin Actions

Table 29-3 lists and describes actions performed after various imadmin commands are issued.

Table 29-3 Actions for imadmin Command

Action Description


Returns information about Instant Messaging Server components (server, multiplexor, agent-calendar, and watchdog). You do not need to provide a component with this action.


Sets the classpath, the Java heap size and starts all the specified components.


Stops all the specified component's daemons.


Stops and starts the specified component(s). Useful after a configuration change.

imadmin Components

Table 29-4 lists and describes the components for the imadmin command.

Table 29-4 Components for imadmin Command

Components Description


Indicates the Calendar agent (agent-calendar).


Indicates the multiplexor alone.


Indicates the Instant Messaging server.


Indicates the watchdog.


Indicates the SMS Gateway.


Indicates the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.


Indicates shoal cross-subnet relay server.