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Developer's Guide to Oracle® Solaris 11.3 Security

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Updated: April 2020

Using This Documentation

  • Overview – This guide describes the public application programming interfaces (API) and service provider interfaces (SPI) for the security features in the Oracle Solaris operating environment. The term service provider refers to components that are plugged into a framework to provide security services, such as cryptographic algorithms and security protocols.

  • Audience

      This guide is intended for C-language developers who write the following types of programs:

    • Privileged applications that can override system controls

    • Applications that use authentication and related security services

    • Applications that need to secure network communications

    • Applications that use cryptographic services

    • Libraries, shared objects, and plugins that provide or consume security services

    Note -  For Java-language equivalents to the Oracle Solaris features, see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/index-jsp-136007.html.
  • Required knowledge – Readers of this guide should be familiar with C programming. A basic knowledge of security mechanisms is helpful but not required. You do not need to have specialized knowledge about network programming to use this book.

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