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Oracle® Solaris 11 Desktop Accessibility Guide

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Updated: March 2018

Using the Orca Keyboard Commands

The Key Bindings page provides a complete list of the available keyboard commands of the Orca Configuration GUI. To open the Orca Configuration GUI, press Orca Modifier+Spacebar.

To enter Orca's Learn mode while running Orca, press Orca Modifier+H. When in Learn mode, Orca will intercept all keyboard and Braille input events and indicate what the effect would be. To exit Learn mode, press the Escape key.

Orca provides additional commands for some applications, such as Firefox. To display the list of additional commands for an application, press Ctrl+Orca Modifier+Spacebar when that application has focus. The Orca Configuration GUI opens in the application-specific state, and additional commands appear in the Key Bindings page.

The GNOME Desktop also has built in keyboard commands to control the desktop and its applications. For more information about the GNOME shortcut keys, see Using the Keyboard to Navigate the Desktop.


Caution  -  The MouseKeys use the KP_Insert key to emulate a mouse button press. When enabled, MouseKeys can conflict with KP_Insert as the Orca modifier, resulting in a stuck Orca modifier key. As an alternative, you can use the laptop key bindings, which avoid the keypad for Orca commands. If you accidentally enable MouseKeys, you can disable it using the gnome-keyboard-properties application.

Using the Desktop Layout Commands

The following sections list the common Orca keyboard commands for desktop keyboards arranged by category.

Flat Review Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts for flat review commands when you use a desktop layout.

Table 1  Keyboard Shortcuts for Flat Review Commands in a Desktop Layout
Moves the flat review cursor to the previous line and reads it
Reads the current line
Moves the flat review cursor to the next line and reads it
Move the flat review cursor to the previous word and reads it
Reads the current word
Moves the flat review cursor to the next word and reads it
Moves the flat review cursor to the previous character and reads it
Reads the current character
Moves the flat review cursor to the next character and reads it
Performs left mouse click at the location of the flat review cursor
Performs right mouse click at the location of the flat review cursor
Numpad+Minus sign
Toggles between flat review and focus tracking modes

Note -  These commands apply when working with objects as well as when working with text. For example, if the flat review cursor is positioned on a menu bar, issuing the “read current line” command would speak the names of all visible menus. Similarly, issuing the “read next word” command would speak the object to the right of the flat review cursor on the same line, or move flat review to the next line if no more objects were found.
Bookmark Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the shortcut keys for bookmark commands when you use a desktop layout.

Table 2  Keyboard Shortcuts for Bookmark Commands in a Desktop Layout
Assigns a bookmark to a numbered slot. If a bookmark already exists in the slot, the bookmark is replaced with a new one.
Goes to the position pointed to by the bookmark bound to this numbered slot.
Where Am I information for this bookmark relative to the current pointer location.
Insert+B and Insert+ Shift+B
Moves between the given bookmarks for the given application or page.
Saves the defined bookmarks for the current application or page.
Miscellaneous Functions

The following table lists the shortcut keys for miscellaneous functions when you use a desktop layout.

Table 3  Keyboard Shortcuts for Miscellaneous Functions in a Desktop Layout
Numpad+Plus sign
Say All command. Reads from the current position of the caret to the end of the document.
Where Am I command. Speaks information such as the title of the current application window, as well as the name of the control that currently has focus.
Enters Learn mode. Press Escape to exit.
Speaks font and attribute information for the current character.
Displays the Orca Configuration dialog box.
Reloads user settings and reinitializes services as necessary. Also, displays the Orca Configuration dialog box for the current application.
Toggles speech on and off.
Toggles reading of tables, either by a single cell or a whole row.
Quits Orca.
Debugging Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the shortcut keys for debugging commands when you use a desktop layout.

Table 4  Keyboard Shortcuts for Debug Commands in a Desktop Layout
Reports information on the currently active script.

Note -  To use the next three commands, Orca must be started from a virtual console or through the gnome-terminal. Output is sent to the console only and not to speech or Braille.

Prints a debug list of all the known applications to the console where Orca is running.
Ctrl+Alt+Insert+ Page Up
Prints debug information about the ancestry of the object with focus.
Ctrl+Alt+Insert+ Page Down
Prints debug information about the hierarchy of the application with focus.

Using the Laptop Layout Commands

Following is a list of common Orca keyboard commands for laptop keyboards arranged by category.

Flat Review Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts for flat review commands when you use a laptop layout.

Table 5  Keyboard Shortcuts for Flat Review Commands in a Laptop Layout
Caps Lock+U
Moves the flat review cursor to the previous line and reads it. Double-click to move flat review to the top of the current window.
Reads the current line. Double-click to read the current line with formatting and capitalization details.
Caps Lock+O
Moves the flat review cursor to the next line and reads it. Double-click to move flat review to the bottom of the current window.
Caps Lock+J
Moves the flat review cursor to the previous word and reads it. Double-click to move flat review to the word above the current word.
Caps Lock+K
Reads the current word. Double-click to spell the word. Triple-click to hear the word spelled phonetically.
Caps Lock+L
Moves the flat review cursor to the next word and reads it. Double-click to move flat review to the word below the current word.
Caps Lock+M
Moves the flat review cursor to the previous character and reads it. Double-click to move flat review to the end of the current line.
Caps Lock+Comma
Reads the current character. Double-click to pronounce the character phonetically if it is a letter.
Caps Lock+Period
Moves the flat review cursor to the next character and reads it.
Caps Lock+7
Performs a left mouse click at the location of the flat review cursor.
Caps Lock+8
Performs a right mouse click at the location of the flat review cursor.
Caps Lock+p
Toggles between flat review and focus tracking mode.

These commands apply when working with objects as well as when working with text. For example, if the flat review cursor is positioned on a menubar, issuing the “read current line” command speaks the names of all visible menus. Similarly, issuing the “read next word” command speaks the object to the right of the flat review cursor on the same line, or move flat review to the next line if no more objects were found.

Bookmark Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts for bookmark commands when you use a laptop layout.

Table 6  Keyboard Shortcuts for Bookmark Commands in a Laptop Layout
Alt+Caps Lock+[1-6]
Adds a bookmark to the numbered slot. If a bookmark already exists for the slot, it is replaced with the new one.
Caps Lock+[1-6]
Goes to the position pointed to by the bookmark bound to this numbered slot.
Where Am I information for this bookmark relative to the current pointer location.
Caps Lock+B
Moves between the given bookmarks for the given application or page.
Alt+Caps Lock+B
Saves the defined bookmarks for the current application or page.
Miscellaneous Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the shortcut keys for miscellaneous functions when you use a laptop layout.

Table 7  Keyboard Shortcuts for Miscellaneous Functions in a Laptop Layout
Caps Lock+Semicolon
Say All command. Reads from the current position of the caret to the end of the document.
Caps Lock+Return
Where Am I command. Speaks information such as the title of the current application window, as well as the name of the control that currently has focus.
Caps Lock+H
Enters Learn mode. Press Escape to exit.
Caps Lock+F
Speaks font and attribute information for the current character.
Caps Lock+Spacebar
Starts the Orca Configuration dialog.
Caps Lock+Ctrl+Spacebar
Reloads user settings and reinitialize services as necessary. It also starts the Orca Configuration dialog for the current application.
Caps Lock+S
Toggles speech on and off.
Caps Lock + F11
Toggles reading of tables, either by single cell or whole row.
Caps Lock + Q
Quits Orca.
Debugging Keyboard Commands

The following table lists the shortcut keys for debugging commands when you use a laptop layout.

Table 8  Keyboard Shortcuts for Debug Commands in a Laptop Layout
Caps Lock+Alt+Ctrl+Home
Reports information on the currently active script.

Note -  In order for the next three commands to be of use, Orca needs to be started from a virtual console or using the gnome-terminal. The output is sent to the console only and not sent to speech or Braille.

Caps Lock+Alt+Ctrl+End
Prints a debug listing all known applications to the console where Orca is running.
Caps Lock+Alt+Ctrl+ Page Up
Prints debug information about the ancestry of the object with focus.
Caps Lock+Alt+Ctrl+Page Down
Prints debug information about the object hierarchy of the application with focus.