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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.2

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31 iwadmin Command Reference

This chapter describes the iwadmin command. It gives the tool's syntax, commands and command options, and examples of its usage.

Overview of the iwadmin Command

The iwadmin command enables you to deploy, redeploy, and undeploy XMPP Web components that are installed with Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server. For a list of these IM Web components, see "iwadmin Commands and Command-Specific Options". You can also use the iwadmin command to create a WAR file or a ZIP file that contains a WAR file and additional files needed for an XMPP Web component.

The location of the iwadmin command is: InstantMessaging_home/sbin/. You have to run iwadmin locally, as root, on the Instant Messaging Server host.


The syntax of the iwadmin command is:

iwadmin [ iwadmin options ] command [ command-specific options ]

iwadmin Options

There are two iwadmin options. The options can be placed anywhere after the iwadmin command:

Table 31-1 lists the iwadmin options that are available.

Table 31-1 iwadmin Options

Option Description

[ --verbose | -v ]

Enables verbose output.

[ --force | -f ]

If the all command option is used (see "iwadmin Commands and Command-Specific Options") and the command fails on one Web application, this option forces a continuation to the next Web application.

iwadmin Commands and Command-Specific Options

Each of the iwadmin commands, with the exception of the iwadmin list command, requires specification of an option that corresponds to a Web component provided with Instant Messaging Server. Table 31-2 lists the IM Web components.

Table 31-2 Options for Web Components Provided with the Instant Messaging Server

Web Component Description


Use was deprecated in Instant Messaging Server 8; obsolete and unavailable since Instant Messaging Server


Can be used with all iwadmin commands, except for the iwadmin list command.


This option corresponds to the Web Presence API. It can only be used with the iwadmin generatezip command. For more information on the Web Presence API, see "Using the Web Presence API".

Table 31-3 lists iwadmin commands and command-specific options.

Table 31-3 iwadmin Command and Command-Specific Options

Command and Command-Specific Options Description

generatezip IM_Web_component [ --configfile | -c ] [ --destination | -d ]

Creates a ZIP file for deploying Instant Messaging Server.

The ZIP file contains:

  • A deployable WAR file for the specified IM Web component, either presenceapi or httpbind.

  • A template file, either presenceapi.conf.template or httpbind.conf.template, to use for creating a configuration file for the specified IM Web component.

  • A template file, either presenceapi_log4j.conf.template or httpbind_log4j.conf.template, for configuring a log4j log file for the specified IM Web component.

  • The Instant Messaging Server password tool. For information on the password tool, see "passwordtool Command Reference".

The --configfile or -c parameter specifies the future location of the configuration file for the Web Presence API, once the ZIP file is unzipped. The location of the configuration file must be given as an absolute path.

The --destination or -d parameter specifies the destination directory and file name for the ZIP file. The destination must be given as an absolute path and the destination directory must exist before you generate the ZIP file.

Example iwadmin Commands

The following examples show how to use the iwadmin command.

  • To print a summary of iwadmin usage:

  • To create a ZIP file containing a WAR file and other files needed for deploying the presenceapi IM Web component (see generatezip in Table 31-3):

    iwadmin generatezip presenceapi -c /opt/components/presence/config -d /opt/components/presence/config/deploy/