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Oracle® Solaris 11.3 Programming Interfaces Guide

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Updated: April 2019

UNIX Domain Sockets

UNIX domain sockets are named with UNIX paths. For example, a socket might be named /tmp/foo. UNIX domain sockets communicate only between processes on a single host. Sockets in the UNIX domain are not considered part of the network protocols because they can be used to communicate only between processes on a single host.

Socket types define the communication properties visible to a user. The Internet domain sockets provide access to the TCP/IP transport protocols. The Internet domain is identified by the value AF_INET. Sockets exchange data only with sockets in the same domain.

Creating Sockets

The socket() call creates a socket in the specified family and of the specified type.

s = socket(family, type, protocol);

If the protocol is unspecified (a value of 0), the system selects a protocol that supports the requested socket type. The socket handle (a file descriptor) is returned.

The family is specified by one of the constants defined in sys/socket.h. Constants named AF_suite specify the address format to use in interpreting names. For more information, see the socket(3XNET) man page.

The following creates a datagram socket for intrasystem use:

s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

Set the protocol argument to 0, the default protocol, in most situations.