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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.2

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30 imconfutil Command Reference

The imconfutil command enables you to set, modify, and list Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server configuration properties. This chapter describes the imconfutil command. It gives the tool's syntax, commands and command options, and examples of its usage.

Requirements: Must be run locally as root on the Instant Messaging Server host.

Location on UNIX: InstantMessaging_home/sbin


The syntax of the imconfutil command is:

imconfutil [ -c config-file ] [ --quiet ] command [ command-specific options ] --help


Table 30-1 shows the options for the imconfutil command.

Table 30-1 imconfutil Options

Option Description

-c configuration_file

Specifies the iim.conf.xml file, for example, /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml.

-h | --help

Prints help information.

-q | --quiet

The output of the command prints only the value, not the property name.

command [ command-specific options ]

Administers configuration properties and descriptions.

Table 30-2 shows imconfutil commands and command-specific options. Options that are, in fact, optional appear in brackets.

Table 30-2 imconfutil Commands and Command-specific Options

Command and Command-specific Options Description

set-prop property

Sets a configuration property.

del-prop property

Deletes a configuration property.

get-prop property

Lists the value of a configuration property. The get-prop command, with the -c option, but without a specific property, displays the values of all properties.

verify property password

Verifies that a specified password property (for example, iim_ldap.usergroupbindcred) is set to the given cleartext string in the iim.conf.xml file.

add-ldap-replica id=id host=host [ port=port ] [ usessl=true | false ]

Adds a new LDAP replica description. id is a unique name for the LDAP replica. host is the host name or IP address of the LDAP replica. port is the port number on which the LDAP replica listens. usessl specifies whether to use SSL when connecting to this LDAP replica.

delete-ldap-replica id

Deletes an existing LDAP replica description entry.

set-ldap-replica-prop id[ host=host ] [ port=port ] [ usessl= true | false ]

Modifies the properties of an LDAP replica description entry. id is a unique name for the LDAP replica. host is the host name or IP address of the LDAP replica. port is the port number on which the LDAP replica listens. usessl specifies whether to use SSL when connecting to this LDAP replica.

get-ldap-replica-prop id

Lists the properties of an LDAP replica description.


Displays a list of LDAP replica description entries.

add-component id=id
jid=jid [ password=password ] [ broadcastpresence=true | false ]

Adds a component. id can be any string, but it is convenient to use something that identifies the component, such as calagent, httpbind, msngateway, aimgateway, smsgateway, or yimgateway. jid is the jabber ID to bind the component to the Instant Messaging server. password authenticates the component to the Instant Messaging server. broadcastpresence is for use when the Web Presence API is added. If set to true, it allows Instant Messaging Server to send presence information to the Web Presence API.

delete-component id

Deletes an existing component description entry.

set-component-prop id property= value [ property= value... ]

Modifies the properties of a component description entry.

get-component-prop id

Lists the properties of a component description.

verify-component-pass id password

Verifies that the component with the specified ID has the specified cleartext password in the iim.conf.xml file.


Displays a list of component description entries.

add-coserver id serverid password host [ requiressl= true | false ] domain

Adds a new coserver description. id is a unique name for this coserver entry. serverid is the server ID used to identify this coserver, and should be the same as mentioned in that coserver's configuration. password is used to authenticate this coserver. host is the host name or IP address of this coserver. requiressl specifies whether TLS is required when connecting to this coserver. domains specifies the domain served by this coserver.

delete-coserver id

Deletes an existing coserver description entry.

set-coserver-prop id property= value [ property= value... ]

Modifies the properties of a coserver description entry.

get-coserver-prop id [ server id password host [ requiressl=true | false domain ]

Shows the properties of a coserver description. id is a unique name for this coserver entry. serverid is the server ID used to identify this coserver, and should be the same as mentioned in that coserver's configuration. password is used to authenticate this coserver. host is the host name or IP address of this coserver. requiressl specifies whether TLS is required when connecting to this coserver. domains specifies the domain served by this coserver.

verify-coserver-pass id password

Verifies that the coserver whose ID is id has the specified cleartext password in the iim.conf.xml file.


Displays a list of coserver description entries.

add-server-threadpool id=id maxthreads= maxthreads [ capacity=capacity ]

Adds a new server threadpool entry.


Deletes an existing server threadpool entry.


Modifies the properties of a server threadpool entry.

get-server-threadpool readpool-prop id maxthreads=maxthreads capacity=capacity

Displays the properties of a server threadpool entry.


Displays a list of server threadpools.

set-default-server-threadpool id

Sets the default server threadpool.


Displays the default server threadpool ID.

add-mux-threadpool id=id maxthreads=maxthreads [ capacity=capacity ]

Adds a new multiplexor threadpool entry.

delete-mux-threadpool id

Deletes an existing multiplexor threadpool entry.

set-mux-threadpool-prop id property= value [ property= value... ]

Modifies the properties of a multiplexor threadpool entry.

get-mux-threadpool-prop id maxthreads capacity

Displays the properties of a multiplexor threadpool entry.


Displays a list of multiplexor threadpools.

set-default-mux-threadpool id

Sets the default multiplexor threadpool.


Displays the default multiplexor threadpool ID.

add-listener id=id port=port protocols=protocols [ property=value... ]

Adds a new listener entry.

delete-listener id

Deletes a listener entry.

set-listener-prop id property= value [ property= value... ]

Modifies the properties of a listener entry.

get-listener-prop id [ property1 property2... ]

Displays the properties of a listener entry.


Displays a list of listeners.

add-jmqbrokerid= id address= hostnameport: user=broker_name password=broker_password

Adds a JMQ broker for handling calendar availability notifications.

delete-jmqbroker id

Deletes a JMQ broker.


Lists the IDs of all JMQ brokers. The properties of an individual broker can then be obtained using the imconfutil get-jmqbroker-prop command.

set-jmqbroker-prop id property= value [ property= value... ]

Sets one or more properties of a JMQ broker. To set more than one property, enter a space-separated list of property=value pairs. The properties you can set are:

  • address: the host name and port (hostname:port) of the JMQ publisher that the calendar-agent broker communicates with. The JMQ publisher is a part of Calendar Server.

  • user: The user name for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.

  • password: The password for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.

get-jmqbroker-prop id

Gets the properties of the JMQ broker with the specified ID.

verify-jmqbroker-pass id password

Verifies that the JMQ broker whose ID is id has the specified cleartext password in the iim.conf.xml file.

generate-password cleartext_password

Encrypts a given cleartext password and prints it out. Use this command when to change an individual password in an Instant Messaging Server state file. For information on state files, see Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


Generate a new encryption key and newly encrypted passwords for all current Instant Messaging Server passwords.

Example imconfutil Commands

The following are examples of using the imconfutil command.

  • To print a list of command options:

  • To use the specified configuration file and print the value of the iim.instancedir parameter:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml get-prop iim.instancedir
  • To get help for a command:

    imconfutil set-prop --help
  • To set a single property:

    imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim.instancedir=/var/opt/SUNWiim/default
  • To set multiple properties:

    imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim.instancevardir=/var/opt/SUNWiim/default iim.instancedir=/etc/opt/SUNWiim/default
  • To add a component:

    imconfutil add-component -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml calagent password=password
  • To print the value of all enabled (configured) components:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml list-components
  • To display all properties currently set in the iim.conf.xml file:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/iim.conf.xml get-prop
  • To delete a component:

    imconfutil delete-component -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml calagent
  • To delete a property:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml del-prop iim_ldap.resynctime
  • To display a component's property:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml get-component-prop calagent
  • To add an LDAP replica:

    imconfutil add-ldap-replica -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml id=ldap1 port=1389 usessl=false
  • To print both the restricted and unrestricted list of commands and options (-u switch):

    imconfutil -u
  • To set a restricted property:

    imconfutil set-prop -u -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml smsgw.sms_limit=-1
  • To verify a password property:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml verify iim_ldap.usergroupbindcred admin
  • To verify a component password:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml verify-component-pass httpbind admin
  • To verify a cosever password:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml verify-coserver-pass coserver1 admin
  • To add a JMQ broker:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-jmqbroker id=broker1 user=thisjmqbroker password=zyxw
  • To generate an encrypted password for replacing a password in a state file:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml generate-password drowp
  • To generate a new encryption key and newly encrypted passwords for all current Instant Messaging Server passwords:

    imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml rekey