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Developer's Guide to Oracle® Solaris 11.3 Security

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Updated: April 2020

Opening a Connection With the Server

The call_server() function uses the following code to make the connection with the server:

     if ((s = connect_to_server(host, port)) < 0)
          return -1;

s is a file descriptor, the int that is initially returned by a call to socket().

connect_to_server() is a simple function outside GSS-API that uses sockets to create a connection. The source code for connect_to_server() is shown in the following example.

Example 14  connect_to_server() Function
int connect_to_server(host, port)
     char *host;
     u_short port;
     struct sockaddr_in saddr;
     struct hostent *hp;
     int s;
     if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Unknown host: %s\n", host);
          return -1;

     saddr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
     memcpy((char *)&saddr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(saddr.sin_addr));
     saddr.sin_port = htons(port);

     if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
          perror("creating socket");
          return -1;
     if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0) {
          perror("connecting to server");
          (void) close(s);
          return -1;

     return s;