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Oracle® Solaris 11 Desktop Accessibility Guide

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Updated: March 2018

To Enable Orca

This procedure describes how to enable Orca for the first time. Press Return after each action to proceed through the setup.

You can change the settings at any time by running the --text-setup option when you start Orca, or by pressing Insert+Spacebar while Orca is running to start the Orca Configuration GUI. The settings are saved in the ~/.orca/user-settings.py file. You need to log out and log back in for the new settings to take effect.

  1. Open a Run dialog by pressing Alt+F2 or Meta+R.
  2. Start the text-only guided setup by typing the following command:

    orca --text-setup Enter

  3. Select a language from the list.

    The default language is set to English.

    Note -  Using the default eSpeak text-to-speech engine, Orca supports about 45 languages.
  4. Determine whether to activate the Echo by Word option, which instructs Orca to speak words as you finish typing, by typing y or n.
  5. Determine whether to activate the Key Echo option, which instructs Orca to speak all keys as they are pressed, by typing y or n.
  6. Choose the keyboard layout that determines which key should act as the Orca modifier key, which is used in conjunction with other keys to enable keyboard access to most of the program functions.

    The options are:

    • 1 – Desktop uses the Insert key

    • 2 – Laptop uses the Caps Lock key

  7. Indicate whether you require Braille output by typing y or n.

    This functionality assumes that a BRLTTY compatible device is available, although Orca can still function if you type y without a BRLTTY device available.

  8. Determine whether you want an on-screen Braille output monitor by typing y or n.

    This feature is useful for developers who need to verify BRLTTY output, but may also be useful in other situations, such as visually diagnosing or verifying Braille output.

    Orca should be enabled on your system.

    Note -  If accessibility was not yet enabled, Orca enables accessibility and then advises you to log out and restart your login session.

Magnifier in Full Screen Mode

If you plan to use the Magnifier portion of Orca in full screen mode, confirm that the Xserver Composite extension is enabled. To enable the Xserver Composite extension, perform the following actions:

  • Press Alt+F2 or Meta+R to open the Run dialog.

  • Type the xdpyinfo command and press Enter.

  • Look for the string Composite in the output.