This section highlights information for existing customers about important new Secure Shell features in this release.
Oracle Solaris offers an openssh implementation of Secure Shell. The implementation is built on the latest OpenSSH project, plus modifications for the Oracle Solaris environment.
The sunssh implementation (SunSSH) is still the default. The pkg mediator command switches between the two implementations. For more information, see OpenSSH Implementation of Secure Shell and How to Use the OpenSSH Implementation of Secure Shell.
The packaging for Secure Shell is changed to handle the SunSSH and OpenSSH implementations. See Secure Shell Packages and Configuration Files.
Recent releases of Oracle Solaris contain modifications to the SunSSH implementation. For more information, see SunSSH Implementation of Secure Shell.
Recent releases of Oracle Solaris enable different versions of Secure Shell on networked systems to use identical Secure Shell configuration files. For more information, see Sharing .ssh/config Files Between Multiple Oracle Solaris Releases.
Oracle Solaris supports GSS-API credentials for authentication. See GSS-API Authentication in Secure Shell.